from django.conf import settings from django.utils.encoding import smart_str from django.contrib.sites.models import Site from django.template.loader import render_to_string from import NoArgsCommand from import BaseCommand, CommandError from django.conf import settings from tagging.models import Tag from gstudio import __version__ from gstudio.settings import PROTOCOL from gstudio.models import Nodetype from gstudio.models import Metatype import urllib import rdflib from import Dispatcher, Event from rdflib.graph import ConjunctiveGraph as Graph from rdflib import plugin from import Store, NO_STORE, VALID_STORE from rdflib.namespace import Namespace from rdflib.term import Literal from rdflib.term import URIRef from tempfile import mkdtemp from gstudio.models import * from objectapp.models import * from reversion.models import Version from optparse import make_option from pprint import pprint import httplib2 from urllib import urlencode def get_nodetype(): """ returns the model the id belongs to. """ try: """ ALGO: get object id, go to version model, return for the given id. """ name='student' node = NID.objects.get(title=str(name)) # Retrieving only the relevant tupleset for the versioned objects vrs = Version.objects.filter(type=0 , # Returned value is a list, so splice it . vrs = vrs[0] except Error: return "The item was not found." return vrs.object._meta.module_name def rdf_description(notation='xml' ): """ Funtion takes title of node, and rdf notation. """ name='student' valid_formats = ["xml", "n3", "ntriples", "trix"] default_graph_uri = "" # default_graph_uri = "" configString = "/var/tmp/rdfstore" # Get the Sleepycat plugin. store = plugin.get('IOMemory', Store)('rdfstore') # Open previously created store, or create it if it doesn't exist yet graph = Graph(store="IOMemory", identifier = URIRef(default_graph_uri)) path = mkdtemp() rt =, create=False) if rt == NO_STORE: #There is no underlying Sleepycat infrastructure, create it, create=True) else: assert rt == VALID_STORE, "The underlying store is corrupt" # Now we'll add some triples to the graph & commit the changes # rdflib = Namespace('') graph.bind("gstudio", "") exclusion_fields = ["id", "rght", "node_ptr_id", "image", "lft", "_state", "_altnames_cache", "_tags_cache", "nid_ptr_id", "_mptt_cached_fields"] node_type=get_nodetype() if (node_type=='gbobject'): node=Gbobject.objects.get(title=name) elif (node_type=='objecttype'): node=Objecttype.objects.get(title=name) elif (node_type=='metatype'): node=Metatype.objects.get(title=name) elif (node_type=='attributetype'): node=Attributetype.objects.get(title=name) elif (node_type=='relationtype'): node=Relationtype.objects.get(title=name) elif (node_type=='attribute'): node=Attribute.objects.get(title=name) elif (node_type=='complement'): node=Complement.objects.get(title=name) elif (node_type=='union'): node=Union.objects.get(title=name) elif (node_type=='intersection'): node=Intersection.objects.get(title=name) elif (node_type=='expression'): node=Expression.objects.get(title=name) elif (node_type=='processtype'): node=Processtype.objects.get(title=name) elif (node_type=='systemtype'): node=Systemtype.objects.get(title=name) node_url=node.get_absolute_url() site_add= node.sites.all() a = site_add[0] host_name #host_name=name link='http://' #Concatenating the above variables will give the url address. url_add=link+host_name+node_url rdflib = Namespace(url_add) # node=Objecttype.objects.get(title=name) node_dict=node.__dict__ subject=str(node_dict['id']) for key in node_dict: if key not in exclusion_fields: predicate=str(key) pobject=str(node_dict[predicate]) graph.add((rdflib[subject], rdflib[predicate], Literal(pobject))) rdf_code=graph.serialize(format=notation) #graph = rdflib.Graph("IOMemory")"store", create=True) #graph.parse(rdf_code) # print out all the triples in the graph # for subject, predicate, object in graph: # print subject, predicate, object # store.add(self,(subject, predicate, object),context) graph.commit() print rdf_code graph.close() class Command(NoArgsCommand): def handle(self, **options): get_nodetype() rdf_description()