# Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Free Software Foundation # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. 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"""XML-RPC methods of Gstudio metaWeblog API""" import os import sys from datetime import datetime from xmlrpclib import Fault from xmlrpclib import DateTime from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.contrib.sites.models import Site from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from django.utils.translation import gettext as _ from django.utils.html import strip_tags from django.utils.text import truncate_words from django.core.files.base import ContentFile from django.core.files.storage import default_storage from django.template.defaultfilters import slugify from gstudio.models import Nodetype from gstudio.models import Metatype from gstudio.models import NID from objectapp.models import Gbobject from gstudio.settings import PROTOCOL from gstudio.settings import UPLOAD_TO from gstudio.managers import DRAFT, PUBLISHED from django_xmlrpc.decorators import xmlrpc_func from django.utils.datastructures import SortedDict from gstudio.models import * from django.contrib.auth.models import User import inspect from gstudio import models as gstmodels from objectapp import models as objmodels from objectapp.models import ObjectDoesNotExist # http://docs.nucleuscms.org/blog/12#errorcodes LOGIN_ERROR = 801 PERMISSION_DENIED = 803 def authenticate(username, password, permission=None): """Authenticate staff_user with permission""" try: user = User.objects.get(username__exact=username) except User.DoesNotExist: raise Fault(LOGIN_ERROR, _('Username is incorrect.')) if not user.check_password(password): raise Fault(LOGIN_ERROR, _('Password is invalid.')) if not user.is_staff or not user.is_active: raise Fault(PERMISSION_DENIED, _('User account unavailable.')) if permission: if not user.has_perm(permission): raise Fault(PERMISSION_DENIED, _('User cannot %s.') % permission) return user def blog_structure(site): """A blog structure""" return {'url': '%s://%s%s' % ( PROTOCOL, site.domain, reverse('gstudio_nodetype_archive_index')), 'blogid': settings.SITE_ID, 'blogName': site.name} def user_structure(user, site): """An user structure""" return {'userid': user.pk, 'email': user.email, 'nickname': user.username, 'lastname': user.last_name, 'firstname': user.first_name, 'url': '%s://%s%s' % ( PROTOCOL, site.domain, reverse('gstudio_author_detail', args=[user.username]))} def author_structure(user): """An author structure""" return {'user_id': user.pk, 'user_login': user.username, 'display_name': user.username, 'user_email': user.email} def metatype_structure(metatype, site): """A metatype structure""" return {'description': metatype.title, 'htmlUrl': '%s://%s%s' % ( PROTOCOL, site.domain, metatype.get_absolute_url()), 'rssUrl': '%s://%s%s' % ( PROTOCOL, site.domain, reverse('gstudio_metatype_feed', args=[metatype.tree_path])), # Useful Wordpress Extensions 'metatypeId': metatype.pk, 'parentId': metatype.parent and metatype.parent.pk or 0, 'metatypeDescription': metatype.description, 'metatypeName': metatype.title} def post_structure(nodetype, site): """A post structure with extensions""" author = nodetype.authors.all()[0] return {'title': nodetype.title, 'description': unicode(nodetype.html_content), 'link': '%s://%s%s' % (PROTOCOL, site.domain, nodetype.get_absolute_url()), # Basic Extensions 'permaLink': '%s://%s%s' % (PROTOCOL, site.domain, nodetype.get_absolute_url()), 'metatypes': [cat.title for cat in nodetype.metatypes.all()], 'dateCreated': DateTime(nodetype.creation_date.isoformat()), 'postid': nodetype.pk, 'userid': author.username, # Useful Movable Type Extensions 'mt_excerpt': nodetype.excerpt, 'mt_allow_comments': int(nodetype.comment_enabled), 'mt_allow_pings': int(nodetype.pingback_enabled), 'mt_keywords': nodetype.tags, # Useful Wordpress Extensions 'wp_author': author.username, 'wp_author_id': author.pk, 'wp_author_display_name': author.username, 'wp_password': nodetype.password, 'wp_slug': nodetype.slug, 'sticky': nodetype.featured} @xmlrpc_func(returns='struct[]', args=['string', 'string', 'string']) def get_users_blogs(apikey, username, password): """blogger.getUsersBlogs(api_key, username, password) => blog structure[]""" authenticate(username, password) site = Site.objects.get_current() return [blog_structure(site)] @xmlrpc_func(returns='struct', args=['string', 'string', 'string']) def get_user_info(apikey, username, password): """blogger.getUserInfo(api_key, username, password) => user structure""" user = authenticate(username, password) site = Site.objects.get_current() return user_structure(user, site) @xmlrpc_func(returns='struct[]', args=['string', 'string', 'string']) def get_authors(apikey, username, password): """wp.getAuthors(api_key, username, password) => author structure[]""" authenticate(username, password) return [author_structure(author) for author in User.objects.filter(is_staff=True)] @xmlrpc_func(returns='boolean', args=['string', 'string', 'string', 'string', 'string']) def delete_post(apikey, post_id, username, password, publish): """blogger.deletePost(api_key, post_id, username, password, 'publish') => boolean""" user = authenticate(username, password, 'gstudio.delete_nodetype') nodetype = Nodetype.objects.get(id=post_id, authors=user) nodetype.delete() return True @xmlrpc_func(returns='struct', args=['string', 'string', 'string']) def get_post(post_id, username, password): """metaWeblog.getPost(post_id, username, password) => post structure""" user = authenticate(username, password) site = Site.objects.get_current() return post_structure(Nodetype.objects.get(id=post_id, authors=user), site) @xmlrpc_func(returns='struct[]', args=['string', 'string', 'string', 'integer']) def get_recent_posts(blog_id, username, password, number): """metaWeblog.getRecentPosts(blog_id, username, password, number) => post structure[]""" user = authenticate(username, password) site = Site.objects.get_current() return [post_structure(nodetype, site) \ for nodetype in Nodetype.objects.filter(authors=user)[:number]] @xmlrpc_func(returns='struct[]', args=['string', 'string', 'string']) def get_metatypes(blog_id, username, password): """metaWeblog.getMetatypes(blog_id, username, password) => metatype structure[]""" authenticate(username, password) site = Site.objects.get_current() return [metatype_structure(metatype, site) \ for metatype in Metatype.objects.all()] @xmlrpc_func(returns='string', args=['string', 'string', 'string', 'struct']) def new_metatype(blog_id, username, password, metatype_struct): """wp.newMetatype(blog_id, username, password, metatype) => metatype_id""" authenticate(username, password, 'gstudio.add_metatype') metatype_dict = {'title': metatype_struct['name'], 'description': metatype_struct['description'], 'slug': metatype_struct['slug']} if int(metatype_struct['parent_id']): metatype_dict['parent'] = Metatype.objects.get( pk=metatype_struct['parent_id']) metatype = Metatype.objects.create(**metatype_dict) return metatype.pk @xmlrpc_func(returns='struct', args=['string', 'string']) def add_nums(num1, num2): """metaWeblog.add("num1","num2") => sum""" num1= int(num1) num2= int(num2) return dict({'sum':[num1 + num2]}) @xmlrpc_func(returns='string', args=['string', 'string']) def get_nbh(name, of_type=""): """metaWeblog.get_nbh("object_name", "type of: [OT, O, MT]") => nbh""" # this should be extended to identifying an object with other criteria instead of title as it can be ambiguous try: # retrieve the first matching object, (this should be changed to id or an additional specifiers like of_type="OT") n = NID.objects.filter(title=name)[0] if not n: return str({'error':'NOT FOUND'}) if n.ref._meta.module_name == 'objecttype' or 'gbobject' or 'metatype': nbh = n.ref.get_nbh if nbh: return str(nbh) else: return str({'error':'Error!'}) else: return str({'error':'Not applicable as node is not OT, O or MT'}) except: return str({'error':'Error!'}) @xmlrpc_func(returns='string', args=['string', 'string', 'string', 'struct', 'boolean']) def new_post(blog_id, username, password, post, publish): """metaWeblog.newPost(blog_id, username, password, post, publish) => post_id""" user = authenticate(username, password, 'gstudio.add_nodetype') if post.get('dateCreated'): creation_date = datetime.strptime( post['dateCreated'].value.replace('Z', '').replace('-', ''), '%Y%m%dT%H:%M:%S') else: creation_date = datetime.now() nodetype_dict = {'title': post['title'], 'content': post['description'], 'excerpt': post.get('mt_excerpt', truncate_words( strip_tags(post['description']), 50)), 'creation_date': creation_date, 'last_update': creation_date, 'comment_enabled': post.get('mt_allow_comments', 1) == 1, 'pingback_enabled': post.get('mt_allow_pings', 1) == 1, 'featured': post.get('sticky', 0) == 1, 'tags': 'mt_keywords' in post and post['mt_keywords'] or '', 'slug': 'wp_slug' in post and post['wp_slug'] or slugify( post['title']), 'password': post.get('wp_password', ''), 'status': publish and PUBLISHED or DRAFT} nodetype = Nodetype.objects.create(**nodetype_dict) author = user if 'wp_author_id' in post and user.has_perm('gstudio.can_change_author'): if int(post['wp_author_id']) != user.pk: author = User.objects.get(pk=post['wp_author_id']) nodetype.authors.add(author) nodetype.sites.add(Site.objects.get_current()) if 'metatypes' in post: nodetype.metatypes.add(*[Metatype.objects.get_or_create( title=cat, slug=slugify(cat))[0] for cat in post['metatypes']]) return nodetype.pk @xmlrpc_func(returns='boolean', args=['string', 'string', 'string', 'struct', 'boolean']) def edit_post(post_id, username, password, post, publish): """metaWeblog.editPost(post_id, username, password, post, publish) => boolean""" user = authenticate(username, password, 'gstudio.change_nodetype') nodetype = Nodetype.objects.get(id=post_id, authors=user) if post.get('dateCreated'): creation_date = datetime.strptime( post['dateCreated'].value.replace('Z', '').replace('-', ''), '%Y%m%dT%H:%M:%S') else: creation_date = nodetype.creation_date nodetype.title = post['title'] nodetype.content = post['description'] nodetype.excerpt = post.get('mt_excerpt', truncate_words( strip_tags(post['description']), 50)) nodetype.creation_date = creation_date nodetype.last_update = datetime.now() nodetype.comment_enabled = post.get('mt_allow_comments', 1) == 1 nodetype.pingback_enabled = post.get('mt_allow_pings', 1) == 1 nodetype.featured = post.get('sticky', 0) == 1 nodetype.tags = 'mt_keywords' in post and post['mt_keywords'] or '' nodetype.slug = 'wp_slug' in post and post['wp_slug'] or slugify( post['title']) nodetype.status = publish and PUBLISHED or DRAFT nodetype.password = post.get('wp_password', '') nodetype.save() if 'wp_author_id' in post and user.has_perm('gstudio.can_change_author'): if int(post['wp_author_id']) != user.pk: author = User.objects.get(pk=post['wp_author_id']) nodetype.authors.clear() nodetype.authors.add(author) if 'metatypes' in post: nodetype.metatypes.clear() nodetype.metatypes.add(*[Metatype.objects.get_or_create( title=cat, slug=slugify(cat))[0] for cat in post['metatypes']]) return True @xmlrpc_func(returns='struct', args=['string', 'string', 'string', 'struct']) def new_media_object(blog_id, username, password, media): """metaWeblog.newMediaObject(blog_id, username, password, media) => media structure""" authenticate(username, password) path = default_storage.save(os.path.join(UPLOAD_TO, media['name']), ContentFile(media['bits'].data)) return {'url': default_storage.url(path)} # Get functions start from here @xmlrpc_func(returns='string', args=['int']) def get_nodetype(nid): """Returns the nodetype of given nid => metaWeblog.getNodetype(nid)""" try : p = NID.objects.get(id = nid) try : g = Nodetype.objects.get(id=nid) return (g.ref._meta.module_name) except Nodetype.DoesNotExist : return "Not of Type Nodetype " except NID.DoesNotExist : return "Node Does Not Exist" @xmlrpc_func(returns='int', args=['string']) def nid_exists(nid): """Returns 1 if a node with given id exists, else returns a 0 => metaWeblog.nidExists(nodetypetitle)""" try : p = NID.objects.get(title = nid) try: p = Nodetype.objects.get(title = nid) return 1 except Nodetype.DoesNotExist: return 0 except NID.DoesNotExist : return "Node Does Not Exist" @xmlrpc_func(returns='struct',args=['struct']) def get_info_fromSSID(ssid_list) : """Given a list of nids, it returns entire information of each ssid inside a dictionary with all the dictionaries contained within a list => metaWeblog.getinfoFromSSID(nidlist)""" lst = [] for ssid in ssid_list : try : t = NID.objects.get(id = ssid) try : p = Nodetype.objects.get(id = ssid) nbh = p.ref.get_nbh lst.append(str(nbh)) except Nodetype.DoesNotExist : lst.append('Not of type Nodetype') except NID.DoesNotExist : lst.append('Node Does Not Exist' ) return lst @xmlrpc_func(returns='struct', args=['struct','string']) def get_neighbourhood(ssid_list, get_what): """ Given a list of nids,it returns the neighbourhood(nbh/rendered) of the Nodetype => metaWeblog.getNeighbourhood(nidlist,nbh/rendered_nbh)""" d = {} for ssid in ssid_list: try: p = NID.objects.get(id = ssid) try : t = Nodetype.objects.get(id = ssid) if get_what=='rendered_nbh' : nbh = p.ref.get_rendered_nbh d[str(p.id)]= str(nbh) elif get_what=='nbh': nbh = p.ref.get_nbh d[str(p.id)]= str(nbh) except Nodetype.DoesNotExist : d[str(ssid)] = "Not of type Nodetype" except NID.DoesNotExist : d[str(ssid)] = "Node Does Not Exist" return d @xmlrpc_func(returns='struct', args=['struct','string']) def get_gbobject_neighbourhood(ssid_list, get_what): """ Given a list of nids,it returns the neighbourhood(nbh/rendered) of the Gbobject => metaWeblog.getGbobjectNeighbourhood(nidlist,nbh/rendered_nbh)""" d = {} for ssid in ssid_list: try: p = NID.objects.get(id = ssid) try : t = Gbobject.objects.get(id = ssid) if get_what=='rendered_nbh' : nbh = p.ref.get_rendered_nbh d[str(p.id)]= str(nbh) elif get_what=='nbh': nbh = p.ref.get_nbh d[str(p.id)]= str(nbh) except Gbobject.DoesNotExist : d[str(ssid)] = "Not of type Gboject" except NID.DoesNotExist : d[str(ssid)] = "Node Does Not Exist" return d @xmlrpc_func(returns='struct', args=['struct']) def get_attributeType(subjecttypelist): """given the list of subjecttype inids the method returns all the attributetypes attached. => metaWeblog.getAttributeType(subjecttypeidlist)""" d = {} for s in subjecttypelist : try : l = [] p = NID.objects.get(id = s) k = p.ref._meta.module_name y = [] if( k == 'objecttype' or 'metatype' ) : y = Attributetype.objects.filter(subjecttype_id = s) for i in y : l.append(str(i.id)) d[str(s)] = l except NID.DoesNotExist : d[str(s)] = "Node Does not Exist" return d # Get all function for getting all nodetypes @xmlrpc_func(returns='struct', args=['string']) def get_all(nodetype): """Given a class name it returns all the nids corresponding to their class name. => metaWeblog.getAll(classname)""" d = {} try : p = eval(nodetype) h = p.objects.all() for i in h: d[str(i.title)] = i.id except NameError : return "The class with the given name Does not exist" return d @xmlrpc_func(returns='struct', args=['struct']) def get_datatype(attrtype_ssid_list) : """Given a list of attributessids, it returns its datatypes. => metaWeblog.getDatatype(attrtypenidlist)""" d = {} for l in attrtype_ssid_list : try : p = NID.objects.get(id = l) n = p.ref._meta.module_name if n == 'attributetype' : ft = FIELD_TYPE_CHOICES[int(p.ref.dataType) - 1] d[str(p.id)] = ft[1] else : d[str(p.id)]= "Not a attributetype" except NID.DoesNotExist : d[str(l)] = "Node Does not Exist" return d @xmlrpc_func(returns='struct', args=['string']) def get_attributevalues(Attrssidlist) : """Given a list of attributessid, it returns their values => metaWeblog.getAttributevalues(attrnidlist)""" d = {} for l in Attrssidlist : try : p = NID.objects.get(id = l) k = p.ref._meta.module_name if ( k == 'attribute' ) : t = Attribute.objects.get(id = l) d[str(t.id)] = t.svalue else : d[str(l)] = "Not an Attribute" except NID.DoesNotExist : d[str(l)] = "Node Does Not Exist" return d @xmlrpc_func(returns='struct', args=['string']) def get_subjecttypes( AttributeTypeNid ): """Given an attributetypenid, it returns the subjecttype participating in the attributetype. => metaWeblog.getSubjecttypes(attributetypenid)""" try : d = {} t = NID.objects.get(id = AttributeTypeNid) k = t.ref._meta.module_name if k == 'attributetype' : p = Attributetype.objects.get(id = AttributeTypeNid) n = p.subjecttype_id d['stid'] = str(n) d['applicable_nodetypes'] = p.applicable_nodetypes else : return "Not an Attributetype" except NID.DoesNotExist: return "Node does not exist" return d @xmlrpc_func(returns='struct', args=['string']) def get_roles(relationtypenid) : """given a relationtype nid this method returns the roles participating in the relationtype. => metaWeblog.getRoles(relationtypenid)""" try : t = NID.objects.get(id = relationtypenid) k = t.ref._meta.module_name d = {} if k == 'relationtype' : p = Relationtype.objects.get(nodetype_ptr_id = relationtypenid) d['cardinality1 '] = p.left_cardinality d['cardinality2'] = p.right_cardinality d['rtid'] = p.nodetype_ptr_id d['applicablenodetype1'] = p.left_applicable_nodetypes d['applicablenodetype2'] = p.right_applicable_nodetypes d['subjecttype1'] = p.left_subjecttype_id d['subjecttype2'] = p.right_subjecttype_id else : return "Not a Relationtype" except NID.DoesNotExist : return "Node Does Not Exist " return d @xmlrpc_func(returns='struct', args=['string']) def get_subtypes(nodeid) : """Returns only the immediate subtype of the node specified. => metaWeblog.getSubtypes(Nodetypeid)""" try : y = NID.objects.get(id = nodeid) try : p = Nodetype.objects.get(id = nodeid) n = p.get_children() l = [] for i in n: l.append(str(i.id)) except Nodetype.DoesNotExist : return "Not of type nodetype" except NID.DoesNotExist : return " Node Does not exist" return l @xmlrpc_func(returns='struct', args=['string']) def get_all_subtypes(nodeid) : """Returns all the 'subtypes' of the node specified => metaWeblog.getAllSubtypes(Nodetypenid)""" try : l = [] p = NID.objects.get(id = nodeid) try : k = Nodetype.objects.get(id = nodeid) h = k.get_descendants() for i in h : l.append(str(i.id)) except Nodetype.DoesNotExist : return "Not of type Nodetype" except NID.DoesNotExist : return "Node Does not Exist" return l @xmlrpc_func(returns=['struct'], args=['struct']) def get_restrictions(ATlist) : """Given a list of attributetype nids, this method returns all the restrictions that the attributetypes have. => metaWeblog.getRestrictions(Attributetypenids)""" d = {} ft = [] for a in ATlist : try : k = NID.objects.get(id = a) t = k.ref._meta.module_name u = {} if t == 'attributetype' : p = Attributetype.objects.get(id = a) ft = FIELD_TYPE_CHOICES[int(p.dataType)-1] u['datatype'] = ft[1] u['length'] = p.max_digits u['precision'] = p.decimal_places d[str(p.id)] = u else : d[str(a)] = "Not a Attributetype" except NID.DoesNotExist : d[str(a)] = "Node Does Not Exist" return d @xmlrpc_func(returns='int', args=['string']) def get_latest_SSID(nid) : """Given the nid, this method will return the latest ssid of the given id => metaWeblog.getlatestSSID(nid)""" try : p = NID.objects.get(id = nid) n = p.get_ssid u = len(n) if u == 0 : return "No Snapshots created" else : r = n[u-1] return r except NID.DoesNotExist: return "Node Does Not exist" @xmlrpc_func(returns='struct', args=['int']) def get_all_snapshots(nid) : """Given the id, this method will return all the ssids of the given id. => metaWeblog.getAllSnapshots(nid)""" try : p = NID.objects.get(id = nid) n = p.get_ssid except NID.DoesNotExist : return "Node Does Not Exist" return n # Set functions begin from here @xmlrpc_func(returns='string', args=['struct','string']) def set_attributetype(d,objid) : """ Given a dictionary of title,slug,applicable_nodetype,objectid,it creates an Attributetype for that Objecttypeid => metaWeblog.setAttributetype(d['title' = '',slug = '',applicable_nodetype = ''],objecttypeid)""" try : p = NID.objects.get(id = objid) t = p.ref._meta.module_name w = [] if t == 'objecttype' or t == 'metatype' : u = Attributetype.objects.filter(subjecttype_id = objid) y = len(u) r = 0 for i in u : if str(i.title) == d['title'] : return "Attributetype:",d['title']," already exists" else : r = r + 1 if r == y : w = Attributetype(title = d['title'],applicable_nodetypes = d['applicable_nodetype'],subjecttype_id = objid,slug = d['slug']) w.save() return w.id else : return "Not a objecttype" except NID.DoesNotExist : return "Node Does Not Exist" @xmlrpc_func(returns='int', args=['struct','string']) def set_relationtype(d,uid) : """ Given a objecttypeid and a dictionary of title,slug,inverse,right_subjecttype_id,it creates an Relationtype for that Objecttype => metaWeblog.setRelationtype(d['title' = '', slug = '', right_subjecttype_id = '', inverse = ''],objecttypeid)""" try : k = NID.objects.get(id = uid) f = k.ref._meta.module_name r = 0 t = [] if ( f == 'objecttype' or f == 'metatype') : p = Relationtype.objects.filter(left_subjecttype_id = uid) u = len(p) for n in p : if (str(n.title) == d['title']) : return "Relationtype :",d['title'],"already exists for",n.title else : r = r + 1 if r == u : t = Relationtype(title = d['title'],left_subjecttype_id = uid,right_subjecttype_id = d['right_subjecttype_id'], slug = d['slug'],inverse = d['inverse']) t.save() return t.id else : return " Not of type Objecttype or Metatype" except NID.DoesNotExist : return " Node does not Exist" @xmlrpc_func(returns='int', args=['struct','string']) def set_objecttype(d) : """ Given a dictionary of title,slug,it creates a Objecttype => metaWeblog.setObjecttype(d['title' = '', slug = ''],objecttypeid)""" k = Objecttype.objects.all() u = len(k) r = 0 t = [] for n in k : if (str(n.title) == d['title']) : return "Objecttype",d['title'],"already exists" else : r = r + 1 if r == u : t = Objecttype(title = d['title'], slug = d['slug']) t.save() return t.id @xmlrpc_func(returns='int', args=['struct','string']) def set_object(d,o) : """ Given a objecttypeid and a dictionary of title,slug,it creates an Object for that objecttypeid => metaWeblog.setAttributetype(d['title' = '',slug = ''],objecttypeid)""" try : k = NID.objects.get(id = o) t = k.ref._meta.module_name u = 0 r = 0 y = [] h = [] if (t == 'objecttype' or t =='metatype') : p = Objecttype.objects.get(id = o) h = p.get_members u = len(h) for i in h : if(str(i.title) == d['title']) : return "Object",d['title'],"already exists for",p.title else : r = r + 1 if r == u : y = Gbobject(title = d['title'],slug = d['slug']) y.save() y.objecttypes.add(p) return y.id else : return "Not of type Objecttype or metatype" except NID.DoesNotExist : return "Node does not exist" @xmlrpc_func(returns='int', args=['struct','string']) def set_attribute(d,objid) : """ Given a objecttypeid and dictionary of attributetypetitle,subject_id,svalue,it creates an Attribute for the Attributetype of that objecttypeid => metaWeblog.setAttributetype(d['attributetypetitle' = '',subject_id = '',svalue = ''],objecttypeid)""" try : k = NID.objects.get(id = objid) t = k.ref._meta.module_name if t == 'objecttype' or t == 'metatype' : p = Attributetype.objects.filter(subjecttype_id = objid) s = [] for i in p : if (str(i.title) == d['attributetypetitle']) : s = Attribute(attributetype_id = i.id,subject_id = d['subject_id'],svalue = d['svalue']) s.save() return s.id else : return " The objectid entered is not a objecttype or metatype" except NID.DoesNotExist: return "Node does not Exist" @xmlrpc_func(returns='int', args=['struct','string','string']) def set_relation(d,obj1,obj2) : """ Given objecttype1id and objecttype2id between whose relation is to be established and dictionary of relationtypename,left_subject_id,right_subject_id,it creates a relation between objects of the two objecttype specfied => metaWeblog.setRelation(d['relationtypename' = '',left_subject_id = '',right_subject_id = ''],objecttypeid1,objecttypeid2)""" try : p = Relationtype.objects.filter(left_subjecttype_id = obj1,right_subjecttype_id = obj2) s = [] for i in p : if (str(i.title) == d['relationtypename']) : s = Relation(relationtype_id = i.id,left_subject_id = d['left_subject_id'],right_subject_id = d['right_subject_id']) s.save() return s.id except Relationtype.DoesNotExist : return "Relationtype Does Not Exist" # Previous version of ``show_id`` and ``show_instance`` # @xmlrpc_func(returns='list') # def list_id(): # """Get a list of Gbobjects' ids""" # return [id.id for id in Gbobject.objects.all()] # @xmlrpc_func(returns='struct', args=['string']) # def dict_id(id=None): # """Get a Gbobject as a dict or as a list of dicts""" # if id: # return Gbobject.objects.get(id="{0}".format(id)) # else: # return [dict_id(id) for id in list_id()] def class_checker(m): """Returns a dict which contains all classes of the m module""" res = {} for name, obj in inspect.getmembers(m): if inspect.isclass(obj) and obj.__module__ == m.__name__: res[name] = obj return res def instance_checker(m, instance, option, id=None): cc = class_checker(m) for i in cc.keys(): if i == instance: if option == "get": return cc[i].objects.get(id="{0}".format(id)) if option == "all": return [id.id for id in cc[i].objects.all()] else: sys.stderr.write("metaweblog.py:865-871: Wrong arguments\n") @xmlrpc_func(returns="struct", args=["string", "string"]) def show_id(module=None, instance=None): if (module == "objectapp.models" or module == objmodels) and instance: return instance_checker(objmodels, instance, "all") if (module == "gstudio.models" or module == gstmodels) and instance: return instance_checker(gstmodels, instance, "all") if module == None and instance == None: def show_all(m): res = {} for i in class_checker(m).keys(): res[i] = show_id(m, i) return res gstres = show_all(gstmodels) objres = show_all(objmodels) return gstres, objres else: sys.stderr.write("metaweblog.py:877-892: Wrong arguments\n") @xmlrpc_func(returns="struct", args=["string", "string", "string"]) def show_instance(module=None, instance=None, id=None): try: if ((module == "objectapp.models" or module == objmodels) and instance and id): return instance_checker(objmodels, instance, "get", id) if ((module == "gstudio.models" or module == gstmodels) and instance and id): return instance_checker(gstmodels, instance, "get", id) if ((module == "objectapp.models" or module == objmodels) and instance): res = [] for i in show_id(objmodels, instance): res.append(instance_checker(objmodels, instance, "get", i)) return res if ((module == "gstudio.models" or module == gstmodels) and instance): res = [] for i in show_id(gstmodels, instance): res.append(instance_checker(gstmodels, instance, "get", i)) return res if module == None and instance == None and id == None: def show_all(m, index): res = [] for k in show_id()[index].keys(): for v in show_id()[index][k]: res.append(show_instance(m, k, v)) return res res = [] res.append(show_all(gstmodels, 0)) res.append(show_all(objmodels, 1)) return res else: sys.stderr.write("metaweblog.py:900-933: Wrong arguments\n") except ObjectDoesNotExist: sys.stderr.write("metaweblog.py:900-933: " "Object matching query does not exist\n")