# Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Free Software Foundation # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . """GbobjectAdmin for Objectapp""" from datetime import datetime from django.forms import Media from django.contrib import admin from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.utils.html import strip_tags from django.utils.text import truncate_words from django.conf.urls.defaults import url from django.conf.urls.defaults import patterns from django.conf import settings as project_settings from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse, NoReverseMatch import reversion from tagging.models import Tag from objectapp import settings from objectapp.managers import HIDDEN from objectapp.managers import PUBLISHED from objectapp.ping import DirectoryPinger from objectapp.admin.forms import ProcessAdminForm class ProcessAdmin(reversion.VersionAdmin): """Admin for Process model""" form = ProcessAdminForm date_hierarchy = 'creation_date' fieldsets = ( (_('Neighbourhood definition'), {'fields': ('title', 'processtypes', 'priorstate_attribute_set', 'priorstate_relation_set', 'poststate_attribute_set', 'poststate_relation_set', 'altnames' , 'slug', 'status')}), (_('Content'), {'fields': ('content', 'image',), 'classes': ('collapse', 'collapse-closed')}), (_('Dependency'), {'fields': ('prior_nodes', 'posterior_nodes',), 'classes': ('collapse', 'collapse-closed')}), (_('Options'), {'fields': ('featured', 'excerpt', 'template', 'authors', 'creation_date', 'start_publication', 'end_publication'), 'classes': ('collapse', 'collapse-closed')}), (_('Privacy'), {'fields': ('password', 'login_required',), 'classes': ('collapse', 'collapse-closed')}), (_('Publication'), {'fields': ('tags', 'sites')})) list_filter = ('objecttypes', 'authors', 'status', 'featured', 'login_required', 'comment_enabled', 'pingback_enabled', 'creation_date', 'start_publication', 'end_publication', 'sites') list_display = ('get_title', 'get_authors', 'get_objecttypes', 'get_tags', 'get_sites', 'get_comments_are_open', 'pingback_enabled', 'get_is_actual', 'get_is_visible', 'get_link', 'get_short_url', 'creation_date') radio_fields = {'template': admin.VERTICAL} filter_horizontal = ('objecttypes', 'authors') prepopulated_fields = {'slug': ('title', )} search_fields = ('title', 'excerpt', 'content', 'tags') actions = ['make_mine', 'make_published', 'make_hidden', 'close_comments', 'close_pingbacks', 'ping_directories', 'make_tweet', 'put_on_top'] actions_on_top = True actions_on_bottom = True def __init__(self, model, admin_site): self.form.admin_site = admin_site super(ProcessAdmin, self).__init__(model, admin_site) # Custom Display def get_title(self, process): """Return the title with word count and number of comments""" title = _('%(title)s (%(word_count)i words)') % \ {'title': process.title, 'word_count': process.word_count} comments = process.comments.count() if comments: return _('%(title)s (%(comments)i comments)') % \ {'title': title, 'comments': comments} return title get_title.short_description = _('title') def get_authors(self, process): """Return the authors in HTML""" try: authors = ['%s' % (reverse('objectapp_author_detail', args=[author.username]), author.username) for author in process.authors.all()] except NoReverseMatch: authors = [author.username for author in process.authors.all()] return ', '.join(authors) get_authors.allow_tags = True get_authors.short_description = _('author(s)') def get_objecttypes(self, process): """Return the objecttypes linked in HTML""" try: objecttypes = ['%s' % (Objecttype.get_absolute_url(), Objecttype.title) for Objecttype in process.objecttypes.all()] except NoReverseMatch: objecttypes = [Objecttype.title for Objecttype in process.objecttypes.all()] return ', '.join(objecttypes) get_objecttypes.allow_tags = True get_objecttypes.short_description = _('Objecttype(s)') def get_tags(self, process): """Return the tags linked in HTML""" try: return ', '.join(['%s' % (reverse('objectapp_tag_detail', args=[tag.name]), tag.name) for tag in Tag.objects.get_for_object(process)]) except NoReverseMatch: return process.tags get_tags.allow_tags = True get_tags.short_description = _('tag(s)') def get_sites(self, process): """Return the sites linked in HTML""" return ', '.join( ['%(name)s' % site.__dict__ for site in process.sites.all()]) get_sites.allow_tags = True get_sites.short_description = _('site(s)') def get_comments_are_open(self, process): """Admin wrapper for process.comments_are_open""" return process.comments_are_open get_comments_are_open.boolean = True get_comments_are_open.short_description = _('comment enabled') def get_is_actual(self, process): """Admin wrapper for process.is_actual""" return process.is_actual get_is_actual.boolean = True get_is_actual.short_description = _('is actual') def get_is_visible(self, process): """Admin wrapper for process.is_visible""" return process.is_visible get_is_visible.boolean = True get_is_visible.short_description = _('is visible') def get_link(self, process): """Return a formated link to the process""" return u'%s' % ( process.get_absolute_url(), _('View')) get_link.allow_tags = True get_link.short_description = _('View on site') def get_short_url(self, process): """Return the short url in HTML""" short_url = process.short_url if not short_url: return _('Unavailable') return '%(url)s' % \ {'url': short_url} get_short_url.allow_tags = True get_short_url.short_description = _('short url') # Custom Methods def save_model(self, request, process, form, change): """Save the authors, update time, make an excerpt""" if not form.cleaned_data.get('excerpt') and process.status == PUBLISHED: process.excerpt = truncate_words(strip_tags(process.content), 50) if process.pk and not request.user.has_perm('objectapp.can_change_author'): form.cleaned_data['authors'] = process.authors.all() if not form.cleaned_data.get('authors'): form.cleaned_data['authors'].append(request.user) process.last_update = datetime.now() process.save() def queryset(self, request): """Make special filtering by user permissions""" queryset = super(ProcessAdmin, self).queryset(request) if request.user.has_perm('objectapp.can_view_all'): return queryset return request.user.process.all() def formfield_for_manytomany(self, db_field, request, **kwargs): """Filters the disposable authors""" if db_field.name == 'authors': if request.user.has_perm('objectapp.can_change_author'): kwargs['queryset'] = User.objects.filter(is_staff=True) else: kwargs['queryset'] = User.objects.filter(pk=request.user.pk) return super(ProcessAdmin, self).formfield_for_manytomany( db_field, request, **kwargs) def get_actions(self, request): """Define user actions by permissions""" actions = super(ProcessAdmin, self).get_actions(request) if not request.user.has_perm('objectapp.can_change_author') \ or not request.user.has_perm('objectapp.can_view_all'): del actions['make_mine'] if not settings.PING_DIRECTORIES: del actions['ping_directories'] if not settings.USE_TWITTER: del actions['make_tweet'] return actions # Custom Actions def make_mine(self, request, queryset): """Set the processesto the user""" for process in queryset: if request.user not in process.authors.all(): process.authors.add(request.user) self.message_user( request, _('The selected processes now belong to you.')) make_mine.short_description = _('Set the processes to the user') def make_published(self, request, queryset): """Set processes selected as published""" queryset.update(status=PUBLISHED) self.ping_directories(request, queryset, messages=False) self.message_user( request, _('The selected processes are now marked as published.')) make_published.short_description = _('Set processes selected as published') def make_hidden(self, request, queryset): """Set systems selected as hidden""" queryset.update(status=HIDDEN) self.message_user( request, _('The selected systems are now marked as hidden.')) make_hidden.short_description = _('Set systems selected as hidden') def make_tweet(self, request, queryset): """Post an update on Twitter""" import tweepy auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(settings.TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY, settings.TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET) auth.set_access_token(settings.TWITTER_ACCESS_KEY, settings.TWITTER_ACCESS_SECRET) api = tweepy.API(auth) for process in queryset: short_url = process.short_url message = '%s %s' % (process.title[:139 - len(short_url)], short_url) api.update_status(message) self.message_user( request, _('The selected systems have been tweeted.')) make_tweet.short_description = _('Tweet processes selected') def close_comments(self, request, queryset): """Close the comments for selected processes """ queryset.update(comment_enabled=False) self.message_user( request, _('Comments are now closed for selected processes.')) close_comments.short_description = _('Close the comments for '\ 'selected processes') def close_pingbacks(self, request, queryset): """Close the pingbacks for selected processes """ queryset.update(pingback_enabled=False) self.message_user( request, _('Linkbacks are now closed for selected processes.')) close_pingbacks.short_description = _( 'Close the linkbacks for selected processes ') def put_on_top(self, request, queryset): """Put the selected processes on top at the current date""" queryset.update(creation_date=datetime.now()) self.ping_directories(request, queryset, messages=False) self.message_user(request, _( 'The selected processes are now set at the current date.')) put_on_top.short_description = _( 'Put the selected processes on top at the current date') def ping_directories(self, request, queryset, messages=True): """Ping Directories for selected processes """ for directory in settings.PING_DIRECTORIES: pinger = DirectoryPinger(directory, queryset) pinger.join() if messages: success = 0 for result in pinger.results: if not result.get('flerror', True): success += 1 else: self.message_user(request, '%s : %s' % (directory, result['message'])) if success: self.message_user( request, _('%(directory)s directory succesfully ' \ 'pinged %(success)d processes.') % {'directory': directory, 'success': success}) ping_directories.short_description = _( 'Ping Directories for selected processes') def get_urls(self): process_admin_urls = super(ProcessAdmin, self).get_urls() urls = patterns( 'django.views.generic.simple', url(r'^autocomplete_tags/$', 'direct_to_template', {'template': 'admin/objectapp/process/autocomplete_tags.js', 'mimetype': 'application/javascript'}, name='objectapp_process_autocomplete_tags'), url(r'^wymeditor/$', 'direct_to_template', {'template': 'admin/objectapp/process/wymeditor.js', 'mimetype': 'application/javascript'}, name='objectapp_process_wymeditor'), url(r'^markitup/$', 'direct_to_template', {'template': 'admin/objectapp/process/markitup.js', 'mimetype': 'application/javascript'}, name='objectapp_process_markitup'),) return urls + process_admin_urls def _media(self): STATIC_URL = '%sobjectapp/' % project_settings.STATIC_URL media = super(ProcessAdmin, self).media + Media( css={'all': ('%scss/jquery.autocomplete.css' % STATIC_URL,)}, js=('%sjs/jquery.js' % STATIC_URL, '%sjs/jquery.bgiframe.js' % STATIC_URL, '%sjs/jquery.autocomplete.js' % STATIC_URL, reverse('admin:objectapp_process_autocomplete_tags'),)) if settings.WYSIWYG == 'wymeditor': media += Media( js=('%sjs/wymeditor/jquery.wymeditor.pack.js' % STATIC_URL, '%sjs/wymeditor/plugins/hovertools/' 'jquery.wymeditor.hovertools.js' % STATIC_URL, reverse('admin:objectapp_process_wymeditor'))) elif settings.WYSIWYG == 'tinymce': from tinymce.widgets import TinyMCE media += TinyMCE().media + Media( js=(reverse('tinymce-js', args=('admin/objectapp/process',)),)) elif settings.WYSIWYG == 'markitup': media += Media( js=('%sjs/markitup/jquery.markitup.js' % STATIC_URL, '%sjs/markitup/sets/%s/set.js' % ( STATIC_URL, settings.MARKUP_LANGUAGE), reverse('admin:objectapp_process_markitup')), css={'all': ( '%sjs/markitup/skins/django/style.css' % STATIC_URL, '%sjs/markitup/sets/%s/style.css' % ( STATIC_URL, settings.MARKUP_LANGUAGE))}) return media media = property(_media)