from gstudio.models import * from django.template.defaultfilters import slugify import inflect import os def get_CNL_list(self): x = [] a = get_lex_sentence(self) if not a: pass else: x.extend(a) b = lex_sentence_optional(self) if not b: pass else: x.extend(b) c = contains_subtypes_sentence(self) if not c: pass else: x.extend(c) d = typeof_sentence(self) if not d: pass else: x.extend(d) e = get_CNL_dependency(self) if not e: pass else: x.extend(e) f = get_rel(self) if not f: pass else: x.extend(f) g = get_attr_sentence(self) if not g: pass else: x.extend(g) return x def advanced_CNL(self): y = [] h = get_leftST_sentence(self) if not h: pass else: y.extend(h) i = get_rightST_sentence(self) if not i: pass else: y.extend(i) j = get_ST_sentence(self) if not j: pass else: y.extend(j) k = get_CNL_sentence_authors(self) if not k: pass else: y.extend(k) """To generate CNL data about RT/R""" a = get_RT_sentence(self) if not a: pass else: y.extend(a) return y #Returns lex sentence - Title def get_lex_sentence(self): if self.ref.__class__.__name__ is 'Relationtype' or self.ref.__class__.__name__ is 'Attribute': pass else: # If AT or RT at = [] if self.title: title = slugify(self.title) title_slug = slugify(title) if self.ref.__class__.__name__ is 'Attributetype' or self.ref.__class__.__name__ is 'Objecttype': g = "A "+str(title_slug).lower()+" is a common-noun." elif self.ref.__class__.__name__ is 'Metatype': g = "A "+str(title_slug).lower()+" is a metatype." at.append(g) return at #Returns CNL sentences - Plural & Alternate names def lex_sentence_optional(self): # If AT, MT or OT a = [] if self.ref.__class__.__name__ is 'Attribute' or self.ref.__class__.__name__ is 'Relationtype': pass elif self.ref.__class__.__name__ is 'Attributetype' or self.ref.__class__.__name__ is 'Objecttype' or self.ref.__class__.__name__ is 'Metatype': title_slug = slugify(self.title) if self.altnames: alt = self.altnames alt_slug = slugify(alt) e = "A "+str(alt_slug)+" is an alternate name for it." a.append(e.capitalize()) # If MT or OT if self.ref.__class__.__name__ is 'Objecttype' or self.ref.__class__.__name__ is 'Metatype': if self.plural: plu_slug = slugify(self.plural) m="Some "+str(plu_slug)+" are a plural of a "+str(title_slug)+"." a.append(m.capitalize()) return a #Generates CNL sentence for RT for which OT or MT is the left-subjecttype def get_leftST_sentence(self): if self.ref.__class__.__name__ is 'Attributetype' or self.ref.__class__.__name__ is 'Relationtype' or self.ref.__class__.__name__ is 'Attribute': pass else: #If OT or MT cns=self.ref.get_nbh d = [] for k in cns: title = str(cns['title']) title_slug = slugify(title) if self.ref.__class__.__name__ is 'Objecttype' or 'Metatype': if k == 'left_subjecttype_of': if not cns[k]: pass else: l_s_a = [] l_s_a = self.left_subjecttype_of.all() len_lsa=len(l_s_a) if len_lsa == 1: #If singular: for each in l_s_a: al=slugify(each) #A person is a n:left_subjecttype of a n:relation_type a:teaches and a:student-of and a:sibling-of and a:friend-of. if self.ref.__class__.__name__ is 'Objecttype': c = "A "+str(title_slug)+" is a left_subjecttype of a relation_type "+str(al)+"." elif self.ref.__class__.__name__ is 'Metatype': c = "A "+str(title_slug)+" is a left_subjecttype of a relation_type "+str(al)+"." d.append(c.capitalize()) else: #If plural: y=[] for each in self.left_subjecttype_of.all(): a=each a_slug=slugify(a) y.append(a_slug) for e_i in y: if y.index(e_i) == 0: sen = str(e_i) else: sen = str(sen)+" and "+str(e_i) if self.ref.__class__.__name__ is 'Objecttype': c = "A "+str(title_slug)+" is a left_subjecttype of a relation_type "+sen+"." elif self.ref.__class__.__name__ is 'Metatype': c = "A "+str(title_slug)+" is a left_subjecttype of a relation_type "+sen+"." d.append(c.capitalize()) return d #Generates CNL sentence for RT for which OT or MT is the right-subjecttype def get_rightST_sentence(self): if self.ref.__class__.__name__ is 'Attributetype' or self.ref.__class__.__name__ is 'Relationtype' or self.ref.__class__.__name__ is 'Attribute': pass else: #If OT or MT cns=self.ref.get_nbh d = [] for k in cns: title = str(cns['title']) title_slug = slugify(title) if self.ref.__class__.__name__ is 'Objecttype' or self.ref.__class__.__name__ is 'Metatype': if k == 'right_subjecttype_of': if not cns[k]: pass else: r_s_a = [] r_s_a = self.right_subjecttype_of.all() len_rsa=len(r_s_a) if len_rsa == 1: #If singular: for each in r_s_a: al=slugify(each) if self.ref.__class__.__name__ is 'Objecttype': c = "A "+str(title_slug)+" is a right_subjecttype of a relation_type "+str(al)+"." elif self.ref.__class__.__name__ is 'Metatype': c = "A "+str(title_slug)+" is a right_subjecttype of a relation_type "+str(al)+"." d.append(c.capitalize()) else: #If plural: y=[] for each in self.right_subjecttype_of.all(): a=each a_slug=slugify(a) y.append(a_slug) for e_i in y: if y.index(e_i) == 0: sen = str(e_i) else: sen = str(sen)+" and "+str(e_i) if self.ref.__class__.__name__ is 'Objecttype': c = "A "+str(title_slug)+" is a right_subjecttype of a relation_type "+sen+"." elif self.ref.__class__.__name__ is 'Metatype': c = "A "+str(title_slug)+" is a right_subjecttype of a relation_type "+sen+"." d.append(c.capitalize()) return d #Generates Subject-type sentence for AT def get_ST_sentence(self): if self.ref.__class__.__name__ is 'Attribute': pass elif self.ref.__class__.__name__ is 'Attributetype': a = [] if self.subjecttype: subjecttype = self.subjecttype st_type = subjecttype.ref.__class__.__name__ if st_type == 'Gbobject': c = str(subjecttype)+" is a subject_type_name for it." else: c = "A "+str(subjecttype)+" is a subject_type_name for it." a.append(c.capitalize()) return a #Generates contains-subtypes for MT or OT def contains_subtypes_sentence(self): if self.ref.__class__.__name__ is 'Metatype' or self.ref.__class__.__name__ is 'Objecttype' or self.ref.__class__.__name__ is 'Attribute': pass elif self.ref.__class__.__name__ is 'Metatype' or self.ref.__class__.__name__ is 'Objecttype': #print "is a mt or OT" #print "it just entered the loop" cns=self.ref.get_nbh d = [] for k in cns: title = str(cns['title']) title_slug = slugify(title) if k=='contains_subtypes': if not cns[k]: pass else: if self.ref.__class__.__name__ is 'Metatype': nof=self.children.get_query_set() elif self.ref.__class__.__name__ is 'Objecttype': nof=Nodetype.objects.filter( len_nof=len(nof) #print "nof----" ,nof #print len_nof, "len - nof" if len_nof == 1: for each in nof: nf=slugify(each) l = "A "+str(nf)+" is a subtype of a "+str(title_slug)+"." d.append(l.capitalize()) else: #print "len not 1" y=[] for each in nof: a=each a_slug=slugify(a) y.append(a_slug) for e_i in y: if y.index(e_i) == 0: sen = str(e_i) else: sen = str(sen)+" and a "+str(e_i) l = "A "+sen+" are some subtypes of "+str(title_slug)+"." d.append(l.capitalize()) return d #Generates Type-Of sentence for OT or MT #get_nbh type_of --- Metatype def typeof_sentence(self): d = [] if self.ref.__class__.__name__ is 'Relationtype' or self.ref.__class__.__name__ is 'Attributetype' or self.ref.__class__.__name__ is 'Attribute': pass elif self.ref.__class__.__name__ is 'Objecttype' or self.ref.__class__.__name__ is 'Metatype': #print "mt or ot" cns = self.ref.get_nbh for k in cns: title = str(cns['title']) title_slug = slugify(title) if k=='type_of': if not cns[k]: pass else: if self.ref.__class__.__name__ is 'Objecttype': n = self.parent n_slug=slugify(n) elif self.ref.__class__.__name__ is 'Metatype': n = str(cns[k]) n_slug=slugify(n) an = "A "+str(title_slug)+" is a type of a "+str(n_slug)+"." d.append(an.capitalize()) return d #Generates CNL Sentence - Prior & Posterior Nodes def get_CNL_dependency(self): if self.ref.__class__.__name__ is 'Attribute': pass elif self.ref.__class__.__name__ is 'Objecttype' or self.ref.__class__.__name__ is 'Attributetype' : title = self.title title_slug = slugify(title) d=[] if self.prior_nodes.all(): p_n_a = [] p_n_a = self.prior_nodes.all() #print len(p_n_a) len_pna=len(p_n_a) if len_pna == 1: for each in p_n_a: pn=slugify(each) h="A "+str(title_slug)+" depends on a "+str(pn)+"." d.append(h.capitalize()) else: sen = dependency_plural(p_n_a) h = "A "+str(sen)+". It is required for the meaning of a "+str(title_slug)+"." d.append(h) if self.posterior_nodes.all(): p_n_a = [] p_n_a = self.posterior_nodes.all() #print "length of posterior nodes-----" ,len(p_n_a) len_pna=len(p_n_a) if len_pna == 1: for each in p_n_a: pn = slugify(each) p = "A "+str(title_slug)+" is required for the meaning of a "+str(pn)+"." d.append(p.capitalize()) else: sen = dependency_plural(p_n_a) p = "A "+str(sen)+". It depends on "+str(title_slug)+"." d.append(p) return d #Generates dependency sentence for plural def dependency_plural(p_n_a): y=[] #print "len not 1" for each in p_n_a: each_r = each.ref.__class__.__name__ apn = each apn_slug = slugify(apn) if len(y) == 0: "If Y is empty, for first item" if each_r == 'Relationtype': b_slug = str(apn_slug)+" is an adjective" else: b_slug = str(apn_slug)+" is a common-noun" y.append(b_slug) else: if each_r != 'Relationtype': #print "Its not a relation_type, but a noun, so appending an 'a' " aa_slug = "a "+str(apn_slug)+" is a common-noun" y.append(aa_slug) else: #print "It is a relationtype" ab_slug = str(apn_slug)+" is an adjective" y.append(ab_slug) for e_i in y: if y.index(e_i) == 0: sen = str(e_i).lower() else: sen = str(sen)+" and "+str(e_i).lower() return sen #Generates CNL sentence for authors, in OT and AT def get_CNL_sentence_authors(self): title = self.title title_slug = slugify(title) d=[] if self.ref.__class__.__name__ is 'Attribute': pass elif self.ref.__class__.__name__ is 'Objecttype' or self.ref.__class__.__name__ is 'Attributetype': if self.authors.all(): auth = [] auth = self.authors.all() len_auth=len(auth) if len_auth == 1: for each in auth: aut=slugify(each) e=str(aut).title()+" is an author to a "+str(title_slug)+"." d.append(e.capitalize()) else: #print "len not 1" y=[] for each in self.authors.all(): a=each a_slug=slugify(a) y.append(a_slug) for e_i in y: if y.index(e_i) == 0: sen = str(e_i) else: sen = str(sen)+" and "+str(e_i) e = str(sen).title()+" are all chosen authors to a "+str(title_slug)+"." d.append(e.capitalize()) return d #Checks if RT-title is a transitive verb finite singular or an iterative adjective def istv_title(self): p = inflect.engine() from django.template.defaultfilters import slugify destination = open( "/home/user/gnowsys-studio/demo/", "r+" ) f = a_t = self.title a = slugify(a_t) if '-' not in a: if a[-1] == 's': a_s = p.singular_noun(a) a_lex = "tv_finsg("+a+", "+str(a_s)+")." strpos = f.find(a_lex) if strpos != -1: return True else: return False #Checks if RT-inverse is a transitive verb finite singular or an iterative adjective def istv_inverse(self): p = inflect.engine() destination = open( os.path.join(os.getcwd(),''), "r+" ) f = a_t = self.inverse a = slugify(a_t) if '-' not in a: if a[-1] == 's': a_s = p.singular_noun(a) a_lex = "tv_finsg("+a+", "+str(a_s)+")." strpos = f.find(a_lex) if strpos != -1: return True else: return False #Returns attributes for the given OT def get_attr_sentence(self): if self.ref.__class__.__name__ is 'Objecttype': from django.template.defaultfilters import slugify ot = self.get_attributes if not ot: pass else: a = [] title = self.title title_slug = slugify(title) for k,v in ot.iteritems(): attr = k for each in v: value = each attr_slug = slugify(attr) sen = "The "+str(attr_slug)+" of a "+str(title_slug)+" is "+str(value)+"." a.append(sen) return a else: pass def get_list_relation(self, lr): """Returns the list of relations""" gbr = self.get_rendered_relations if not gbr: pass else: for k,v in gbr.iteritems(): if k == 'lrelations': val_l = v if k == 'rrelations': val_r = v if lr == 0: return val_l elif lr == 1: return val_r #Generating CNL for RT and Relations: #(**Execute get_lex property to update new RT's in lexicon before executing CNL sentences.) def get_CNL_sentence_RT(self, lst, rst, detail_level): if self.ref.__class__.__name__ is 'Relationtype': core = [] #core data list core_t = [] core_i = [] reflexive = [] adv = [] # advanced data list title=self.title title_slug=slugify(title) inverse=self.inverse inverse_slug=slugify(inverse) is_symmetrical=self.is_symmetrical is_reflexive=self.is_reflexive llist = [] rlist = [] llist = lst rlist = rst #print "lst",llist #print "rst",rlist #Flag variable that checks if plural or not plural_l = 0 plural_r = 0 #print "ll--",llist #print "rr---",rlist if isinstance(llist,list): """If llist is a list""" ll = [] for each in llist: if each.ref.__class__.__name__ is not 'Gbobject': """Common-noun""" lst = "a "+str(each).lower() else: """Proper-noun""" lst = str(each).title() ll.append(lst) #print "ll",ll if len(ll) == 1: for e in ll: left_subtype = e #print "e in ll",left_subtype else: plural_l = 1 for e in ll: if ll.index(e)==0: sen = str(e) else: sen = str(sen)+" and "+str(e) left_subtype = sen else: """If llist is not a list""" lst=NID.objects.get(title=lst) if lst.ref.__class__.__name__ is 'Gbobject': left_subtype = lst else: left_subtype = "a "+str(lst) #print "left_subtype---",left_subtype if isinstance(rlist,list): """If rlist is a list""" rl = [] for each in rlist: if each.ref.__class__.__name__ is not 'Gbobject': """Common-noun""" rst = "a "+str(each) else: rst = each rl.append(rst) if len(rl) == 1: for e in rl: right_subtype = e #print "rst in e---",right_subtype else: plural_r = 1 for e in rl: if rl.index(e)==0: sen = str(e) else: sen = str(sen)+" and "+str(e) right_subtype = sen else: """If Rlist is not a list""" if rst.ref.__class__.__name__ is 'Gbobject': right_subtype = rst else: right_subtype = "a "+str(rst) #print "right_subtype---",right_subtype #Core sentence - title rel = rel_CNL(self, left_subtype, right_subtype, plural_l) #print rel, "the sentence" #print left_subtype #print right_subtype core_t.extend(rel) rlex = rel_lex_sentence(self) adv.extend(rlex) #print "rlex---",rlex app_NT = get_app_NT(self) adv.extend(app_NT) #print "app_NT",app_NT st = get_RT_subjecttype(self, left_subtype, right_subtype) adv.extend(st) #print "st---",st #Is symmetrical if is_symmetrical: symm = is_symmetrical_RT(self, left_subtype, right_subtype, plural_r) core_i.extend(symm) #print "symm---",symm else: asymm = is_asymmetrical_RT(self, left_subtype, right_subtype, plural_r) core_i.extend(asymm) #print "asymm--",asymm #Is reflexive if is_reflexive: if detail_level == 1 or plural_l == 1: st = right_subtype else: st = left_subtype is_refl = is_reflexive_sentence(self, st) core.extend(is_refl) reflexive.extend(is_refl) #print "is_refl" ,is_refl if detail_level==0: #Title,Reflexive for e in core_t: a = e reflexive.insert(0, a) return reflexive elif detail_level==1: #Inverse,reflexive for e in core_i: a = e reflexive.insert(0,a) return reflexive elif detail_level==2: #Title, Inverse & Reflexive core.extend(core_t) core.extend(core_i) core.extend(reflexive) return core elif detail_level==3: #Return advanced grammatical information return adv elif detail_level==4: #Return all info - Core & Advanced Info newlist = [] newlist.extend(core) newlist.extend(adv) return newlist def rel_CNL(self, left_subtype, right_subtype, plural_l): """To generate sentence for relation""" title = self.title title_slug = slugify(title) if self.ref.__class__.__name__ is 'Relationtype': rel = [] if istv_title(self): st = str(left_subtype)+" "+str(title).lower()+" "+str(right_subtype)+"." else: if plural_l == 0: st = str(left_subtype)+" is "+str(title).lower()+" "+str(right_subtype)+"." elif plural_l == 1: st = str(left_subtype)+" are "+str(title).lower()+" "+str(right_subtype)+"." rel.append(st.capitalize()) return rel def is_reflexive_sentence(self, st): refl = [] title = self.title title_slug = slugify(title) if istv_title(self): j= "It is a reflexive sentence. "+str(st).title()+" "+str(title)+" "+str(st)+"." else: j= "It is a reflexive sentence. "+str(st).title()+" is "+str(title)+" "+str(st)+"." refl.append(j) return refl def is_symmetrical_RT(self, left_subtype, right_subtype, plural_r): """Generates CNL Sentence for Relation/RT if symmetrical""" symm = [] title = self.title title_slug = slugify(title) if istv_title(self): g = str(right_subtype).title()+" "+str(title)+" "+str(left_subtype).title()+"." else: if plural_r == 0: g = str(right_subtype).title()+" is "+str(title)+" "+str(left_subtype).title()+"." else: g = str(right_subtype).title()+" are "+str(title)+" "+str(left_subtype).title()+"." symm.append(g.capitalize()) return symm def is_asymmetrical_RT(self, left_subtype, right_subtype, plural_r): """Generates CNL Sentence for Relation/RT if symmetrical""" asymm = [] inverse = self.inverse inverse_slug = slugify(inverse) if istv_inverse(self): g = str(right_subtype).title()+" "+str(inverse)+" "+str(left_subtype).title()+"." else: if plural_r == 0: g = str(right_subtype).title()+" is "+str(inverse)+" "+str(left_subtype).title()+"." elif plural_r == 1: g = str(right_subtype).title()+" is "+str(inverse)+" "+str(left_subtype).title()+"." asymm.append(g.capitalize()) return asymm def rel_lex_sentence(self): """Generates RT's title & inverse sentence""" if self.ref.__class__.__name__ is 'Relationtype': rlex = [] title=self.title title_slug=slugify(title) inverse=self.inverse inverse_slug=slugify(inverse) h="A relation_type's title is "+str(title_slug)+"." rlex.append(h.capitalize()) if (title==inverse): b="Its title and its inverse are equal." else: b="Its inverse is "+str(inverse_slug)+"." rlex.append(b.capitalize()) return rlex def get_app_NT(self): """Generates CNL Sentences for left & right applicable NT for RT""" if self.ref.__class__.__name__ is 'Relationtype': a = [] l_app = self.left_applicable_nodetypes r_app=self.right_applicable_nodetypes e = "Its left_applicable_nodetype is "+str(l_app).upper()+"." a.append(e) f = "Its right_applicable_nodetype is "+str(r_app).upper()+"." a.append(f) return a def get_RT_sentence(self): #Generates CNL Sentences in RT if self.ref.__class__.__name__ is 'Relationtype': sentence = get_CNL_sentence_RT(self, self.left_subjecttype, self.right_subjecttype, 4) return sentence #Generates CNL sentences in Relation elif self.ref.__class__.__name__ is 'Relation': sentence = get_CNL_sentence_RT(self.relationtype, self.left_subject, self.right_subject, 4) return sentence else: pass def get_rel(self): if not self.ref.__class__.__name__ is 'Objecttype': pass else: sen = [] sentence = [] lr = Relation.objects.filter(left_subject = rr = Relation.objects.filter(right_subject = if lr: """List which stores each right subject""" lst = get_list_relation(self, 0) #print "LR",lst for k,v in lst.iteritems(): rel = Relationtype.objects.filter(title = k) val = v for rt in rel: sen = get_CNL_sentence_RT(rt, self, val, 0) #print "sen----lr",sen sentence.extend(sen) #print "sentence lr",sentence if rr: """List which stores each left subject""" lst = get_list_relation(self, 1) #print "RR",lst for k,v in lst.iteritems(): rel = Relationtype.objects.filter(inverse = k) val = v #print "rel ",rel #print "v ",v for rt in rel: sen = get_CNL_sentence_RT(rt, val, self, 1) #print sen,"sen" sentence.extend(sen) return sentence def get_RT_subjecttype(self,lst,rst): """Returns CNL sentence of left & right subject type of RT""" if self.ref.__class__.__name__ is 'Relationtype': left_subtype = lst right_subtype = rst st = [] ce = "Its left_subjecttype is "+str(left_subtype)+"." c = ce.capitalize() st.append(c) de = "Its right_subjecttype is "+str(right_subtype)+"." d = de.capitalize() st.append(d) return st else: pass