# Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Free Software Foundation # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. 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"""Search module with complex query parsing for Gstudio""" from pyparsing import Word from pyparsing import alphas from pyparsing import WordEnd from pyparsing import Combine from pyparsing import opAssoc from pyparsing import Optional from pyparsing import OneOrMore from pyparsing import StringEnd from pyparsing import printables from pyparsing import quotedString from pyparsing import removeQuotes from pyparsing import ParseResults from pyparsing import CaselessLiteral from pyparsing import operatorPrecedence from django.db.models import Q from gstudio.models import Node from gstudio.settings import STOP_WORDS def createQ(token): """Creates the Q() object""" meta = getattr(token, 'meta', None) query = getattr(token, 'query', '') wildcards = None if isinstance(query, basestring): # Unicode -> Quoted string search = query else: # List -> No quoted string (possible wildcards) if len(query) == 1: search = query[0] elif len(query) == 3: wildcards = 'BOTH' search = query[1] elif len(query) == 2: if query[0] == '*': wildcards = 'START' search = query[1] else: wildcards = 'END' search = query[0] # Ignore connective words (of, a, an...) and STOP_WORDS if (len(search) < 3 and not search.isdigit()) or \ search in STOP_WORDS: return Q() if not meta: return Q(title__icontains=search) ''' Q(content__icontains=search) | \ Q(excerpt__icontains=search) | \ ''' if meta == 'metatype': if wildcards == 'BOTH': return Q(metatypes__title__icontains=search) | \ Q(metatypes__slug__icontains=search) elif wildcards == 'START': return Q(metatypes__title__iendswith=search) | \ Q(metatypes__slug__iendswith=search) elif wildcards == 'END': return Q(metatypes__title__istartswith=search) | \ Q(metatypes__slug__istartswith=search) else: return Q(metatypes__title__iexact=search) | \ Q(metatypes__slug__iexact=search) elif meta == 'author': if wildcards == 'BOTH': return Q(authors__username__icontains=search) elif wildcards == 'START': return Q(authors__username__iendswith=search) elif wildcards == 'END': return Q(authors__username__istartswith=search) else: return Q(authors__username__iexact=search) elif meta == 'tag': # TODO: tags ignore wildcards return Q(tags__icontains=search) def unionQ(token): """Appends all the Q() objects""" query = Q() operation = 'and' negation = False for t in token: if type(t) is ParseResults: # See tokens recursively query &= unionQ(t) else: if t in ('or', 'and'): # Set the new op and go to next token operation = t elif t == '-': # Next tokens needs to be negated negation = True else: # Append to query the token if negation: t = ~t if operation == 'or': query |= t else: query &= t return query NO_BRTS = printables.replace('(', '').replace(')', '') SINGLE = Word(NO_BRTS.replace('*', '')) WILDCARDS = Optional('*') + SINGLE + Optional('*') + WordEnd(wordChars=NO_BRTS) QUOTED = quotedString.setParseAction(removeQuotes) OPER_AND = CaselessLiteral('and') OPER_OR = CaselessLiteral('or') OPER_NOT = '-' TERM = Combine(Optional(Word(alphas).setResultsName('meta') + ':') + (QUOTED.setResultsName('query') | WILDCARDS.setResultsName('query'))) TERM.setParseAction(createQ) EXPRESSION = operatorPrecedence(TERM, [ (OPER_NOT, 1, opAssoc.RIGHT), (OPER_OR, 2, opAssoc.LEFT), (Optional(OPER_AND, default='and'), 2, opAssoc.LEFT)]) EXPRESSION.setParseAction(unionQ) QUERY = OneOrMore(EXPRESSION) + StringEnd() QUERY.setParseAction(unionQ) def advanced_search(pattern): """Parse the grammar of a pattern and build a queryset with it""" query_parsed = QUERY.parseString(pattern) return Node.published.filter(query_parsed[0]).distinct()