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Showing posts with label Carol Marion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Carol Marion. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Another Connections Layout

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Over the weekend I was playing with the Connections Kit by Carol's DigiScrap Creations. I just love how this kit has endless possibilites for layouts! If you haven't checked this kit out yet, you really should!

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Here's the latest layout I've made with using this awesome kit...

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It's time for me to get some sleep now. Enjoy your day!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

I'm so excited!

One of the layouts I made with the Connections kit by Carol's DigiScrap Creations was voted layout of the month at Cool Scraps Digital. Isn't that cool! It made my day.
Here's another look at the kit...

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And here's another look at my layout...

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The Connections Kit is on sale for 30% off!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Another Connections Layout

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OK, so I admit it...I just can't stop playing with the Connections kit by Carol's DigiScrap Creations. If you have it, you understand and if you don't have it....why not?!? Right now, this kit is on sale for 30% off at Cool Scraps Digital! Here's another look at the preview...

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And here's the latest layout I've put together with this awesome kit...

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This kit is wonderful for working with black and white photos and pictures of grandparents or great grandparents.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Connections by Carol's DigiScrap Creations

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Carol hasn't had the time to do as much designing as she used to, but when she comes out with a new kit it's always a winner! Take a look at this one called Connections.

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This kit has 32 papers and 40 elements. The inspiration behind the kit were the connections we have and make with the people, places and things in our lives.

Take a look at one of the layouts I've made with the kit.

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You can pick up this beautiful kit in Carol's store at Cool Scraps Digital.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Guy Thing

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I pulled out the Guy Thing kit by Carol's DigiScrap Creations the other day and made another layout I wanted to show you.

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This is such a great kit! I know you've got some pictures that are perfect for these wonderful papers and elements.

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If you would like the wordart I used on my layout, you can download it here.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Layout using Guy Thing

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I wanted to show you a layout I made with the Guy Thing kit by Carol's DigiScrap Creations.
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This layout was made for this month's font challenge at Stuff to Scrap.
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You can buy the Guy Thing kit in Carol's store at Cool Scraps Digital.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Guy Thing

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Do you need a kit that's perfect for your manly man layouts? Check out the Guy Thing Kit by Carol's DigiScrap Creations. This kit has 20 papers, 30 elements and an alpha. Here's the preview...

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And here's a layout I made...

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I'm off to get some sleep now. Enjoy your day!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Layout with January's Promise

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It's hard to believe that another weekend is over and I have to go back to work. YUCK! At least this should be a fun week. On Friday we're having Kindergarten Olympics and if my class uses just half the energy they have in class, we should do pretty well. LOL!

Today, I pulled out the January's Promise kit by Carol's DigiScrap Creations and made this layout.

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January's Promise is such a pretty kit. I really haven't used it enough.

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I'm off to get some sleep now. Enjoy your day!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Layout with January's Promise

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I had some time to play with Carol's January's Promise kit again. Yes, even though the kit is called January's Promise it's perfect for scrapping February and Valentine pictures.

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Just check out this cute Valentine layout I made...

I'm going to get some sleep now. Enjoy your day and don't forget to look for me at digifree!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

January's Promise

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Carol has a beautiful kit in her store at Cool Scraps Digital called January's Promise. The kit was inspired by the endless possibilities that a new year brings, but the soft colors of the kit make it perfect for many different layouts. Right now the kit is on sale, so you can get the 20 papers and 32 elements for only $3.68.

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I wanted to share with you one of the layouts I've made with the kit...

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I'm going to sleep now. Make sure you pick up January's Promise while it's on sale and don't forget to look for me at digifree!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Heritage Scrap at Cool Scraps Digital

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Carol is hosting a really fun heritage scrap challenge at Cool Scraps Digital. Just make a layout using any kit from any designer at CSD about a family tradition and post it in the gallery by January 30th. Some lucky scrapper is going to win a $5.00 gift certificate to Carol's store!

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Doesn't that sound like fun? The only hard part is deciding which family tradition to scrap about. LOL!

I'm heading to bed now. Tomorrow is a workday. YUCK! Enjoy your day and don't forget to look for me at digifree!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

My Father

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While I was going though some of the old photos my mom dug up while checking out our family history I found this photo of my dad in his younger days. I used Carol's Remember When kit to make a layout for the scraplift challenge at Stuff to Scrap.

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I was 14 when my dad passed away and we weren't close because I was a rotten kid. Now, I love when I come across a picture of him.

I need to get some sleep and you need to check out the sale Carol has on her kits at Cool Scrap Digitals. You should also check her blog for some freebies!

Enjoy your day and don't forget to look for me at digifree!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Another Remember When Layout

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Well, I totally wasted the first day of the new year. I hope that's not a bad thing. I slept and ate and slept some more. I did join my friends for a little while because they cooked dinner and I never turn down a free meal. LOL!

I wanted to show you another layout I made with Carol's Remember When kit. You really should check out her store at Cool Scraps Digital because she has got lots of things on sale!

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I also wanted to give you another goodie. I hope you haven't finished scrapping all of your Christmas pictures because this is the wordart I made for the December More Than Words Challenge at Stuff to Scrap. If you have finished all of your Christmas scrapping will you do mine for me too? LOL! Seriously, you haven't finished have you? If you have, you've a better scrapper than I am and you can save this for next year. The download link is below the picture.

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The January challenges are posted at Stuff to Scrap and you really should check them out. They're lots of fun!

I know it's hard to believe that I would be tired after sleeping most of the day, but I am. So, I'm going to sleep now. Enjoy your day and don't forget to look for me at digifree!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Remember When

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I had a wonderful day of doing nothing today and it was great! After being away from home for Christmas it was great to just be here. Now tomorrow, I have to go out and run some errands then I'm meeting my friends for lunch. YUMMY! I can't believe my two week vacation is almost over! I have to enjoy what's left of it.

I do want to tell you about one of Carol's kit's called Remember When. This beautiful kit is on sale at Cool Scrap Digitals. Check out these previews...

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I've made one layout with the kit so far, but I know I'll be using it for lots more!

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I'm going to get some sleep now. Enjoy your day and don't forget to look for me at digifree!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

I think the smoke has cleared....

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It feels like my best stories always begin with...I tried to cook...LOL!

I made toast today and there were actual flames. I have the bread perfectly buttered and garlic-ed and in the toaster oven when the phone rang. When I went to pull the toast out it fell off the back of the tray and hit the heating element. Then it caught on fire. Being the calm person that I am....I panicked! LOL!

I dropped the phone and tried to reach in and get my toast before it was....well, toast and burned myself. I tried blowing on the flames to make the fire go out and that didn't work. I closed the door, unplugged the oven and stood there waiting for the flames to die while thinking about how much I really wanted that toast. LOL!

Well, I never did get to eat my toast but the house didn't burn down either so it's OK. I've got a cute little red mark I can show people while bragging about my cooking skills. It's a good thing the cute guy who thought I could bake wasn't around today. LOL!

Now, is this a good time to remind you of April's recipe card exchange? LOL!

I also wanted to show you another layout I made with the Love Story kit by Carol's Digiscrap Creations. The wordart on this LO is part of the kit.

The kit is on sale at Cool Scraps Digital! Make sure you check it out.

Tomorrow morning I have an appointment at the DMV to renew my license. They only let you renew online so many times then you have to go in for a new picture. This is my year for a new picture. YUCK!

The good news is that after I get my new license I'm leaving for Key West. YIPPEE! I'll be back on Sunday so I've pre-posted some wordart for you while I'm gone. Hopefully you'll find something you can use.

I'm going to get some sleep so I'll look pretty in my new license picture. LOL! Enjoy your day and look for me at digifree!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Love Story

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Have you had the chance to check out Carol's Love Story Kit? This beautiful kit is huge! There are 28 papers, 49 elements and a wordart package. The kit also just happens to be on sale for 25% off. That means you can pick it up for only $3.75!

Take a look at these previews...

The kit is perfect for wedding, anniversary and engagement pages, but with all the wonderful elements and papers it can be used for so much more too. Just look at the layout I made...

I'll be back soon to show you another layout I made, but in the mean time make sure you pick up the kit for some of your awesome layouts!

I'm going to get some sleep now. Enjoy your day and look for me at digifree!


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