Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Fresh Baked!

Check out the Fresh Baked goodies right out of the oven!! Check out the CT blog for a full look at the great things the GingerBread Ladies put out this week!!!

You will not want to miss some fo the great FREEBIES!

And Awesome sales!!

Read yesterdays post to find out how to win a free complete blog makeover! :)

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Check it out!

What do you think of my new blog look?
I had fun giving my blog a make-over!! :)
I used my kit Like Totally Awesome- to make it like totally awesome! hehe
So I am thinking maybe I will start to do blog make-overs for people.. sell my services. I need to make some money honey. HAHAhaha

What do you think.. how much would you pay to have a total blog make over?
Everyone that leaves a comment giving me feedback as to how much you would pay...I will put your name in a hat and draw one winner and I will give them a blog makeover!! Blogger blogs only :) (only 80% on my wordpress skills I need to learn more before I offer wordpress makeovers)
CT- you can go for it too.. everyone welcome...

Will close the comments in a few days :)

Oh and one last thing- I actually attended a speed scrap last night! It was fun :) Thanks Maria
Here is the LO I did - Me, my friend Dori, and her daughter Haylay- being silly :)
Oh- and I used a super cute kit by our very own Charmaine - of Wyld Web Designs for the LO- Called Giggly Shop Hop will be in the shop tomorrow! :)

And check out the GingerScraps CT blog for some fun freebies!!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

check out the new CT blog!

If you haven't had a chance - go check out the new GingerScraps CT blog!
Jillian and the rest of the GingerSnaps have some great stuff planed for ya all!!

Thing are slowly coming back to life over at GS.
Soon we will be in full swing :)

I am busy planing Survivor Season 2!!!!!
Think you will all love where we will be "going"

And the kick off...... Jan 1, 2010

So mark your calenders!!!!! :)

Monday, October 12, 2009

We are BACK!!

Ok all.. GingerScraps is back up and running! I missed you all - cant wait to catch up!!!

If you didnt read the last post.. this blog will now be my personal blog. We have a new site blog-
Here is the link-

And the addresses of the other pages have changes a bit too, so please update all your bookmarks :)

At the forum you need to replace your avatar. but the sigis all transferred over.

OK- cant wait to see you at a speed scrap!!!
Contact Me Facebook Wordpress Twitter


Hi all
It is ALMOST time!!! GingerScraps will be up and running in the next few hours!

One BIG change is that this blog - it will be my personal blog now.

There will be a new GingerScraps site blog. My wonderful CT - is going to have fun stuff going on all the time at the new GS blog.
Jillian is taking charge and she has all sorts of fun plans!!

You will need to update your bookmarks for sure :)

This blog will be for me to post my own LO's .. kit releases.. random ramblings.... Maybe even a freebie list now and then :)

As soon as GingerScraps is live I will post about it here :)

Saturday, October 10, 2009


Hi all :)
Looking like GingerScraps will be back up and running on Monday!!

Yahooooo :)

While the server and upgrades were taking place... the GingerScraps b-day passed.

Sooo... we will be having a Birthday celebration. More details soon :)

Cant wait to catch up with everyone next week!! I have missed my GS friends!!!!

Sunday, October 4, 2009


I miss you all!!!!!!!
We are super close!
It take a a lot of work to change everything to a new server!! And I decided to make a variety of other upgrades that are all very time consuming.

I cant wait till GS is back!!!!!!!! I am so lonely! LOL

I will give you all an ETA in the next day or two.


*Some freebies only last for 1 day... and depending on your time zone by the time you get here you might only have a short time to download. If you like something get it ASAP! You just never know some freebies last a long time and some expire very quickly. If you get to a page and the freebie is not there most likely it has expired.*