Have a fun and safe Halloween!
***If the download link isn't working, please, just right click on the word art and save it to your computer.***
Monday, October 31, 2011
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Halloween layout contest at CSD!
Cool Scraps Digital is having a fun Halloween layout contest and 5 scrappers will win a gift certificate to the store. All you have to do is create a layout, upload it to the CSD gallery & forum, and post about it on your blog. Fun & easy!
For my layout I used a new kit from FlowerScraps called A Haunting. Here it is...
Pick you favorite Halloween kit and head over to CSD to check out the challenge. Layouts have to be posted by the 31st!
Cool Scraps Digital,
Celebrate Awareness by April the Scrapaholic
April has added another kit called Celebrate Awareness to her blog store. It's a super cute kit with a great cause---for every kit sold April is donating $1 to The Breast Cancer Site. That means you get a great kit for scrapping your photos and help a good cause all at the same time!
Check out the kit preview...
I used Celebrate Awareness to make a QP for you. Just click on the preview below to go to 4shared for the download. Make sure you visit April's blog store to check this kit as well as her other kits and awesome freebies!
Boy Thing by Nibbles Skribbles
Nibbles Skribbles has a great kit called Boy Thing that is perfect for scrapping all your little boy pictures. the kit has 36 elements, 12 papers and an alpha. Check out the preview...
I've used the kit for two layouts so far, but since I have a friend who is expecting a baby boy I know this kit is going to get used over and over again!
You can find Boy thing in the Nibbles Skribbles store at The Studio. You should also take advantage of the Halloween sale and check out all of her other great kits!
Nibbles Skribbles,
Friday, October 28, 2011
2012 Calendar Templates by Nibbles Skribbles
It's time to start thinking about your 2012 calendars! It doesn't matter if you're making them for yourself or as a gift for someone else, if you're anything like me, you need to start making them now!
Nibble Skribbles is helping to make the task a little easier with her 2012 Calendar templates. They are 8.5x11 so they fit perfectly on a regular size of paper, but you can always resize them if you need a smaller or larger calendar.
The calendar grids come in PNG format as well as layered TIFF and PSD format. Perfect for everyone!
Now, to make things even better----there is a sale at The Studio this weekend so you can save 30% on the personal use version! Of course, there is also a CU friendly set available! Check out the preview...
Don't you just love it! Nibbles Skribbles has taken care of the hard part of creating calendars! YAY!
Oh, and don't forget to check out the super cute Holiday Calendar Markers!
The Story of Me, part 12
This is the end of Clara's story. Next week, we'll begin learning of Harmony's life with Pat.
December 31, 1989
Pat entered the house quietly. The baby was sleeping and she wanted to put her down for a nap before checking in on Clara,
Poor Clara. She hadn’t started drinking again, but she had withdrawn back into herself. Most days Clara didn’t bother to get out of bed. Mortimer’s death had hurt Clara deeply. She had loved two men in her lifetime and both of those men had been murdered.
Pat had indulged Clara’s moods for long enough. Today she had refused to get out of bed for Mortimer’s funeral. Pat attended the service with Harmony and watched the church door hoping Clara would enter to say her good byes, but she never did and that made Pat angry. Clara had to get over herself. She had to deal with the pain and move on. There was a baby to take care of and raise. Staying in bed all day was no longer an option and Pat intended to make sure Clara understood that.
The baby was sleeping safely in her crib as Pat tiptoed across the hall and knocked on Clara's door. She waited for the usual “Go away!” that Clara screamed on a regular basis, but it never came. Pat knocked again as she opened the door expecting to see Clara in the bed that had been her home for the last week, but the bed was empty. At first Pat was relieved, thinking Clara was finally coming around. Then she noticed the open closet and the empty hangers that were inside.
Pat moved into the room for a closer look. Clara didn’t own many clothes, but the ones she did own were no longer in this room. Pat tried to remain calm as she moved on to the bathroom and saw that Clara’s few toiletries had been removed from there also.
Clara was gone. She had waited for Pat to leave the house with Harmony and then she left. Pat was in shock. She checked in on the sleeping baby before going into the kitchen. Pat sat at the table and cried. She cried for Mortimer who had died too soon. She cried for Clara whom she had grown to love and prayed that the woman would return home safely. She cried for Harmony, the small baby that had now been abandoned by two different people in her short lifetime.
Pat cried quietly because she did not want to wake the baby. When Pat had no more tears to cry she reminded herself of the hard but loving advice she had planned to give Clara. Get over yourself. Deal with the pain and move on.
Pat stood and started preparing dinner for herself and the baby.
Pick up your own copy of The Day Ginger Snapped!
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
I should have known....
I should have known it was going to be a bad day when I woke up thinking I needed to find my 100th day t-shirt and stop to buy a cake on my way to school.
Today was only the 45th day of school!
I actually laid in bed going over the things I needed to do today and those were honestly the first two things on my list.
Can you imagine the looks I would have gotten if I had shown up in that t-shirt and carrying a cake?
I have no idea what I was dreaming before I woke up, but it must have been good! lol!
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Another Camping Retreat QP freebie!
I've got another quickpage made with April's Camping Retreat kit. Just click on the preview to go to 4shared for the download and make sure you check out the kit in April's blog store!
Monday, October 24, 2011
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Monday Afternoon Speed Scrap
Scraps of Ellay is hosting a speed scrap on Monday at Stuff to Scrap. Check it out if you have the time. It's sure to be lots of fun and you'll also get a super cute participation prize!
Scraps of Ellay,
speed scrap,
Stuff to Scrap,
Saturday, October 22, 2011
They must be trying to kill us!
Guess what? We had no AC at school again today-----but we did have HEAT!
Who do you think decided that it was a good idea to have it on just because the temperature was 70 when we woke up this morning?
We can't get air when we need it, but we get heat whether we need it or not.
They must be trying to kill us.....it's the only explaination that makes sense!
Friday, October 21, 2011
The Story of me, part 11
December 24, 1989
More than four months had passed since Harmony’s first birthday and the AA meeting Clara had attended with Mortimer. Clara had sat silently as Mortimer stood up and introduced himself. He talked about his son that had died from cancer. He told of his struggles with alcohol, the DUI that came after he drove his car into one of the local canals, the day his wife had moved out and filed for divorce, the morning he had woken up in downtown Miami wearing nothing but his underwear and one sock. He told of his fight to stay sober and how he tried to help others by offering free taxi rides to and from rehab. He talked about his friend Clara and how she had invited him to a birthday party for her granddaughter. He said that he respected her strength and prayed for her everyday.
Clara sat there listening and felt the strangest movement inside her chest. It was almost as if her heart was waking up after sleeping for way too long. Tears slowly rolled down her face as Mortimer took a seat and she stood to share her story for the first time.
The room fell into complete silence as Clara told of her Harvey and his murder. Her daughter, Lily and how she had left ten months earlier. Then Clara talked of the shame that came from being so drunk for so long that she had completely missed her own daughter’s pregnancy and the birth of her granddaughter. She talked about Harmony and how much she wanted to love the baby, but how she felt removed from her. As if she were watching from a distance even when she held the baby girl in her arms. She talked of Pat and how the woman had scared her and threatened her with jail if she didn’t get sober. She talked about Mortimer and how they had met when he had given her one of those free rides home from rehab.
There wasn’t a dry eye in the room when Clara finished her story and walked out quietly. Mortimer had followed her out and caught up with her in the hallway. Clara threw herself into his arms and cried uncontrollably. He slowly eased the sobbing woman to the floor and sat there holding her until she cried herself to sleep.
That day changed everything for Clara. It was as if she had finally woken up from the nightmare that had been her life. Instead of just going through the motions, she started living. She laughed and played with Harmony. She got her hair fixed and bought new clothes. She listened to the radio and sang along. She spoke to the people she passed on the street instead of lowering her head and trying to go unnoticed.
That day was also the day Clara fell in love with Mortimer. She was still newly sober and forming a new relationship was discouraged this early in sobriety, but Clara couldn’t stop herself once she fell for him. Over the last four months, the two had become virtually inseparable.
Now it was Christmas Eve and Clara was listening to Christmas carols as she wrapped the last of the presents she bought for Harmony, Pat and Mortimer. Pat had taken Harmony out to see Santa Claus and the Christmas lights so that Clara and Mortimer could share dinner alone at the house.
Clara heard footsteps coming up the front steps and ran to open the door before Mortimer could even knock. She was surprised to see two uniformed police officers standing on her porch.
“May I help you?” Clara asked timidly.
“We’re looking for Clara Van Ingen.”
Clara tightened the grip she had on the door and leaned into it for support. “I’m Clara. What can I do for you?”
Both officers removed their hats as the older of the two spoke. “Ma’am, I’m Officer Anniston and this Officer Chase. May we step inside and speak to you for a minute?”
“No, I’m expecting company so I don’t have much time. Please, just tell me how I can help you.” Clara said sounding much stronger than she felt.
The two officers exchanged an uncomfortable look. “I’m sorry, but I think it would be better we could come inside and sit down…”
“What do you want from me?” Clara raised her voice in fear and anger as she cut them off.
There was another uncomfortable look between the two officers and a shuffling of weight as the older officer formed the words he needed to say inside his head. “Ms. Van Ingen, do you know a Mortimer Gomez?”
“Yes. I’m expecting him for dinner any minute now.”
“I’m sorry to tell you that Mr. Gomez has been killed. His cab was found out in the everglades. You were listed as his contact person. Ms. Van Ingen, we’ll be happy to come inside and stay with you until you can call someone to come over.”
“No. I don’t want you to come in. Just tell me what happened to Mortimer.”
“We’re still looking into it, but it looks like he was robbed. He probably picked up the wrong customer. Ma’am, can we call someone for you?”
“No.” Clara closed the door on the two officers and walked slowly back to her bedroom. She crawled into bed and under the covers without getting undressed.
Get your copy of The Day Ginger Snapped!
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Harvest of Memories Add-Ons!
Shel Belle Scraps and The Scrappy Kat have one last Harvest of Memories freebie for you today. They are each giving away a beautiful paper pack add on. Shel has got some cardstocks and The Scrappy Kat has some worn papers. The preview below is linked to Shel's blog for you.
Give me a break!
After four days of rain my street still hasn't flooded! I'm seriously considering moving! Well, that's not true, but I am still mad at the weatherman!
Then to pour salt on the wound....or maybe I should say an umbrella over the puddle.....the AC was out at school AGAIN!
I'm not sure how that's the weatherman's fault, but I'm already mad at him so he's taking the blame. I mean, why should I be upset with two different people when I can concentrate on being angry with one?
I'm efficient like that! lol!
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Harvest of Memories Brag Book pages!
There are lots of Harvest of Memories freebies available today!
I've got two 5x7 brag book pages for you. Just click on the preview below to go to 4shared for the download. Make sure you visit Shel Belle Scraps and The Scrappy Kat to find out what other freebies are available and where you can grab them!
Brag Book Pages,
Shel Belle,
The Scrappy Kat,
Just Fallin' by FlowerScraps
FlowerScraps is releasing a beautiful autumn kit today called Just Fallin'. Check out the preview...
This kit has 32 elements, 12 papers, one alpha and 5 cardstock papers.
Take a look at a couple of layouts I've made using Just Fallin'...
You can visit FlowerScraps' blog for more layout inspiration and make sure you visit her store at Stuff to Scrap to buy Just Fallin'
Flower Scraps,
Stuff to Scrap,
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Harvest of Memories Alpha Freebies!
I hope you were able to collect the Harvest of Memories paper and elements give aways from Shel Belle Scraps and The Scrappy Kat! Today they are giving away the alphas. The preview below is linked to Shel's Blog for you...
Don't forget to visit The Scrappy Kat for her beautiful alpha give away!
Rain, a broken AC and a gas leak...
We had lots and lots of rain over the weekend and this morning. The weather guy kept warning of possible "flooding" and I was secretly hoping for some. LOL! I wanted local flooding so that the streets would be impassable and school would be canceled and I could stay home in bed all day.
When the alarm went off this morning, I hopped out of bed to the sound of even more rain and before going to the shower I turned on the TV and waited for the update on all the flooding and how school was canceled.........I'm still waiting!
Not even my little street that floods when someone spills a coke was flooded. How wrong is that? I had to shower and go to school and I was so sad!
I took the long way to school so I could try and find a flooded street that I could get stuck on....and also so I could return some books to the overnight drop off at the library. I was able to drop the books off, but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't find a flooded street to get stuck on. Trust me....I tried!
I get to school and find that there is a helicopter hovering over the main building. I figured there was a wreck close by and didn't think anything of it. I tried to walk to the main building to sign in and complain about the lack of flooded roads, but the gates were still locked. Right away I got jealous, thinking about the guy who comes in early and unlocks everything and how he was probably lucky enough to live on a flooded street and was still at home in his nice, comfortable bed. I think I cried a little bit, but I'm not sure because it may have just been rain drops landing on my face.
I go into my building---of course, someone had managed to unlock that. (stupid, responsible people!) I get into my class only to learn that the air conditioning isn't working. I try calling the main building to let them know that the gates are locked and the air isn't working. No one answered the phone.....
I immediately start freaking out and thinking that I'm probably the only person in the whole world that doesn't live on a flooded street and no one is answering my phone call because they're all at home in their nice, comfortable beds.
This time, I'm almost certain my tears were real. Of course, it may have just been sweat cause the air was out and it was HOT in my room.
I sat in my room and pretended to work on some things, but I was really just listening to the silence of the people who hadn't arrived yet. People who normally arrive early! At one point, I even walked out of my room and went looking for lights in other classrooms just so I wouldn't feel so alone in the world, but all the rooms were dark.....and scary.
I thought about getting in my car and giving that search for flooded streets one more try, but it had started raining a little harder and I didn't want my hair to get messed up any more than it already was from the rain and lack of air. So, I went back into my class and pretended to work a little more.
I was relieved when I finally heard another voice in the hallway and ran out to find out what was going on, why the gates were still locked, why no one answered my phone call, and why my street wasn't flooded like the weather man had practically promised it would be.
I find out that the helicopter wasn't hovering over head because of an accident, but because we had a gas leak....or a suspected gas leak on our main campus. There were police officers, fire trucks, helicopters and men in haz mat suits.....and it was still raining.....and parents were still dropping off their kids and driving away.
I kept waiting for them to call school off and make those parents come back to get their kids, but they never did. Instead, they left us in our hot building and sent over some extra kids to get them out of the rain, while other kids were put under the shelter on the PE field.
Eventually, the gas leak.....or suspected gas leak was fixed and the main campus was opened up again. Our air was fixed and the building cooled down.
Now a normal person would say that it was a bad day with a happy ending since we got the AC fixed and nothing blew up, but I'm not normal!
My street still isn't flooded and I never got to see if any of the police officers, fireman or men in haz mat suits were cute.
So, all in all, it was a rotten day and I am totally blaming the weatherman!
Monday, October 17, 2011
Harvest of Memories Elements freebies!
I wanted to share another layout I made using Harvest of Memories by Shel Belle Scraps and The Scrappy Kat...
This layout was made for the font challenge at STS which is being hosted by Shel this month.
I also wanted to remind you to visit Shel's blog as well as The Scrappy Kat's so that you can get today's free download. They're giving away the elements! The preview below is linked to Shel's blog for you...
Camping Retreat by April the Scrapaholic
I'm such a dork! I completely forgot to tell you about April's latest kit, Camping Retreat. It's a fun mix of real photos that have been turned into papers and hand drawn elements. Take a look at the element preview...
Aren't they cute and fun?
The kit is available in April's blog store. You can purchase the entire kit or just the elements or papers.
I've got a 12x12 quick page freebie for you that I made using Camping Retreat. Just click on the preview below to go to 4shared for the download.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Harvest of Memories Collab Kit!
Shel Belle Scraps teamed up with The Scrappy Kat to work on a beautiful kit called Harvest of Memories. Check out the full preview of Shel's portion...
Aren't those colors just gorgeous?!?!
Check out one of my layouts...
Now, here's the part that makes this gorgeous kit even better.....you can get it for FREE!!! Starting today, Shel Belle Scraps and The Scrappy Kat are giving Harvest of Memories away in free daily downloads. Just visit each of their blogs to pick up the daily downloads. Today you get the papers and they are only going to be available for 24 hours, so don't waste any time!
You can click on the preview below to visit Shel Belle Scraps, then make sure you head over to The Scrappy Kat's blog for her papers.
Shel Belle,
The Scrappy Kat,
Things really need to slow down!
Have you ever been so busy that you feel like you don't have time to breathe? Well, that's been my life lately and I'm ready for things to slow down!
School has been crazy. Apparently, the powers that be have decided that teachers are worthless and must be micro-managed while also deciding that ALL students understand and remember EVERYTHING the first time they're exposed to it. That has made things rather..... umm......interesting....and exhausting!
Is it November yet? I really need my "me" month!
Saturday, October 15, 2011
What should I do?
November 1st will be here soon and I'm planning of participating in the NaNoWriMo again. I have no idea what I'm going to write about, but that doesn't matter because it's so much fun.
Now, what do you think....I have two ideas (kind of).
Should I go with the funny one or the serious one?
Have any more character names you would like to see used in one of my stories? Send them my way. I promise to work them into my story....whatever that story may be. LOL!
Friday, October 14, 2011
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