What do you think of my new blog look?
I had fun giving my blog a make-over!! :)
I used my kit
Like Totally Awesome- to make it like totally awesome! hehe
So I am thinking maybe I will start to do blog make-overs for people.. sell my services. I need to make some money honey. HAHAhaha
What do you think.. how much would you pay to have a total blog make over?
Everyone that leaves a comment giving me feedback as to how much you would pay...I will put your name in a hat and draw one winner and I will give them a blog makeover!! Blogger blogs only :) (only 80% on my wordpress skills I need to learn more before I offer wordpress makeovers)
CT- you can go for it too.. everyone welcome...Will close the comments in a few days :)
Oh and one last thing- I actually attended a speed scrap last night! It was fun :) Thanks Maria
Here is the LO I did - Me, my friend Dori, and her daughter Haylay- being silly :)

Oh- and I used a super cute kit by our very own Charmaine - of Wyld Web Designs for the LO- Called Giggly Shop Hop will be in the shop tomorrow! :)
And check out the
GingerScraps CT blog for some fun freebies!!