/* EDITOR RELATED STYLES - CUSTOMIZE FOR YOUR NEEDS */ /* The classes panel, the visual feedback and the preview will be affected by these values. - Commented styles inside style definitions are used for visual feedback when using the editor. - Comments before opening the style are used as caption. - Comments after the class name and before the style declaration ({) define the jQuery expression that decides whether this style should be applied or not. Note: the WYMeditor and /WYMeditor comments below are required for the CSS parser to work properly. */ /* WYMeditor */ /* PARA: Highlight */ p.highlight { background: yellow; /* background: yellow; border: 2px solid orange; */ } /* PARA: Hidden note */ p.hide { display: none; /* color: #999; border: 2px solid #ccc; */ } /* IMG: floating left */ img.left /* img[@class!="right"] */ { display: inline; float: left; /* float: left; */ } /* IMG: floating right */ img.right /* img[@class!="left"] */ { display: inline; float: right; /* float: right; */ } /* /WYMeditor */