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What a day I've had!
Here's the Good - It's Friday, It's payday, I spent time with my "what if" guy
Here's the Bad - My "what if" guy met my friends and they showed no mercy. LOL! They told every I have - or should I say had. LOL! It was very interesting and a little scary to watch Orange Croc Guy and What If Guy make small talk over drinks.
Here's the Ugly - I work with someone that is just out of control. She is letting her personal issues get in the way of doing her job and so many other people are suffering because of it. How do you tell someone that they need to seek help?
I get to spend some more time with What IF Guy tomorrow before he flies out in the late afternoon so I guess he wasn't too frighted by my friends and their stories.
As far as the lady at work goes, it's the weekend so we'll all be spared her drama until Monday. Hopefully, she'll get her family issues under control and stop taking it out on other people.
I need to get some sleep now. Enjoy your day!
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ReplyDeleteI just have to tell you how much I enjoy your wordart. Even if I never use it, I get such a giggle when I read them. Not only that, but I absolutely love your choice in music. We must be of the same era because so much of the music is the same that I like. Thanks for sharing.