{% extends "gstudio/nodetype_list.html" %} {% load i18n gstudio_tags %} {% block title %}{% trans "Search results for" %} {% if pattern %}'{{ pattern }}'{% endif %}{% if page_obj %}{% ifnotequal page_obj.number 1 %} | {% trans "Page" %} {{ page_obj.number }}{% endifnotequal %}{% endif %}{% endblock %} {% block meta-description %}{% trans "Search results for" %} {% if pattern %}'{{ pattern }}'{% endif %}{% if page_obj %}{% ifnotequal page_obj.number 1 %} {% trans "page" %} {{ page_obj.number }}{% endifnotequal %}{% endif %}{% endblock %} {% block link %} {{ block.super }} {% endblock %} {% block content %}

{% trans "Search results for" %} {% if pattern %}'{{ pattern }}'{% endif %}

{% if error %}

{{ error }}

{% endif %} {% if object_list %}

{% blocktrans count paginator.count as nodetype_count %}{{ nodetype_count }} nodetype found{% plural %}{{ nodetype_count }} nodetypes found{% endblocktrans %}

{% endif %} {% for object in object_list %} {% ifequal object.title|truncatewords:"3" 'page box of ...' %} {% else %} {% ifequal object.title|truncatewords:"3" 'message box of ...' %} {% else %} {% with object.html_content|truncatewords_html:100|safe as object_content %} {% include "gstudio/_nodetype_detail.html" %} {% endwith %} {% endifequal %} {% endifequal %} {% empty %}

{% trans "Nothing found." %}

{% endfor %} {% if is_paginated %} {% gstudio_pagination page_obj %} {% endif %} {% endblock %}