{% extends "objectapp/base.html" %} {% load i18n comments objectapp_tags %} {% block title %}{{ object.title }}{% endblock %} {% block meta-description %}{% if object.excerpt %}{{ object.excerpt|striptags }}{% else %}{{ object.content|striptags|truncatewords:100 }}{% endif %}{% endblock %} {% block meta-keywords %}{% if object.tags %}{{ object.tags }}{% else %}{{ block.super }}{% endif %}{% endblock %} {% block link %} {{ block.super }} {% with object.previous_gbobject as previous_gbobject %}{% if previous_gbobject %} {% endif %}{% endwith %} {% with object.next_gbobject as next_gbobject %}{% if next_gbobject %} {% endif %}{% endwith %} {% with year=object.creation_date|date:"Y" month=object.creation_date|date:"m" day=object.creation_date|date:"d" %} {% endwith %} {% endblock %} {% block content %} {% block gbobject-content %} {% with object.html_content|safe as object_content %} {% include "objectapp/_gbobject_detail.html" %} {% endwith %} {% endblock %}

AddAttributes: {% for i in object.getattributetypes %} {{ i }}; {% endfor %}

Add Relations: {% for i in object.getrelationtypes %} {{ i }}; {% endfor %}

{% block gbobject-widgets %}
{% with object.next_gbobject as next_gbobject %} {% if next_gbobject %}

{% trans "Next object" %}

{% endif %} {% endwith %} {% with object.previous_gbobject as previous_gbobject %} {% if previous_gbobject %}

{% trans "Previous object" %}

{% endif %} {% endwith %} {% if object.related_published %} {% endif %}

{% trans "Similar objects" %}

{% get_similar_gbobjects 5 %}
{% endblock %} {% block gbobject-comments %}

{% trans "Comments" %}

{% with object.comments as comment_list %} {% if comment_list.count %}
    {% for comment in comment_list %} {% endfor %}
{% if not object.comments_are_open %}

{% trans "Comments are closed." %}

{% endif %} {% else %} {% if object.comments_are_open %}

{% trans "No comments yet." %}

{% else %}

{% trans "Comments are closed." %}

{% endif %} {% endif %} {% endwith %}
{% endblock %} {% block gbobject-pingbacks %}

{% trans "Pingbacks" %}

{% with object.pingbacks as pingback_list %} {% if pingback_list.count %}
    {% for pingback in pingback_list %}
  1. {{ pingback.user_name }} {% trans "on" %} {{ pingback.submit_date|date:"SHORT_DATETIME_FORMAT" }}
    {{ pingback.comment }}
  2. {% endfor %}
{% endif %} {% if object.pingback_enabled %}

{% trans "Pingbacks are open." %}

{% else %}

{% trans "Pingbacks are closed." %}

{% endif %} {% endwith %}
{% endblock %} {% block gbobject-trackbacks %} {% with object.trackbacks as trackback_list %} {% if trackback_list.count or object.pingback_enabled %}

{% trans "Trackbacks" %}

{% if trackback_list.count %}
    {% for trackback in trackback_list %}
  1. {{ trackback.user_name }} {% trans "on" %} {{ trackback.submit_date|date:"SHORT_DATETIME_FORMAT" }}
    {{ trackback.comment }}
  2. {% endfor %}
{% endif %} {% if object.pingback_enabled %}

{% trans "Trackback URL" %}

{% endif %}
{% endif %} {% endwith %} {% endblock %} {% block gbobject-comments-form %} {% if object.comments_are_open %}
{% render_comment_form for object %}
{% endif %} {% endblock %} {% endblock %} {% block admin_tools %} {% if perms.objectapp.change_gbobject %}
  • {% trans "Edit the object" %}
  • {% endif %} {% endblock %}