from gstudio.lex import * def lex(self): destination = open( "/home/user/gnowsys-studio/demo/", "a+" ) f = ##print "f---" ,f b = [] c = [] r = [] source_r = [] """ strpos=f.find("one") ##print strpos """ #Updates lexicon file with each Objecttype as noun singular and plural for each in Objecttype.objects.all(): source=get_lex_OT(each) for e_i in source: strpos=f.find(e_i) #print strpos if strpos == -1: #print "Going to write --", e_i destination.write(str(e_i) + '\n') else: pass #Updates lexicon file with Gbobject and author of each Nodetype and stores them as Proper noun for each in Nodetype.objects.all(): for a in get_lex_author(each): b.append(a) for each in Gbobject.objects.all(): for a in get_lex_GB(each): b.append(a) #Compares each of the entries of author & Gbobject, to make a unique list for each in b: if each not in c: c.append(each) for e_i in c: strpos=f.find(e_i) #print strpos if strpos == -1: #print "Going to write --", e_i destination.write(str(e_i) + '\n') else: pass #Updates lexicon file with each Relationtype as an intransitive adjective or transitive verb for each in Relationtype.objects.all(): for e_i in get_lex_RT(each): r.append(e_i) ##print " r---(will contain all rts, may contain repetition of prepositions)" #Compares each of the entries to ensure preposition entries are unique for each_r in r: if each_r not in source_r: source_r.append(each_r) ###print "source_r, should not contain any rep" for e_ir in source_r: strpos=f.find(e_ir) #print strpos if strpos == -1: ##print "Going to write the above statement",e_i destination.write(str(e_ir) + '\n') else: pass #Updates lexicon file with each Metatype as noun singular and plural for each in Metatype.objects.all(): source_m=get_lex_MT(each) for e_im in source_m: strpos=f.find(e_im) #print strpos if strpos == -1: ##print "Going to write the above statement",e_i destination.write(str(e_im) + '\n') else: pass #Updates lexicon file with each Attributetype as noun singular and plural for each in Attributetype.objects.all(): source_a=get_lex_AT(each) for e_ia in source_a: strpos=f.find(e_ia) #print strpos if strpos == -1: ##print "Going to write the above statement",e_i destination.write(str(e_ia) + '\n') else: pass destination.close()