{% extends "gstudio/base.html" %} {% load adminmedia grp_tags %} {% load i18n comments gstudio_tags %} {% load tagging_tags comments i18n %} {% block title %}{{ doc.title }}{% endblock %} {% block content %}
{% csrf_token %}


Posted By : {% for author in doc.authors.all %} {{author}} {% endfor %}
Posted At : {{doc.creation_date}}
Download: Click to download!!
Description: {%autoescape on%} {% with doc.html_content|safe as doc_content %} {{doc_content}} {% endwith %} {% endautoescape%} {% if user.is_authenticated %} {% endif %}

{% ifequal doc.rating.get_rating 0 %} Current rating is:   No rating yet {% else %} Average Current rating is:   {{ doc.rating.get_rating }}
Total Number of votes is:  {{ doc.rating_votes }} {% endifequal %}
{% if user.is_authenticated %}
{% csrf_token %}

{% csrf_token %}
{% endif %}

{% trans "Tags" %} : {% tags_for_object doc as tag_list %} {% for tag in tag_list %} {% empty %} {% trans "No tags" %} {% endfor %}

{% block nodetype-comments %}
{% trans "Comments" %}
{% with doc.comments as comment_list %} {% if comment_list.count %}
    {% for comment in comment_list %} {% endfor %}
{% if not doc.comments_are_open %}

{% trans "Comments are closed." %}

{% endif %} {% else %} {% if doc.comments_are_open %}

{% trans "No comments yet." %}

{% else %}

{% trans "Comments are closed." %}

{% endif %} {% endif %} {% endwith %}
{% endblock %}
{% render_comment_form for doc %}

{% endblock %}