# Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Free Software Foundation # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # This project incorporates work covered by the following copyright and permission notice: # Copyright (c) 2009, Julien Fache # All rights reserved. # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in # the documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # * Neither the name of the author nor the names of other # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived # from this software without specific prior written permission. # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, # INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES # (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR # SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) # HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, # STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED # OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Free Software Foundation # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . """Models of Objectapp""" import warnings from datetime import datetime from django.db import models from django.db.models import Q from django.utils.html import strip_tags from django.utils.html import linebreaks from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.contrib.sites.models import Site from django.db.models.signals import post_save from django.utils.importlib import import_module from django.contrib import comments from django.contrib.comments.models import CommentFlag from django.contrib.comments.moderation import moderator from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ import json from django.contrib.markup.templatetags.markup import markdown from django.contrib.markup.templatetags.markup import textile from django.contrib.markup.templatetags.markup import restructuredtext from djangoratings.fields import RatingField from tagging.fields import TagField from gstudio.models import Nodetype from gstudio.models import Objecttype from gstudio.models import Relationtype from gstudio.models import Systemtype from gstudio.models import Processtype from gstudio.models import Attributetype from gstudio.models import Attribute from gstudio.models import Relation from gstudio.models import Node from gstudio.models import Edge from gstudio.models import Author import reversion from objectapp.settings import UPLOAD_TO from objectapp.settings import MARKUP_LANGUAGE from objectapp.settings import GBOBJECT_TEMPLATES from objectapp.settings import GBOBJECT_BASE_MODEL from objectapp.settings import MARKDOWN_EXTENSIONS from objectapp.settings import AUTO_CLOSE_COMMENTS_AFTER from objectapp.managers import gbobjects_published from objectapp.managers import GbobjectPublishedManager from objectapp.managers import AuthorPublishedManager from objectapp.managers import DRAFT, HIDDEN, PUBLISHED from objectapp.moderator import GbobjectCommentModerator from objectapp.url_shortener import get_url_shortener from objectapp.signals import ping_directories_handler from objectapp.signals import ping_external_urls_handler ''' class Author(User): """Proxy Model around User""" objects = models.Manager() published = AuthorPublishedManager() def gbobjects_published(self): """Return only the gbobjects published""" return gbobjects_published(self.gbobjects) #@models.permalink def get_absolute_url(self): """Return author's URL""" return "/authors/%s/" %(self.username) #return ('objectapp_author_detail', (self.username,)) class Meta: """Author's Meta""" proxy = True ''' class Gbobject(Node): """ Member nodes of object types. This is actually to be named the Object class, since 'Object' is a reserved name in Python, we prefix this with 'Gb', to suggest that it is an object of the gnowledge base. System and Process classes also inherit this class. """ STATUS_CHOICES = ((DRAFT, _('draft')), (HIDDEN, _('hidden')), (PUBLISHED, _('published'))) content = models.TextField(_('content'), null=True, blank=True) content_org = models.TextField(_('content'), null=True, blank=True) image = models.ImageField(_('image'), upload_to=UPLOAD_TO, blank=True, help_text=_('used for illustration')) excerpt = models.TextField(_('excerpt'), blank=True, help_text=_('optional element')) prior_nodes = models.ManyToManyField('self', null=True, blank=True, verbose_name=_('depends on'), related_name='posterior_nodes') posterior_nodes = models.ManyToManyField('self', null=True, blank=True, verbose_name=_('required for'), related_name='prior_nodes') tags = TagField(_('tags')) objecttypes = models.ManyToManyField(Nodetype, verbose_name=_('member of'), related_name='member_objects', blank=True, null=True) authors = models.ManyToManyField(User, verbose_name=_('authors'), related_name='gbobjects', blank=True, null=False) featured = models.BooleanField(_('featured'), default=False) comment_enabled = models.BooleanField(_('comment enabled'), default=True) pingback_enabled = models.BooleanField(_('linkback enabled'), default=True) login_required = models.BooleanField( _('login required'), default=False, help_text=_('only authenticated users can view the gbobject')) password = models.CharField( _('password'), max_length=50, blank=True, help_text=_('protect the gbobject with a password')) template = models.CharField( _('template'), max_length=250, default='objectapp/gbobject_detail.html', choices=[('objectapp/gbobject_detail.html', _('Default template'))] + \ GBOBJECT_TEMPLATES, help_text=_('template used to display the gbobject')) rurl=models.URLField(_('rurl'),verify_exists=True,null=True, blank=True) objects = models.Manager() published = GbobjectPublishedManager() # @property # def getdataType(self): # gb = 'attribute'+str(self.get_dataType.display()) # gb = gb.lower() # return gb @property def getattributetypes(self): """ Returns the attributetypes of self as well as its parent's attributetype. """ try: parenttype = [] attributetype = [] returnlist = [] obj = self parenttype = obj.objecttypes.all() attributetype.append(obj.subjecttype_of.all()) for each in parenttype: attributetype.append(each.subjecttype_of.all()) attributetype = [num for elem in attributetype for num in elem] return attributetype except: return None @property def getrelationtypes(self): pt =[] #contains parenttype reltype =[] #contains relationtype titledict = {} #contains relationtype's title inverselist = [] #contains relationtype's inverse finaldict = {} #contains either title of relationtype or inverse of relationtype listval=[] #contains keys of titledict to check whether parenttype id is equals to listval's left or right subjecttypeid #gb= Gbobject.objects.get(title=str(gbid)) gb=self pt = gb.objecttypes.all() for i in range(len(pt)): if Relationtype.objects.filter(left_subjecttype = pt[i].id): reltype.append(Relationtype.objects.filter(left_subjecttype = pt[i].id)) if Relationtype.objects.filter(right_subjecttype = pt[i].id): reltype.append(Relationtype.objects.filter(right_subjecttype = pt[i].id)) if Relationtype.objects.filter(left_subjecttype = gb): reltype.append(Relationtype.objects.filter(left_subjecttype = gb)) if Relationtype.objects.filter(right_subjecttype = gb): reltype.append(Relationtype.objects.filter(right_subjecttype = gb)) reltype = [num for elem in reltype for num in elem] for i in reltype: titledict.update({i:i.id}) for i in range(len(titledict)): listval.append(Relationtype.objects.get(title = titledict.keys()[i])) inverselist.append(titledict.keys()[i].inverse) for j in range(len(pt)): for i in range(len(listval)): if pt[j].id == listval[i].left_subjecttype_id or gb.id == listval[i].left_subjecttype_id : finaldict.update({titledict.values()[i]: titledict.keys()[i]}) elif pt[j].id == listval[i].right_subjecttype_id or gb.id == listval[i].right_subjecttype_id: finaldict.update({titledict.values()[i]:inverselist[i]}) return finaldict.values() def get_relations(self): relation_set = {} # ALGO to find the relations and their left-subjecttypes and right_subjecttypes # 1. Get the relations containing a reference to the object. Retrieve where it occurs (left or right) # 2. Find out which RT they come from. # 3. For each RT, create a dict key and a value as a dict. And add the relation as a new key-value pair (rid:subject). # 4. If self is in right value, then add inverse relation as RT and add the relation as a new key-value pair (rid:subject). left_relset = Relation.objects.filter(left_subject=self.id) right_relset = Relation.objects.filter(right_subject=self.id) #return left_relset + right_relset # RT dictionary to store a single relation rel_dict ={} rel_dict['left-subjecttypes'] = {} rel_dict['right_subjecttypes'] ={} for relation in left_relset: # check if relation already exists if relation.relationtype.title not in rel_dict['left-subjecttypes'].keys(): # create a new list field and add to it rel_dict['left-subjecttypes'][str(relation.relationtype.title)] = [] # add rel_dict['left-subjecttypes'][str(relation.relationtype.title)].append(relation) for relation in right_relset: # check if relation exists if relation.relationtype.inverse not in rel_dict['right_subjecttypes'].keys(): # create a new list key field and add to it rel_dict['right_subjecttypes'][str(relation.relationtype.inverse)] = [] # add to the existing key rel_dict['right_subjecttypes'][str(relation.relationtype.inverse)].append(relation) relation_set.update(rel_dict['left-subjecttypes']) relation_set.update(rel_dict['right_subjecttypes']) return relation_set def get_attributes(self): attributes_dict = {} all_attributes=self.subject_of.all() for attributes in all_attributes: val=[] atr_key=attributes.attributetype.title val.append(attributes.svalue) if attributes_dict: fl=0 itms=attributes_dict for key,value in itms.items(): if atr_key in key: fl=1 if type(value) <> list: t=[] t.append(value) val.extend(t) else: val.extend(value) attributes_dict[atr_key]=val return attributes_dict def get_possible_rels(self): """ Gets the relations possible for this metatype 1. Recursively create a set of all the ancestors i.e. parent/subtypes of the MT. 2. Get all the R's linked to each ancestor """ #Step 1. ancestor_list = [] this_parent = self.parent # append while this_parent: ancestor_list.append(this_parent) this_parent = this_parent.parent #Step 2. rels = {} rt_set = Relation.objects.all() right_subset = [] left_subset = [] for each in ancestor_list: # retrieve all the RT's from each ancestor right_subset.extend(rt_set.filter(subject1=each.id)) left_subset.extend(rt_set.filter(subject2=each.id)) rels['possible_leftroles'] = left_subset rels['possible_rightroles'] = right_subset return rels def get_possible_attributes(self): """ Gets the relations possible for this metatype 1. Recursively create a set of all the ancestors i.e. parent/subtypes of the MT. 2. Get all the RT's linked to each ancestor """ #Step 1. ancestor_list = [] this_parent = self.parent # recursive thru parent field and append while this_parent: ancestor_list.append(this_parent) this_parent = this_parent.parent #Step 2. attrs = [] for each in ancestor_list: # retrieve all the AT's from each ancestor attrs.extend(Attribute.objects.filter(subject=each.id)) return attrs @property def get_nbh(self): """ Returns the neighbourhood of the object """ fields = ['title','altname','pluralform'] nbh = {} nbh['title'] = self.title nbh['altnames'] = self.altnames nbh['plural'] = self.plural nbh['content'] = self.content #return all OTs the object is linked to nbh['member_of'] = self.objecttypes.all() # get all the relations of the object nbh.update(self.get_relations()) nbh.update(self.get_attributes()) # encapsulate the dictionary with its node name as key return nbh def get_graph_json(self): # predicate_id={"plural":"a1","altnames":"a2","contains_members":"a3","contains_subtypes":"a4","prior_nodes":"a5", "posterior_nodes":"a6"} g_json = {} g_json["node_metadata"]= [] g_json["relations"]=[] nbh = self.get_nbh predicate_id = {} counter = 1 for key in nbh.keys(): val = "a" + str(counter) predicate_id[key] = val counter = counter + 1 #print predicate_id attr_counter = -1 this_node = {"_id":str(self.id),"title":self.title,"screen_name":self.title, "url":self.get_absolute_url()} g_json["node_metadata"].append(this_node) for key in predicate_id.keys(): if nbh[key]: try: #g_json[str(key)]=[] #g_json["relations"].append(key) g_json["node_metadata"].append({"_id":str(predicate_id[key]),"screen_name":key}) #g_json[str(key)].append({"from":self.id , "to":predicate_id[key],"value":1, "level":1 }) g_json["relations"].append({"from":self.id ,"type":str(key),"value":1,"to":predicate_id[key] }) if not isinstance(nbh[key],basestring): for item in nbh[key]: # create nodes g_json["node_metadata"].append({"_id":str(item.id),"screen_name":item.title,"title":self.title, "url":item.get_absolute_url()}) # g_json[str(key)].append({"from":predicate_id[key] , "to":item.id ,"value":1 }) #create links g_json["relations"].append({"from":predicate_id[key] ,"type":str(key), "value":1,"to":item.id }) else: #value={nbh["plural"]:"a4",nbh["altnames"]:"a5"} #this_node[str(key)]=nbh[key] key, nbh[key] #for item in value.keys(): g_json["node_metadata"].append({"_id":attr_counter,"screen_name":nbh[key]}) #g_json[str(key)].append({"from":predicate_id[key] , "to":attr_counter ,"value":1, "level":2 }) g_json["relations"].append({"from":predicate_id[key] ,"type":str(key) ,"value":1,"to":attr_counter }) attr_counter-=1 except: pass #print g_json return json.dumps(g_json) @property def get_relations1(self): """ Returns all the relations of the nodetype """ relations={} reltype={} left_relations=Relation.objects.filter(left_subject=self.id) if left_relations: for each in left_relations: relation=each.relationtype.title predicate=each.right_subject predicate_values=[] if reltype: fl=0 for key,value in reltype.items(): if type(value) <> list: t=[] t.append(value) predicate_values=t else: predicate_values=value if each.relationtype.title==key: fl=1 predicate_values.append(predicate) reltype[key]=predicate_values if fl==0: predicate_values=predicate reltype[relation]=predicate_values else: predicate_values.append(predicate) reltype[relation]=predicate_values relations['lrelations']=reltype right_relations=Relation.objects.filter(right_subject=self.id) reltype={} if right_relations: for each in right_relations: relation=each.relationtype.inverse predicate=each.left_subject predicate_values=[] if reltype: fl=0 for key,value in reltype.items(): if type(value) <> list: t=[] t.append(value) prdicate_values=t else: predicate_values=value if each.relationtype.inverse==key: fl=1 predicate_values.append(predicate) reltype[key]=predicate_values if fl==0: predicate_values=predicate reltype[relation]=predicate_values else: predicate_values.append(predicate) reltype[relation]=predicate_values relations['rrelations']=reltype return relations @property def get_rendered_nbh(self): """ Returns the neighbourhood of the object """ fields = ['title','altname','pluralform'] nbh = {} nbh['title'] = self.title nbh['altnames'] = self.altnames nbh['plural']=self.plural nbh['content'] = self.content #return all OTs the object is linked to member_of_dict = {} for each in self.objecttypes.all(): member_of_dict[each.title]= each.get_absolute_url() nbh['member_of']=member_of_dict pnode_dict = {} for each in self.prior_nodes.all(): pnode_dict[each.title]= each.get_absolute_url() nbh['priornodes']=pnode_dict pnode_dict = {} for each in self.posterior_nodes.all(): pnode_dict[each.title]= each.get_absolute_url() nbh['posteriornodes']=pnode_dict #get Relations relns={} rellft={} relrgt={} if self.get_relations1: NTrelns=self.get_relations1 for key,value in NTrelns.items(): if key=="rrelations": relrgt={} for rgtkey,rgtvalue in value.items(): relnvalue={} if isinstance(rgtvalue,list): for items in rgtvalue: relnvalue[items]=items.get_absolute_url() else: relnvalue[rgtvalue]=rgtvalue.get_absolute_url() relrgt[rgtkey]=relnvalue else: rellft={} relns['left']=rellft for lftkey,lftvalue in value.items(): relnvalue={} if isinstance(lftvalue,list): for items in lftvalue: relnvalue[items]=items.get_absolute_url() else: relnvalue[lftvalue]=lftvalue.get_absolute_url() rellft[lftkey]=relnvalue nbh['relations']=relrgt nbh['relations'].update(rellft) #get Attributes attributes =self.get_attributes() nbh['attributes']=attributes return nbh @property def html_content(self): """Return the content correctly formatted""" if MARKUP_LANGUAGE == 'markdown': return markdown(self.content, MARKDOWN_EXTENSIONS) elif MARKUP_LANGUAGE == 'textile': return textile(self.content) elif MARKUP_LANGUAGE == 'restructuredtext': return restructuredtext(self.content) elif not '

' in self.content: return linebreaks(self.content) return self.content @property def previous_gbobject(self): """Return the previous gbobject""" gbobjects = Gbobject.published.filter( creation_date__lt=self.creation_date)[:1] if gbobjects: return gbobjects[0] @property def next_gbobject(self): """Return the next gbobject""" gbobjects = Gbobject.published.filter( creation_date__gt=self.creation_date).order_by('creation_date')[:1] if gbobjects: return gbobjects[0] @property def word_count(self): """Count the words of an gbobject""" return len(strip_tags(self.html_content).split()) @property def is_actual(self): """Check if an gbobject is within publication period""" now = datetime.now() return now >= self.start_publication and now < self.end_publication @property def is_visible(self): """Check if an gbobject is visible on site""" return self.is_actual and self.status == PUBLISHED @property def related_published(self): """Return only related gbobjects published""" return gbobjects_published(self.related) @property def discussions(self): """Return published discussions""" return comments.get_model().objects.for_model( self).filter(is_public=True) @property def comments(self): """Return published comments""" return self.discussions.filter(Q(flags=None) | Q( flags__flag=CommentFlag.MODERATOR_APPROVAL)) @property def pingbacks(self): """Return published pingbacks""" return self.discussions.filter(flags__flag='pingback') @property def trackbacks(self): """Return published trackbacks""" return self.discussions.filter(flags__flag='trackback') @property def comments_are_open(self): """Check if comments are open""" if AUTO_CLOSE_COMMENTS_AFTER and self.comment_enabled: return (datetime.now() - self.start_publication).days < \ AUTO_CLOSE_COMMENTS_AFTER return self.comment_enabled @property def short_url(self): """Return the gbobject's short url""" return get_url_shortener()(self) def __unicode__(self): return self.title @property def memberof_sentence(self): """Return the objecttype of which the gbobject is a member of""" if self.objecttypes.count: for each in self.objecttypes.all(): return '%s is a member of objecttype %s' % (self.title, each) return '%s is not a fully defined name, consider making it a member of a suitable objecttype' % (self.title) @models.permalink def get_absolute_url(self): """Return gbobject's URL""" return ('objectapp_gbobject_detail', (), { 'year': self.creation_date.strftime('%Y'), 'month': self.creation_date.strftime('%m'), 'day': self.creation_date.strftime('%d'), 'slug': self.slug}) class Meta: """Gbobject's Meta""" ordering = ['-creation_date'] verbose_name = _('object') verbose_name_plural = _('objects') permissions = (('can_view_all', 'Can view all'), ('can_change_author', 'Can change author'), ) class Process(Gbobject): """ A store processes, events or changes described as changes in attributes and relations """ processtypes = models.ManyToManyField(Processtype, verbose_name=_('member of process type'), related_name='member_processes', blank=True, null=True) priorstate_attribute_set = models.ManyToManyField(Attribute, null=True, blank=True, verbose_name=_('in prior state attribute set of'), related_name='in_prior_state_attrset_of') priorstate_relation_set = models.ManyToManyField(Relation, null=True, blank=True, verbose_name=_('priorsate of relation set'), related_name='in_prior_state_relset_of') poststate_attribute_set = models.ManyToManyField(Attribute, null=True, blank=True, verbose_name=_('poststate of attribute set'), related_name='in_post_state_attrset_of') poststate_relation_set = models.ManyToManyField(Relation, null=True, blank=True, verbose_name=_('in poststate of relation set'), related_name='in_post_state_relset_of') def __unicode__(self): return self.title class Meta: verbose_name = _('process') verbose_name_plural = _('processes') permissions = (('can_view_all', 'Can view all'), ('can_change_author', 'Can change author'), ) class System(Gbobject): """ instance of a Systemtype """ systemtypes = models.ManyToManyField(Systemtype, verbose_name=_('member of systemtype'), related_name='member_systems', blank=True, null=True) gbobject_set = models.ManyToManyField(Gbobject, related_name="in_gbobject_set_of", verbose_name='objects in the system', blank=True, null=False) relation_set = models.ManyToManyField(Relation, related_name="in_relation_set_of", verbose_name='relations in the system', blank=True, null=False) attribute_set = models.ManyToManyField(Attribute, related_name="in_attribute_set_of", verbose_name='attributes in the system', blank=True, null=False) process_set = models.ManyToManyField(Process, related_name="in_process_set_of", verbose_name='processes in the system', blank=True, null=False) system_set = models.ManyToManyField('self', related_name="in_system_set_of", verbose_name='nested systems', blank=True, null=False) def __unicode__(self): return self.title if not reversion.is_registered(Process): reversion.register(Process, follow=["priorstate_attribute_set", "priorstate_relation_set", "poststate_attribute_set", "poststate_relation_set", "prior_nodes", "posterior_nodes"]) if not reversion.is_registered(System): reversion.register(System, follow=["systemtypes", "gbobject_set", "relation_set", "attribute_set", "process_set", "system_set", "prior_nodes", "posterior_nodes"]) if not reversion.is_registered(Gbobject): reversion.register(Gbobject, follow=["objecttypes", "prior_nodes", "posterior_nodes"]) moderator.register(Gbobject, GbobjectCommentModerator) post_save.connect(ping_directories_handler, sender=Gbobject, dispatch_uid='objectapp.gbobject.post_save.ping_directories') post_save.connect(ping_external_urls_handler, sender=Gbobject, dispatch_uid='objectapp.gbobject.post_save.ping_external_urls')