Monday, October 3, 2011
More than Digi Scrap :)
I have gotten so many questions on Facebook, about my nails, that I decided I would start posting little tutorials here on my blog.
I would really love to tape tutorials and post them in video format too.... we shall see if I can get a camera set up, and find time to learn how to edit video.
Until then, I will start posting pictures and small tutorials.
I also just signed up for BirchBox, and expect my first Box to arrive this month! So I will post reviews on Beauty products as well.
If you all check out BirchBox and decide to join, - give me your email, and I can send you an invite... and get some points towards $$ in the BrichBix Shop :) That would be awesome!
Hope you all enjoy :)
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Beauty Giveaway on D.G.S Beauty
D.G.S.Beauty's Back-to-School Giveaway
Check out this awesome giveaway!!CLICK HERE
Prizes: theBalm Overshadow "You Buy, I'll Fly", Laura Geller Coral Chiffon Lipstick, Essie Nail Lacquer Mademoiselle, Too Faced Romantic Eye Collection, Sigma F45 Buffer Brush, and a few misc. samples.
Friday, June 17, 2011
New Release! Shabby Sherbet
Shabby Sherbet: Muted shades of southern Peach, key Lime, and luscious Lemon, with a hint of Raspberry. Perfect with the lazy, hazy days of summer. Summer romance and summer fun, summer innocence and summer gardens with that shabby chic feel.
43 elements, 19 papers and 1 uppercase alpha- make this kit perfect for your shabbylicious photos!
And now I have a Freebie for you!
I hope you enjoy this little cluster freebie!
To create this cluster I used a template from Little Green Frog: Mish-Mash Template Set. You can purchase the full template pack at GingerScraps.
And I used my newest kit Shabby Sherbet-
This Cluster is not allowed for any commercial use.
If you use this cluster in your creations please credit- GingerScraps: Shabby Sherbet.
Thank you so much!
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Get Real...Confession time...I'm a Gleek!
Episode 2 (omg Mr.Schuester's wife Teri is going to fake her pregnancy? Is Quinn really a bad bad girl?),
Episode 3 (um the Acafellas are dorks, I hope this "boy band" doesn't last long. Emma is so cute, I just love her!) and then a break for Easter Egg Hunt....
Back to the Glee marathon!
Episode 4 (wow Quinn is preggers! But is the baby Finns or Pucks?)
How could I just go home and not find out what happens to the Glee Club? Thank goodness Kayla insisted I take home her Season 1 DVD collection!
Throughout the Easter Break we were stuck inside due to rain every day, perfect Dvd watching weather. My kiddos and I all cuddled up in my bed and watched episode after episode.
Over the following weeks we finished Season 1, purchased all the season 1 music on iTunes-
Of course had to get the Glee app for my iPod
And guess what arrived in the mail yesterday....
Yep- I admit it... It is time for me to Get Real about my Glee addiction. I'm a Gleek.
I'm linking this post to Keep it Real! It's a weekly blog post linky party all about Keeping it Real on my lovely sister Julie's Blog. You can add all of your Keep it Real moments too!
We ladies need to stick together! Lift each other up! We are all in this together! I dare you!! Be Real!
It’s a get Real linky party! It’s easy just post a link to your “Real” blog post. There are no rules except be real! Just click on the link that says You are next, click here to enter. Add a link to your ‘real” blog post, not your main blog but the actual post. Encourage your blogging friends to join us.
You are next, click here to enter. Then head to Julie's blog to see your link and all the other "Get Real" posts.
Friday, December 17, 2010
FreshBaked: The Kit!
The GingerBread Ladies are going to make you drool with this Yummy collab!! Fresh out of the oven and sooo delicious! FreshBaked: The Kit- is the Prefect kit for all your baking needs. This collab is Huge, and bursting with gooey goodness!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
How to make a blog roll
This is a box the someone can take premade html code and simply copy and paste it anywhere, and the image, blinkies, link list, will show up on the site they are posting.
Do you have a blinkie blog roll that you would like to offer in coded html so that others can easily just snag the code and copy it to a list of linked blinkies on their own blog?
If so a scrolling box containing the encoded htlm is what you need.
Now I am no expert... but this should work for you :)
Now on to the tutorial-
1. We will need a VERY useful site I use often for all the encoding and decoding- I recommend bookmarking this one! It is so helpful!!
Anytime you need to show the code format you can copy html and paste it into a box on the above site, then click the encode button. It will then Encode your html so that the code looks like html. If you try to copy and paste an html code without Encoding it- it will just show the item (image) it will not show the code.
2. We need is the scroll box- without a scroll box the coding would take up A LOT of space!
Here is an image of the box-
And here is the code you can copy as a template for your box
<pre style="background-color: rgb(238, 238, 238); border: 1px dashed rgb(153, 153, 153); color: black; font-family: Andale Mono,Lucida Console,Monaco,fixed,monospace; font-size: 12px; line-height: 10px; overflow: auto; padding: 5px; width: 75%;">
<script type="text/javascript"><br />replaceMath( document.body );</script></code></pre><b:if cond="data:blog.pageType == " item="">
3. The blinkie-
Here is the GingerScraps site fan blinkie-
This is what that html code looks like- It is linked to GingerScraps and set up to open the link in a new tab.
<br />
<a href="" target="_blank"><img border="0" alt="Photobucket" src="" /></a>
<br />
You can take this code to fill in the blanks for your blog roll-
<br />
<a href="SITE ADDRESS; target="_blank"><img border="0" alt="Photobucket" src="HTML DIRECT LINK IMAGE CODE FROM PHOTOBUCKET" /></a>
<br />
4. Let put it all together-
The scroll box code + the ENCODED html for your blog roll
<br />
<a href="" target="_blank"><img border="0" alt="Photobucket" src="" /></a>
<br />
5. To wrap it all up....
- Open up a text document or editor to write up your code for your blog roll.
- Take the code template for the scroll box- copy and paste it to your editor.
- Take the code template for a linked image.
- Fill in the blanks with the link and the image code.
- Take the completed image html code- copy and past it into the BOX HERE and click Encode.
- Copy the Encoded code and Paste it into the Spot in the scroll box template "INSERT HTML THAT HAS BEEN ENCODED HERE" (remember to remove the INSERT HTML THAT HAS BEEN ENCODED HERE text- so it doent show up in your blog roll)
- Now repeat until your blog roll is complete.
- Once your whole blog roll code is done- copy and past it into a html widget and tadaa :) you can take a look at my blog to see an example of the finished product. As well as what the blog roll itself will look like.
Thank you to testing-blogger-beta.blogspot for the sample code for a scroll box.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Julie's Makeover!
It is so cute (if I do say so myself)
Go take a look
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Tons of News! Goblin Delights and LOTs of goodies!
Everyone who participates will receive a $1 coupon to Wyld Web Designs shop. This will be perfect to pick something up for free at the November 1st $1.00 Bake Sale! The winning avatar will also receive a $10 coupon Wyld Web Designs shop!!!
Oh, and you will not want to miss the HUGE Blog Train we have starting at midnight!! The Station is at the GingerScraps Site blog.
There is tons more going on too! The Halloween Forum at GingerScraps has all the details.