{%extends "gstudio/base.html"%} {%load i18n %} {%block extrahead%} {%endblock%} {% block content %} {%if user.is_authenticated%} {% if errors %} {% endif %}
{% csrf_token %}

Name of the Group:

Brief Description:

If you want to leave any instructions for the participants you may mention them above as well

Please Set the time
Starts at time:
Date: Hours: Minutes:

NoteThe group will be accessible to members (except the creator)only after the scheduled start time

Ends at time:
Date: Hours: Minutes:

After this time the group posts remain but the activity is frozen

Creating a group will require to schedule it for an indefinite period of time. So in this case, please enter end time of say 50 years from now


Sorry! Login To proceed

{%endif%} {% endblock %}