{% extends "ndf/mis_base.html" %} {% load i18n %} {% load ndf_tags %} {% load pagination_tags %} {% block head %} {% endblock %} {% block body_content %}
{% if user.is_authenticated %} {% endif %}

{{node.name}} {% for tag in node.tags %} {{tag}} {% endfor %}

{% for tab_details in property_order_list %}
{% endfor %}
{% trans "Graph " %}
{% trans "Location " %}
{% trans "Discuss " %}
{% for tab_name, tab_fields_list in property_order_list %}
{% for field in tab_fields_list %}
{% if field.type == "RelationType" %} {% for details in field.value %} {% endfor %} {% else %} {% endif %}

{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% include "ndf/scheduler_calender.html" with app_set_instance_atlist=app_set_instance_atlist %}
× {% include "ndf/graph_concept.html" %}
× {% include "ndf/graph_collection.html" %}
× {% include "ndf/graph_dependency.html" %}
× {% include "ndf/map_widget.html" with mode="read" %}

{{ node.member_of_names_list.0 }} Edited {{ node.last_update|timesince }} ago by {{node.user_details_dict.modified_by}}
Versions {% for seq_no, version_no in node.version_dict.items|slice:"-6:" reversed %} {% if forloop.last and forloop.counter > 5 %} . . . {% else %} {{version_no}} {% endif %} {% endfor %}

{% check_is_gstaff groupid request.user as gstaff_access %} {% edit_policy groupid node request.user as status %} {% if user.is_authenticated and status == "allow" and gstaff_access %} {% if app_name == "MIS" %} {% else %} {% endif %} Edit {% endif %}
{% endblock %} {% block script %} // {% endblock %}