import datetime import json from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect from django.http import StreamingHttpResponse from django.http import HttpResponse from django.shortcuts import render_to_response #render uncomment when to use from django.template import RequestContext from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from django.core.paginator import Paginator from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.contrib.sites.models import Site from django.utils import simplejson from online_status.utils import encode_json from mongokit import paginator try: from bson import ObjectId except ImportError: # old pymongo from pymongo.objectid import ObjectId from gnowsys_ndf.settings import GAPPS, MEDIA_ROOT from gnowsys_ndf.ndf.models import node_collection, triple_collection from gnowsys_ndf.ndf.models import Node, GSystemType from gnowsys_ndf.ndf.models import NodeJSONEncoder from gnowsys_ndf.ndf.views.file import save_file from gnowsys_ndf.ndf.models import GSystemType, Node from gnowsys_ndf.ndf.views.methods import get_node_common_fields, get_file_node,get_execution_time from gnowsys_ndf.ndf.views.methods import parse_template_data, create_gattribute, create_grelation from gnowsys_ndf.ndf.views.notify import set_notif_val sitename=Site.objects.all() app ={'_type': "GSystemType", 'name': 'Task'}) if sitename : sitename = sitename[0] else : sitename = "" @get_execution_time def task(request, group_name, task_id=None): """Renders a list of all 'task' available within the database. """ ins_objectid = ObjectId() if ins_objectid.is_valid(group_name) is False : group_ins = node_collection.find_one({'_type': "Group","name": group_name}) auth ={'_type': 'Author', 'name': unicode(request.user.username) }) if group_ins: group_id = str(group_ins._id) else : auth ={'_type': 'Author', 'name': unicode(request.user.username) }) if auth : group_id = str(auth._id) else : pass GST_TASK ={'_type': "GSystemType", 'name': 'Task'}) title = "Task" TASK_inst = node_collection.find({'member_of': {'$all': [GST_TASK._id]}, 'group_set': {'$all': [ObjectId(group_id)]}}) template = "ndf/task.html" variable = RequestContext(request, {'title': title, 'appId':app._id, 'TASK_inst': TASK_inst, 'group_id': group_id, 'groupid': group_id, 'group_name':group_name }) return render_to_response(template, variable) @login_required @get_execution_time def task_details(request, group_name, task_id): """Renders given task's details. """ group_id = None if ObjectId.is_valid(group_name) is False: group_ins = node_collection.find_one({'_type': "Group", "name": group_name}) auth ={'_type': 'Author', 'name': unicode(request.user.username) }) elif ObjectId.is_valid(group_name) is True: group_ins = node_collection.find_one({'_type': "Group", "_id": ObjectId(group_name)}) auth ={'_type': 'Author', 'name': unicode(request.user.username) }) if group_ins: group_id = str(group_ins._id) else : auth ={'_type': 'Author', 'name': unicode(request.user.username) }) if auth : group_id = str(auth._id) task_node ={'_type': u'GSystem', '_id': ObjectId(task_id)}) at_list = ["Status", "start_time", "Priority", "end_time", "Assignee", "Estimated_time","Upload_Task"] blank_dict = {} history = [] subtask = [] for each in at_list: attributetype_key = node_collection.find_one({"_type": 'AttributeType', 'name': each}) attr = triple_collection.find_one({"_type": "GAttribute", "subject": task_node._id, "attribute_type.$id": attributetype_key._id}) if attr: if == "Assignee": u_list = [] for each_id in attr.object_value: u = User.objects.get(id=each_id) if u: if u.username not in u_list: u_list.append(u.username) blank_dict[each] = u_list else: blank_dict[each] = attr.object_value if task_node.prior_node: blank_dict['parent'] ={'_id': task_node.prior_node[0]}).name if task_node.post_node: for each_postnode in task_node.post_node: sys_each_postnode = node_collection.find_one({'_id': each_postnode}) sys_each_postnode_user = User.objects.get(id=sys_each_postnode.created_by) member_of_name = node_collection.find_one({'_id': sys_each_postnode.member_of[0]}).name if member_of_name == "Task" : subtask.append({ 'id':str(sys_each_postnode._id), 'name', 'created_by':sys_each_postnode_user.username, 'created_at':sys_each_postnode.created_at }) if member_of_name == "task_update_history": if sys_each_postnode.altnames == None: postnode_task = '[]' else : postnode_task = sys_each_postnode.altnames history.append({ 'id':str(sys_each_postnode._id), 'name', 'created_by':sys_each_postnode_user.username, 'created_at':sys_each_postnode.created_at, 'altnames':eval(postnode_task), 'content':sys_each_postnode.content }) if task_node.collection_set: blank_dict['collection']='True' # Appending TaskType to blank_dict, i.e. "has_type" relationship if task_node.relation_set: for rel in task_node.relation_set: if "has_type" in rel and rel["has_type"]: task_type ={'_id': rel["has_type"][0]}, {'name': 1}) if task_type: blank_dict["has_type"] = task_type["name"] break # Appending Watchers to blank_dict, i.e. values of node's author_set field if task_node.author_set: watchers_list = [] for eachid in task_node.author_set: if eachid not in watchers_list: watchers_list.append(eachid) blank_dict["Watchers"] = watchers_list history.reverse() var = { 'title':, 'group_id': group_id, 'appId': app._id, 'groupid': group_id, 'group_name': group_name, 'node': task_node, 'history':history, 'subtask': subtask } var.update(blank_dict) variables = RequestContext(request, var) template = "ndf/task_details.html" return render_to_response(template, variables) @get_execution_time def save_image(request, group_name, app_id=None, app_name=None, app_set_id=None, slug=None): if request.method == "POST" : #here group_name contains the object id of the group insted of name sent from #task template ins_objectid = ObjectId() if ins_objectid.is_valid(group_name) is False : group_object ={'_type':{'$in':['Group','Author']}, 'name': unicode(group_name)}) group_object = group_object._id else: group_object = group_name for index, each in enumerate(request.FILES.getlist("doc[]", "")): title = userid = request.POST.get("user", "") content_org = request.POST.get('content_org', '') tags = request.POST.get('tags', "") img_type = request.POST.get("type", "") language = request.POST.get("lan", "") usrname = request.user.username page_url = request.POST.get("page_url", "") access_policy = request.POST.get("login-mode", '') # To add access policy(public or private) to file object # for storing location in the file # location = [] # location.append(json.loads(request.POST.get("location", "{}"))) # obs_image = save_file(each,title,userid,group_id, content_org, tags, img_type, language, usrname, access_policy, oid=True, location=location) obs_image = save_file(each,title,userid,group_object, content_org, tags, img_type, language, usrname, access_policy, oid=True) # Sample output of (type tuple) obs_image: (ObjectId('5357634675daa23a7a5c2900'), 'True') # if image sucessfully get uploaded then it's valid ObjectId if obs_image[0] and ObjectId.is_valid(obs_image[0]): return StreamingHttpResponse(str(obs_image[0])) else: # file is not uploaded sucessfully or uploaded with error return StreamingHttpResponse("UploadError") @login_required @get_execution_time def create_edit_task(request, group_name, task_id=None, task=None, count=0): """Creates/Modifies details about the given Task. """ edit_task_node = "" parent_task_check = "" userlist = [] if ObjectId.is_valid(group_name) is False: group_ins = node_collection.find_one({'_type': "Group","name": group_name}) auth ={'_type': 'Author', 'name': unicode(request.user.username) }) elif ObjectId.is_valid(group_name) is True: group_ins = node_collection.find_one({'_type': "Group","_id": ObjectId(group_name)}) auth ={'_type': 'Author', 'name': unicode(request.user.username) }) if group_ins: group_id = str(group_ins._id) else: auth ={'_type': 'Author', 'name': unicode(request.user.username) }) if auth: group_id = str(auth._id) blank_dict = {} collection_set_ids = [] userlist=[] at_list = ["Status", "start_time", "Priority", "end_time", "Assignee", "Estimated_time", "Upload_Task"] # fields rt_list = ["has_type"] if request.method == "POST": # create or edit if not task_id: # create task_type = request.POST.get("assignees","") Assignees = request.POST.get("Assignee","").split(',') Assignees = [int(x) for x in Assignees] if task_type != "Group Assignees" : for i in Assignees: if i: task_node = create_task(request,task_id,group_id) create_task_at_rt(request,rt_list,at_list,task_node,i,group_name,group_id) collection_set_ids.append(ObjectId(task_node._id)) if len(Assignees)>1: task_node = create_task(request,task_id,group_id) task_node.collection_set = collection_set_ids create_task_at_rt(request,rt_list,at_list,task_node,,group_name,group_id) else: task_node = create_task(request,task_id,group_id) create_task_at_rt(request,rt_list,at_list,task_node,Assignees,group_name,group_id) else: #update task_node ={'_type': u'GSystem', '_id': ObjectId(task_id)}) update(request,rt_list,at_list,task_node,group_id,group_name) return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('task_details', kwargs={'group_name': group_name, 'task_id': str(task_node._id) })) # Filling blank_dict in below if block if task_id: task_node ={'_type': u'GSystem', '_id': ObjectId(task_id)}) for each in at_list: attributetype_key = node_collection.find_one({"_type": 'AttributeType', 'name': each}) attr = triple_collection.find_one({"_type": "GAttribute", "subject": task_node._id, "attribute_type.$id": attributetype_key._id}) if attr: if each == "Upload_Task": file_list=[] new_list=[] files=str(attr.object_value).split(',') for i in files: files_name=str(i.strip(' [](\'u\' ')) new_list.append(files_name) ins_objectid = ObjectId() for i in new_list: if ins_objectid.is_valid(i) is False: filedoc = node_collection.find({'_type': 'File', 'name': unicode(i)}) else: filedoc = node_collection.find({'_type': 'File', '_id': ObjectId(i)}) if filedoc: for i in filedoc: file_list.append( blank_dict[each] = json.dumps(file_list) blank_dict['select'] = json.dumps(new_list) else: blank_dict[each] = attr.object_value if task_node.prior_node: pri_node ={'_id': task_node.prior_node[0]}) blank_dict['parent'] = blank_dict['parent_id'] = str(pri_node._id) # Appending TaskType to blank_dict, i.e. "has_type" relationship if task_node.relation_set: for rel in task_node.relation_set: for k in rel: blank_dict[k] = rel[k] blank_dict["node"] = task_node Assignee = "" for i in blank_dict["Assignee"]: Assignee_name = (User.objects.get(id=int(i))) Assignee = Assignee_name.username + "," + Assignee blank_dict["Assignee_name"] = Assignee # Appending Watchers to blank_dict, i.e. values of node's author_set field if task_node.author_set: watchers_list = [] for eachid in task_node.author_set: if eachid not in watchers_list: watchers_list.append(eachid) blank_dict["Watchers"] = watchers_list # Fetch Task Type list values glist = {'_type': "GSystemType", 'name': "GList"}, {'name': 1} ) task_type_node = {'_type': "GSystem", 'member_of': glist._id, 'name': "TaskType"}, {'collection_set': 1} ) task_type_list = [] for task_type_id in task_type_node.collection_set: task_type ={'_id': task_type_id}, {'name': 1}) if task_type: if task_type not in task_type_list: task_type_list.append(task_type) var = { 'title': 'Task', 'task_type_choices': task_type_list, 'group_id': group_id, 'groupid': group_id, 'group_name': group_name, 'appId':app._id, # 'node': task_node, 'task_id': task_id 'task_id': task_id } var.update(blank_dict) context_variables = var return render_to_response("ndf/task_create_edit.html", context_variables, context_instance=RequestContext(request) ) def update(request,rt_list,at_list,task_node,group_id,group_name): file_id=(request.POST.get("files")) file_name=(request.POST.get("files_name")) user_to_be_notified = [] assignee_list = [] change_list = [] for each in rt_list: rel_type_node ={'_type': "RelationType", 'name': each}) field_value_list = None if rel_type_node["object_cardinality"] > 1: field_value_list = request.POST.get(rel_type_node["name"], "") if "[" in field_value_list and "]" in field_value_list: field_value_list = json.loads(field_value_list) else: field_value_list = request.POST.getlist(rel_type_node["name"]) else: field_value_list = request.POST.getlist(rel_type_node["name"]) for i, field_value in enumerate(field_value_list): field_value = parse_template_data(rel_type_node.object_type, field_value, field_instance=rel_type_node) field_value_list[i] = field_value old_value = [] for rel in task_node.relation_set: for k in rel: if == k: vals_cur = node_collection.find({'_id': {'$in': rel[k]}}, {'name': 1}) for v_node in vals_cur: old_value.append( break new_value = [] vals_cur = node_collection.find({'_id': {'$in': field_value_list}}, {'name': 1}) for v_node in vals_cur: new_value.append( break if old_value != new_value: change_list.append(each.encode('utf8') + ' changed from ' + ", ".join(old_value) + ' to ' + ", ".join(new_value)) # updated details task_gs_triple_instance = create_grelation(task_node._id, node_collection.collection.RelationType(rel_type_node), field_value_list) task_node.reload() for each in at_list: if request.POST.get(each, ""): attributetype_key = node_collection.find_one({"_type": 'AttributeType', 'name': each}) attr = triple_collection.find_one({"_type": "GAttribute", "subject": task_node._id, "attribute_type.$id": attributetype_key._id}) if each == "Assignee": field_value = request.POST.getlist(each, "") for i, val in enumerate(field_value): field_value[i] = int(val) assignee_list_id = field_value for eachuser in assignee_list_id: bx = User.objects.get(id=int(eachuser)) if bx: if bx.username not in assignee_list: assignee_list.append(bx.username) # Adding to list which holds user's to be notified about the task if bx not in user_to_be_notified: user_to_be_notified.append(bx) else: field_value = request.POST.get(each, "") date_format_string = "" if each in ["start_time", "end_time"]: date_format_string = "%d/%m/%Y" field_value = parse_template_data(eval(attributetype_key["data_type"]), field_value, date_format_string=date_format_string) if attr: # already attribute exist if not attr.object_value == field_value: # change_list.append(each.encode('utf8')+' changed from '+attr.object_value.encode('utf8')+' to '+request.POST.get(each,"").encode('utf8')) # updated details if attributetype_key["data_type"] == "datetime.datetime": change_list.append(each.encode('utf8')+' changed from ' + attr.object_value.strftime("%d/%m/%Y") + ' to ' + field_value.strftime("%d/%m/%Y")) # updated details else: change_list.append(each.encode('utf8')+' changed from ' + str(attr.object_value) + ' to ' + str(field_value)) # updated details attr.object_value = field_value else: # attributetype_key = node_collection.find_one({"_type":'AttributeType', 'name':each}) # newattribute = triple_collection.collection.GAttribute() # newattribute.subject = task_node._id # newattribute.attribute_type = attributetype_key # newattribute.object_value = request.POST.get(each,"") # newattribute.object_value = field_value # ga_node = create_gattribute(task_node._id, attributetype_key, field_value) # change_list.append(each.encode('utf8')+' set to '+request.POST.get(each,"").encode('utf8')) # updated details change_list.append(each.encode('utf8')+' set to '+str(field_value)) # updated details elif each == 'Upload_Task': attributetype_key = node_collection.find_one({"_type": 'AttributeType', 'name': 'Upload_Task'}) attr = triple_collection.find_one({"_type": "GAttribute", "subject": task_node._id, "attribute_type.$id": attributetype_key._id}) if attr: value=get_file_node(attr.object_value) change_list.append(each.encode('utf8')+' changed from '+str(value).strip('[]')+' to '+str(file_name)) # attr.object_value=file_id # ga_node = create_gattribute(attr.subject, attributetype_key, file_id) else: # newattribute = node_collection.collection.GAttribute() # newattribute.subject = task_node._id # newattribute.attribute_type = attributetype_key # newattribute.object_value = file_id # ga_node = create_gattribute(task_node._id, attributetype_key, file_id) change_list.append(each.encode('utf8')+' set to '+file_name.encode('utf8')) # updated details # userobj = User.objects.get(id=task_node.created_by) # if userobj and userobj not in user_to_be_notified: # user_to_be_notified.append(userobj) for each_author in task_node.author_set: each_author = User.objects.get(id=each_author) if each_author and each_author not in user_to_be_notified: user_to_be_notified.append(each_author) # Sending notification to all watchers about the updates of the task for eachuser in user_to_be_notified: activ="task updated" msg = "Task '" + + \ "' has been updated by " + request.user.username + \ "\n - Changes: " + str(change_list).strip('[]') + \ "\n - Status: " + request.POST.get('Status','') + \ "\n - Assignee: " + ", ".join(assignee_list) + \ "\n - Url: http://" + sitename.domain + "/" + group_name.replace(" ","%20").encode('utf8') + "/task/" + str(task_node._id) bx=User.objects.get(username=eachuser) set_notif_val(request,group_id,msg,activ,bx) if change_list or content_org: GST_task_update_history ={'_type': "GSystemType", 'name': 'task_update_history'}) update_node = node_collection.collection.GSystem() get_node_common_fields(request, update_node, group_id, GST_task_update_history) if change_list: update_node.altnames = unicode(str(change_list)) else: update_node.altnames = unicode('[]') update_node.prior_node = [task_node._id] = unicode("-update_history") = unicode("-update_history-"+str(update_node._id)) task_node.post_node.append(update_node._id) # patch GST_TASK ={'_type': "GSystemType", 'name': 'Task'}) get_node_common_fields(request, task_node, group_id, GST_TASK) # End Patch def create_task(request,task_id,group_id): if task_id: task_node ={'_type': u'GSystem', '_id': ObjectId(task_id)}) edit_task_node = task_node else: task_node = node_collection.collection.GSystem() name = request.POST.get("name","") content_org = request.POST.get("content_org","") parent = request.POST.get("parent","") Status = request.POST.get("Status","") Start_date = request.POST.get("start_time", "") Priority = request.POST.get("Priority","") Due_date = request.POST.get("end_time", "") Assignee = request.POST.get("Assignee","") Estimated_time = request.POST.get("Estimated_time","") watchers = request.POST.get("watchers", "") GST_TASK ={'_type': "GSystemType", 'name': 'Task'}) tag="" field_value=[] file_name=(request.POST.get("files_name")) if not task_id: # create get_node_common_fields(request, task_node, group_id, GST_TASK) # Adding watchers to node's author_set if watchers: task_node.author_set = [] user_to_be_notified= [] for each_watchers in watchers.split(','): bx = User.objects.get(id=int(each_watchers)) if bx: task_node.author_set.append( # Adding to list which holds user's to be notified about the task if bx not in user_to_be_notified: user_to_be_notified.append(bx) if parent: # prior node saving if not task_id: task_node.prior_node = [ObjectId(parent)] parent_object = node_collection.find_one({'_id': ObjectId(parent)}) parent_object.post_node = [task_node._id] return task_node def create_task_at_rt(request,rt_list,at_list,task_node,assign,group_name,group_id): file_id=(request.POST.get("files")) file_name=(request.POST.get("files_name")) for each in rt_list: rel_type_node ={'_type': "RelationType", 'name': each}) field_value_list = None if rel_type_node["object_cardinality"] > 1: field_value_list = request.POST.get(rel_type_node["name"], "") if "[" in field_value_list and "]" in field_value_list: field_value_list = json.loads(field_value_list) else: field_value_list = request.POST.getlist(rel_type_node["name"]) else: field_value_list = request.POST.getlist(rel_type_node["name"]) # rel_type_node_type = "GRelation" for i, field_value in enumerate(field_value_list): field_value = parse_template_data(rel_type_node.object_type, field_value, field_instance=rel_type_node) field_value_list[i] = field_value task_gs_triple_instance = create_grelation(task_node._id, node_collection.collection.RelationType(rel_type_node), field_value_list) for each in at_list: field_value = [] if request.POST.get(each,""): attributetype_key = node_collection.find_one({"_type": 'AttributeType', 'name': each}) subject = task_node._id object_value = "" if each == 'Assignee': if type(assign) == list: object_value = assign else: field_value.append(assign) object_value = field_value else: field_value = request.POST.get(each, "") date_format_string = "" if each in ["start_time", "end_time"]: date_format_string = "%d/%m/%Y" field_value = parse_template_data(eval(attributetype_key["data_type"]), field_value, date_format_string=date_format_string) # newattribute.object_value = field_value object_value = field_value # ga_node = create_gattribute(subject, attributetype_key, object_value) if request.FILES.getlist('UploadTask'): attributetype_key = node_collection.find_one({"_type":'AttributeType', 'name':'Upload_Task'}) ga_node = create_gattribute(task_node._id, attributetype_key, file_id) assignee_list = [] assignee_list_id = [] if type(assign) == list: assignee_list_id = assign else: assignee_list_id.append(assign) user_to_be_notified = [] if assignee_list_id: for eachuser in assignee_list_id: if eachuser: bx = User.objects.get(id=int(eachuser)) assignee_list.append(bx.username) user_to_be_notified.append(bx) for eachuser in user_to_be_notified: activ = "Task reported" msg = "Task '" + + \ "' has been reported by " + request.user.username + \ "\n - Status: " + request.POST.get('Status', '') + \ "\n - Assignee: " + ", ".join(assignee_list) + \ "\n - Url: http://" + + "/" + group_name.replace(" ","%20").encode('utf8') + "/task/" + str(task_node._id) set_notif_val(request, group_id, msg, activ, eachuser) @login_required @get_execution_time def task_collection(request,group_name,task_id=None,each_page=1): ins_objectid = ObjectId() choice=0 task=[] if ins_objectid.is_valid(group_name) is False : group_ins = node_collection.find_one({'_type': "Group", "name": group_name}) auth ={'_type': 'Author', 'name': unicode(request.user.username) }) if group_ins: group_id = str(group_ins._id) else : auth ={'_type': 'Author', 'name': unicode(request.user.username) }) if auth : group_id = str(auth._id) else : pass collection_task=[] node ={'_id': ObjectId(task_id)}) attr_value = {} at_list = ["Status", "start_time", "Priority", "end_time", "Assignee", "Estimated_time"] for each in node.collection_set: attr_value = {} new ={'_id': ObjectId(each)}) for attrvalue in at_list: attributetype_key = node_collection.find_one({"_type": 'AttributeType', 'name': attrvalue}) attr = triple_collection.find_one({"_type": "GAttribute", "subject": new._id, "attribute_type.$id": attributetype_key._id}) if attr: attr_value.update({attrvalue:attr.object_value}) else: attr_value.update({attrvalue:None}) attr_value.update({'id':each}) attr_value.update({'Name'}) collection_task.append(dict(attr_value)) paged_resources = Paginator(collection_task,10) files_list = [] for each_resource in ( files_list.append(each_resource) template = "ndf/task_list_view.html" variable = RequestContext(request, {'TASK_inst':files_list,'group_name':group_name,"page_info":paged_resources,'page_no':each_page, 'group_id': group_id, 'groupid': group_id,'choice':choice,'status':'None','task':task_id}) return render_to_response(template, variable) @get_execution_time def delete_task(request, group_name, _id): """This method will delete task object and its Attribute and Relation """ ins_objectid = ObjectId() if ins_objectid.is_valid(group_name) is False : group_ins = node_collection.find_one({'_type': "Group", "name": group_name}) auth ={'_type': 'Author', 'name': unicode(request.user.username) }) if group_ins: group_id = str(group_ins._id) else : auth ={'_type': 'Author', 'name': unicode(request.user.username) }) if auth : group_id = str(auth._id) else : pass pageurl = request.GET.get("next", "") try: node ={'_id': ObjectId(_id)}) if node: attributes = triple_collection.find({'_type': 'GAttribute', 'subject': node._id}) relations = triple_collection.find({'_type': 'GRelation', 'subject': node._id}) if attributes.count() > 0: for each in attributes:{'_id': each['_id']}).delete() if relations.count() > 0: for each in relations:{'_id': each['_id']}).delete() if len(node.post_node) > 0 : for each in node.post_node : sys_each_postnode = node_collection.find_one({'_id': each}) member_of_name = node_collection.find_one({'_id': sys_each_postnode.member_of[0]}).name if member_of_name == "Task" : sys_each_postnode.prior_node.remove(node._id) if member_of_name == "task_update_history": sys_each_postnode.delete() node.delete() except Exception as e: print "Exception:", e return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('task', kwargs={'group_name': group_name })) @get_execution_time def check_filter(request,group_name,choice=1,status='New',each_page=1): at_list = ["Status", "start_time", "Priority", "end_time", "Assignee", "Estimated_time"] blank_dict = {} history = [] subtask = [] group_name=group_name ins_objectid = ObjectId() task=[] if ins_objectid.is_valid(group_name) is False : group_ins = node_collection.find_one({'_type': "Group","name": group_name}) auth ={'_type': 'Author', 'name': unicode(request.user.username) }) if group_ins: group_id = str(group_ins._id) else : auth ={'_type': 'Author', 'name': unicode(request.user.username) }) if auth : group_id = str(auth._id) else : pass #section to get the Tasks group = node_collection.find_one({'_id': ObjectId(group_id)}) GST_TASK ={'_type': "GSystemType", 'name': 'Task'}) attributetype_key1 = node_collection.find_one({"_type": 'AttributeType', 'name': 'Assignee'}) Completed_Status_List=['Resolved','Closed'] title = "Task" TASK_inst = node_collection.find({'member_of': {'$all': [GST_TASK._id]}, 'group_set': {'$all': [ObjectId(group_id)]}}) task_list=[] message="" send="This group doesn't have any files" #Task Completed sub_task_name=[] for each in TASK_inst: if (each.collection_set): sub_task_name.append( TASK_inst.rewind() #every one see only task created by them and assigned to them #only group owner can see all the task for each in TASK_inst: attr_value={} for attrvalue in at_list: attributetype_key = node_collection.find_one({"_type":'AttributeType', 'name':attrvalue}) attr = triple_collection.find_one({"_type": "GAttribute", "subject": each._id, "attribute_type.$id": attributetype_key._id}) attr1 = triple_collection.find_one({"_type": "GAttribute", "subject": each._id, "attribute_type.$id": attributetype_key1._id, "object_value": request.user.username}) if attr: if attrvalue == "Assignee": uname_list = [] for uid in attr.object_value: u = User.objects.get(id=int(uid)) if u: if u.username not in uname_list: uname_list.append(u.username) attr_value.update({attrvalue:uname_list}) else: attr_value.update({attrvalue:attr.object_value}) else: attr_value.update({attrvalue:None}) attr_value.update({'id':each._id}) if each.created_by == attr_value.update({'owner':'owner'}) else: attr_value.update({'owner':'assignee'}) attr_value.update({'Name'}) attr_value.update({'collection':each.collection_set}) if attr1 or each.created_by == or group.created_by == : if (( in sub_task_name and (not each.collection_set) == False) or not in sub_task_name or attr1): if int(choice) == int(1): task_list.append(dict(attr_value)) if int(choice) == int(2): message="No Completed Task" if attr_value['Status'] in Completed_Status_List: task_list.append(dict(attr_value)) if int(choice) == int(3): message="No Task Created" auth1 ={'_type': 'Author', 'created_by': each.created_by }) if auth: if == task_list.append(dict(attr_value)) if int(choice) == int(4): message="Nothing Assigned" attr1 = triple_collection.find_one({"_type": "GAttribute", "subject": each._id, "attribute_type.$id": attributetype_key1._id, "object_value": request.user.username}) if attr1: task_list.append(dict(attr_value)) if int(choice) == int(5): message="No Pending Task" if attr_value['Status'] not in Completed_Status_List: if attr_value['Status'] != 'Rejected': if attr_value['end_time'] != "--" : # if (attr_value['end_time'] > unicode( is False: if (attr_value['end_time'] > is False: task_list.append(dict(attr_value)) else: task_list.append(dict(attr_value)) if int(choice) == int(6): message="No"+" "+status+" "+"Task" if attr_value['Status'] == status: task_list.append(dict(attr_value)) paged_resources = Paginator(task_list,10) files_list = [] for each_resource in ( files_list.append(each_resource) count_list=[] #count_list.append(TASK_inst.count()) TASK_inst.rewind() count=len(task_list) template = "ndf/task_list_view.html" variable = RequestContext(request, {'TASK_inst':files_list,'group_name':group_name, 'appId':app._id, 'group_id': group_id, 'groupid': group_id,'send':message,'count':count,'TASK_obj':TASK_inst,"page_info":paged_resources,'page_no':each_page,'choice':choice,'status':status}) return render_to_response(template, variable) #return HttpResponse(json.dumps(self_task,cls=NodeJSONEncoder))