Friday, October 31, 2008


Hi All, Happy Halloween!!!
I wanted to give you a bit of info- My site will be down for a bit because of the host change. It shouldn't take too long... I will post all updates here. Don't worry, the forum will stay as it is- We do not have to start over. So if you have posted LO's or your freebies up on the GingerScrpas forum it will all be there when it is back up and running.
AND I went with a host that has unlimited disk storage space so this will not happen again.

AND I know there were a few of you having trouble getting the Wild Cherry Tea Freebie- You need to register at the Sunshine forum and be logged in to get the download links. Once the contest is over I will leave the kit as a freebie for about a week and put the links for download up here on my blog. Then it will go into my shop. And if I am REALLY lucky my shop at Sunshine Studios :) All-though I won't be holding my breath, there are soooo many talented designers in the contest!!!

OK, that is all today... sorry no Friday Feature - I just didn't have time to get one together this week :)
Have a great weekend and keep your kiddos safe :) Ginger

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Speed Scrap AT GingerScraps Today!!!!

Speed Scrap TODAY at GingerSraps!!!

4pm Pacific

5pm Mountain

6pm Central

7pm Eastern

Hosted by Jodi :)
Look at this cute Alpha she made!! All you have to do is come join the fun at the speed scrap and you will get the alpha... and a LO done in an hour!! :)
Hope to see you there!! Ginger

Monday, October 27, 2008

What another Freebie!!!! Wild Cherry Tea :)

So I guess you are all getting spoiled by me this week :)
I have another free kit for you :)
I entered the designer contest over at Sunshine Studio Scraps
and this is my week 1 assignment.... There are lots more GREAT freebie there too go check them out :)
Here is the preview for my kit and it is linked to the Sunshine Studio Scraps gallery:
I designed it with my sister Julie in mind. She loves Cherries and Tea so I thought I would combine them in a kit just for her And you all too
Enjoy!! Can't wait to see your LO's!!!
  • This kit includes:
  • 8 Papers and 1 cherry overlay
  • 1 Full Alpha (acrylic and glitter dots)
  • 2 Frames (scalloped and glittered)
  • Journal Bracket Frame and Charm Tag
  • Charm Bracelet with all the fun Embellishments
  • Tower of Tea Cups
  • Tea Pot and Tea Cup
  • Tea Bag
  • Cherries
  • Hanging Cherry Sign and Wild Cherry Tea Wooden Sign
  • 3 Trims (gathered ribbon and 2 glitter fiber trims)
  • 5 Brads

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Good News/ Bad News... And A FREEBIE!!!!

Hi all!! Hope you are enjoying the change of seasons. Here, in Northern California, the leaves are starting to change colors and the air is crisp.

I have a new kit for you that is perfect for all your Pumpkin Patch and Pumpkin Carving pictures- It is called Jack O' Lantern.

Tis will be a FREEBIE for 1 more week then it will be for sale :) So hurry up if you didn't get it yet!!!

Here is a preview pic of Jack O' Lantern- (Shadows for Preview Pic only)

CLICK ON PREVIEW to go to the GingerScraps shop FREE until Nov. 10th !!!!!!



It includes:

  • 1 Full Newspaper Alpha
  • 17 Beautifully Textured Papers ( all 12 by 12 and 300 dpi)
  • 3 Journal Boxes
  • 2 Torn Paper Strips (perfect for title or date)
  • 6 Trims or Borders- Sparkle Trails (Orange and Black), Glitter Fiber Trims, Pumpkin Vine Trim, Pumpkin Seeds Border
  • 2 Frames- Pumpkin Seed Bracket and Glitter/ Newspaper
  • 2 Jack O' Lantern Face Glitter Embellishments
  • 2 Pumpkin Carving Tools
  • 2 Pumpkin Top Flowers
  • 2 Backwards Staples
  • 2 Brads
  • 5 Word Art
  • Tons of Pumpkin and Jack O' Lantern, Bats, Witch Hat, Black Cat, and Glitter Spider Web Embellishments

Check out all these GREAT LO's done by my CT Girls!!

By Rachel:

By Julie:

By Jodi:

By Becka:

By Jillian:

By Laura:

Save up your LO and share them with me when my site is up and going again!!! I can't wait to see them :)

Friday, October 24, 2008

Friday Feature!! 10-24-08

I have a Friday Feature for you all, I know it is a bit late but better late than never :)   Some of you might already know of this place but I just recently found out about it.  This weeks Friday Feature is a wonderful and unique scrap site ...

It is ScrapStreet Let me tell you a bit about ScrapStreet-

ScrapStreet is not just Digi Scrapping, they have traditional paper scrap supplies, a monthly kit subscription for paper scrappers, cards makers, hybrid scrappers.  All are welcome and showcased!

ScrapStreet is a very unique place.... each month we are asked to "travel" a new and exciting destination and our scrapping reflects that.  This month the destination is

Grand Canal, Venice (pic is also a link) You can explore all different destinations from months past too.  It is a fun twist to scrapping! And you might actually learn a thing or two :)  I love how it gets my creativity flowing and my imagination revved up!!

AND another GREAT thing over at ScrapStreet is the monthly magazine!!!! It is a full size on-line scrapping magazine that is FREE!! It is so great!!!  I really could not believe it the first time I looked through it!  Jammed packed with so much goodness!! And each month there is a full size digi kit in the magazine that is of course FREE!! Here is a look at this months cover-(preview is a link) Here is a preview of this months free kit- (also a link to get it) There are also a forum and gallery - lots of fun challenges and games.  And tons of friendly people.

So when I was asked to be a resident designer how could I say no :)  My goodies can now be found in the ScrapStreet shop!!!!!! I am thrilled to be alongside these lovely ladies!! Hope you all take a trip over to ScrapStreet- You will not be disappointed!!!!!:) Ginger

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Free Templates!

Hi all, Sorry I have been MIA.  I had some complications related to the Blood Clotting Disorder (APS) I have.  I ended up in the hospital.....

I am home but still moving very slowly!!  It will take me some time to get all caught up.

What happened was broke the capillaries in my lungs and started to spit up blood.  It basically came up every time I exhaled. So Julie (my sister) took me to the ER- My blood was way too thin (it is a hard thing to keep it at the right level and always needs adjusting with my RX's).  So they needed to keep me to get my blood in the right range and see if my blood counts would go up.  Had to have it all checked lots!!!  The DR. told me if I was much older that I would have had to have a blood transfusion, and if my #'s didn't go up over the next few days I would need to come back into the hospital for a transfusion. 

Thank God my #'s are continuing to move in the right direction!! But I have to keep a very close eye on it for a while- which means lots of trips to the lab and lots of blood work.

So right now, I am still bleeding, but it is getting less day by day. It is really gross!!

I am not allowed to yell, cough, cry, exercise... anything that will strain my lungs, until the bleeding stops.  And I am VERY week, dizzy and tired!!

But I did find these 2 REALLY CUTE templates and I wanted to share them with you  :)  AND I have a new kit finished! So be on the look out for that- it will be 50% off for the first week, which means you can get this full kit for only $2.00!!!  I will post about it when I put it in the store this week.

Here are the templates - you do have to register to be able to download but it is worth it!! Little Dreamer always has GREAT stuff!!


Check out this cute LO Julie did using the first template:

Friday, October 10, 2008

Freebies!! 10-10-08

Found some good ones today!! :)  Have a great weekend!! Gingerimageimage image image image imageimage image imageimage image image  image image image image image

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Yahoo Jodi!!

Yahoo Jodi!!!
I just wanted to share some BIG and exciting news with you all :) My CT girl Jodi is selling her lovely kits at her very own place!! You should all go check it out!!!

She has a few freebies to offer you as well as some really cute kits!! Have fun :)

Thursday, October 2, 2008

A bit of news

If you tried to go to my site tonight... it is down AGAIN!!!! uuggg so annoying!!! I will look into changing servers. I have no idea what that entails but I don't think I can stand my site going down all the time - what a pain!!
Anyways... I wanted to let you know that I am going to spend my day freebie hunting tomorrow... so sometime tomorrow, probably night, I will post a new freebie list.
I also have a few bits of very exciting news to share as well. So see you soon :)


*Some freebies only last for 1 day... and depending on your time zone by the time you get here you might only have a short time to download. If you like something get it ASAP! You just never know some freebies last a long time and some expire very quickly. If you get to a page and the freebie is not there most likely it has expired.*