// REQUIREMENTS.TXT pip install -U pyyaml nltk Install.txt----------------- 1. Activate the environment 2. Go to gstudio/gnowsys-ndf (directory containing manage.py) 3. run ipython / python 4. in python shell run the foll. commands:- >>> import nltk >>> nltk.download() CASE 1: GUI OPENS -- Go to the 'Corpora' tab -- Download the module with identifier - "stopwords" -- Download the module with identifier - "wordnet" -- Go to "Models" tab -- Download the module with identifier - "maxnet_treebank_pos_tagger" -- Download the module with identifier - "punkt" Case 2: GUI Does not open -- Press d -- It prompts for the identifier => Enter "stopwords" => It gets downloaded -- It prompts for the identifier => Enter "wordnet" => It gets downloaded -- It prompts for the identifier => Enter "maxent_treebank_pos_tagger" => It gets downloaded -- Download the module with identifier - "punkt" exit ipython