# Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Free Software Foundation # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . """Feeds for Gstudio""" from urlparse import urljoin from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.contrib.sites.models import Site from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404 from django.utils.feedgenerator import Atom1Feed from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ from django.contrib.syndication.views import Feed from django.core.urlresolvers import NoReverseMatch from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist from tagging.models import Tag from tagging.models import TaggedItem from gstudio.models import Nodetype from gstudio.settings import COPYRIGHT from gstudio.settings import PROTOCOL from gstudio.settings import FEEDS_FORMAT from gstudio.settings import FEEDS_MAX_ITEMS from gstudio.managers import nodetypes_published from gstudio.views.metatypes import get_metatype_or_404 from gstudio.templatetags.gstudio_tags import get_gravatar class GstudioFeed(Feed): """Base Feed for Gstudio""" feed_copyright = COPYRIGHT def __init__(self): self.site = Site.objects.get_current() self.site_url = '%s://%s' % (PROTOCOL, self.site.domain) if FEEDS_FORMAT == 'atom': self.feed_type = Atom1Feed self.subtitle = self.description class NodetypeFeed(GstudioFeed): """Base Nodetype Feed""" title_template = 'feeds/nodetype_title.html' description_template = 'feeds/nodetype_description.html' def item_pubdate(self, item): """Publication date of a nodetype""" return item.creation_date def item_metatypes(self, item): """Nodetype's metatypes""" return [metatype.title for metatype in item.metatypes.all()] def item_author_name(self, item): """Returns the first author of a nodetype""" if item.authors.count(): self.item_author = item.authors.all()[0] return self.item_author.username def item_author_email(self, item): """Returns the first author's email""" return self.item_author.email def item_author_link(self, item): """Returns the author's URL""" try: author_url = reverse('gstudio_author_detail', args=[self.item_author.username]) return self.site_url + author_url except NoReverseMatch: return self.site_url def item_enclosure_url(self, item): """Returns an image for enclosure""" if item.image: return item.image.url img = BeautifulSoup(item.html_content).find('img') if img: return urljoin(self.site_url, img['src']) def item_enclosure_length(self, item): """Hardcoded enclosure length""" return '100000' def item_enclosure_mime_type(self, item): """Hardcoded enclosure mimetype""" return 'image/jpeg' class LatestNodetypes(NodetypeFeed): """Feed for the latest nodetypes""" def link(self): """URL of latest nodetypes""" return reverse('gstudio_nodetype_archive_index') def items(self): """Items are published nodetypes""" return Nodetype.published.all()[:FEEDS_MAX_ITEMS] def title(self): """Title of the feed""" return '%s - %s' % (self.site.name, _('Latest nodetypes')) def description(self): """Description of the feed""" return _('The latest nodetypes for the site %s') % self.site.name class MetatypeNodetypes(NodetypeFeed): """Feed filtered by a metatype""" def get_object(self, request, path): """Retrieve the metatype by his path""" return get_metatype_or_404(path) def items(self, obj): """Items are the published nodetypes of the metatype""" return obj.nodetypes_published()[:FEEDS_MAX_ITEMS] def link(self, obj): """URL of the metatype""" return obj.get_absolute_url() def title(self, obj): """Title of the feed""" return _('Nodetypes for the metatype %s') % obj.title def description(self, obj): """Description of the feed""" return _('The latest nodetypes for the metatype %s') % obj.title class AuthorNodetypes(NodetypeFeed): """Feed filtered by an author""" def get_object(self, request, username): """Retrieve the author by his username""" return get_object_or_404(User, username=username) def items(self, obj): """Items are the published nodetypes of the author""" return nodetypes_published(obj.nodetypes)[:FEEDS_MAX_ITEMS] def link(self, obj): """URL of the author""" return reverse('gstudio_author_detail', args=[obj.username]) def title(self, obj): """Title of the feed""" return _('Nodetypes for author %s') % obj.username def description(self, obj): """Description of the feed""" return _('The latest nodetypes by %s') % obj.username class TagNodetypes(NodetypeFeed): """Feed filtered by a tag""" def get_object(self, request, slug): """Retrieve the tag by his name""" return get_object_or_404(Tag, name=slug) def items(self, obj): """Items are the published nodetypes of the tag""" return TaggedItem.objects.get_by_model( Nodetype.published.all(), obj)[:FEEDS_MAX_ITEMS] def link(self, obj): """URL of the tag""" return reverse('gstudio_tag_detail', args=[obj.name]) def title(self, obj): """Title of the feed""" return _('Nodetypes for the tag %s') % obj.name def description(self, obj): """Description of the feed""" return _('The latest nodetypes for the tag %s') % obj.name class SearchNodetypes(NodetypeFeed): """Feed filtered by a search pattern""" def get_object(self, request): """The GET parameter 'pattern' is the object""" pattern = request.GET.get('pattern', '') if len(pattern) < 3: raise ObjectDoesNotExist return pattern def items(self, obj): """Items are the published nodetypes founds""" return Nodetype.published.search(obj)[:FEEDS_MAX_ITEMS] def link(self, obj): """URL of the search request""" return '%s?pattern=%s' % (reverse('gstudio_nodetype_search'), obj) def title(self, obj): """Title of the feed""" return _("Results of the search for '%s'") % obj def description(self, obj): """Description of the feed""" return _("The nodetypes containing the pattern '%s'") % obj class NodetypeDiscussions(GstudioFeed): """Feed for discussions in a nodetype""" title_template = 'feeds/discussion_title.html' description_template = 'feeds/discussion_description.html' def get_object(self, request, year, month, day, slug): """Retrieve the discussions by nodetype's slug""" return get_object_or_404(Nodetype.published, slug=slug, creation_date__year=year, creation_date__month=month, creation_date__day=day) def items(self, obj): """Items are the discussions on the nodetype""" return obj.discussions[:FEEDS_MAX_ITEMS] def item_pubdate(self, item): """Publication date of a discussion""" return item.submit_date def item_link(self, item): """URL of the discussion""" return item.get_absolute_url() def link(self, obj): """URL of the nodetype""" return obj.get_absolute_url() def item_author_name(self, item): """Author of the discussion""" return item.userinfo['name'] def item_author_email(self, item): """Author's email of the discussion""" return item.userinfo['email'] def item_author_link(self, item): """Author's URL of the discussion""" return item.userinfo['url'] def title(self, obj): """Title of the feed""" return _('Discussions on %s') % obj.title def description(self, obj): """Description of the feed""" return _('The latest discussions for the nodetype %s') % obj.title class NodetypeComments(NodetypeDiscussions): """Feed for comments in a nodetype""" title_template = 'feeds/comment_title.html' description_template = 'feeds/comment_description.html' def items(self, obj): """Items are the comments on the nodetype""" return obj.comments[:FEEDS_MAX_ITEMS] def item_link(self, item): """URL of the comment""" return item.get_absolute_url('#comment_%(id)s') def title(self, obj): """Title of the feed""" return _('Comments on %s') % obj.title def description(self, obj): """Description of the feed""" return _('The latest comments for the nodetype %s') % obj.title def item_enclosure_url(self, item): """Returns a gravatar image for enclosure""" return get_gravatar(item.userinfo['email']) def item_enclosure_length(self, item): """Hardcoded enclosure length""" return '100000' def item_enclosure_mime_type(self, item): """Hardcoded enclosure mimetype""" return 'image/jpeg' class NodetypePingbacks(NodetypeDiscussions): """Feed for pingbacks in a nodetype""" title_template = 'feeds/pingback_title.html' description_template = 'feeds/pingback_description.html' def items(self, obj): """Items are the pingbacks on the nodetype""" return obj.pingbacks[:FEEDS_MAX_ITEMS] def item_link(self, item): """URL of the pingback""" return item.get_absolute_url('#pingback_%(id)s') def title(self, obj): """Title of the feed""" return _('Pingbacks on %s') % obj.title def description(self, obj): """Description of the feed""" return _('The latest pingbacks for the nodetype %s') % obj.title class NodetypeTrackbacks(NodetypeDiscussions): """Feed for trackbacks in a nodetype""" title_template = 'feeds/trackback_title.html' description_template = 'feeds/trackback_description.html' def items(self, obj): """Items are the trackbacks on the nodetype""" return obj.trackbacks[:FEEDS_MAX_ITEMS] def item_link(self, item): """URL of the trackback""" return item.get_absolute_url('#trackback_%(id)s') def title(self, obj): """Title of the feed""" return _('Trackbacks on %s') % obj.title def description(self, obj): """Description of the feed""" return _('The latest trackbacks for the nodetype %s') % obj.title