"""RCS interface module. Defines the class RCS, which represents a directory with rcs version files and (possibly) corresponding work files. """ import os import re import string from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile from subprocess import call from sys import stderr class RCS: """RCS interface class (local filesystem version). An instance of this class represents a directory with rcs version files and (possible) corresponding work files. Methods provide access to most rcs operations such as checkin/checkout, access to the rcs metadata (revisions, logs, branches etc.) as well as some filesystem operations such as listing all rcs version files. XXX BUGS / PROBLEMS - The instance always represents the current directory so it's not very useful to have more than one instance around simultaneously """ # Characters allowed in work file names okchars = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + '.' def __init__(self): """Constructor.""" pass def __del__(self): """Destructor.""" pass # ==== Informational methods about a single file/revision ==== def head(self, name_rev): """Return the head revision for NAME_REV""" dict = self.info(name_rev) return dict['head'] def info(self, name_rev): """Return a dictionary of info (from rlog -h) for NAME_REV The dictionary's keys are the keywords that rlog prints (e.g. 'head' and its values are the corresponding data (e.g. '1.3'). XXX symbolic names and locks are not returned """ f = self._open(name_rev, 'rlog -h') dict = {} while 1: line = f.readline() if not line: break if line[0] == '\n' or line[0] == '\t': # XXX could be a lock or symbolic name # Anything else? continue keyval = string.split(line, ': ') if len(keyval) == 2: dict[keyval[0]] = keyval[1][:-1] status = self._closepipe(f) if status: raise IOError, status return dict def calculateVersionNumber(self, name_rev, back): """ The version number of 'name_rev' wound back by 'back' times. So if 'name_rev' is currently version 1.14 'back' of 1 is 1.13. Back of 2 is 1.12. Back of 0 is 1.14. """ currentRev = self.head(name_rev) splitVersion = currentRev.split('.') previousSubNumber = int(splitVersion[1]) - back if previousSubNumber <= 0: previousSubNumber = 1 return splitVersion[0] +"."+ str(previousSubNumber) def diff(self, name, revleft=None, revright=None): """The output of rcsdiff These arguments REVLEFT & REVRIGHT accepts string as an I/P; i.e. '1.2'. """ self.checkrev(revleft) self.checkrev(revright) if revleft is None or revleft == '': if revright == self.head(name): revleft = self.calculateVersionNumber(name, 1) else: revleft = self.head(name) if revright is None or revright == '': if revleft == self.head(name): revright = self.calculateVersionNumber(name, 1) else: revright = self.head(name) if (revleft == revright) and (revleft is not None or revleft != ''): if revleft == self.head(name): revright = self.calculateVersionNumber(name, 1) else: revleft = self.head(name) # Diff f = self._open(name, "rcsdiff -r"+ revleft +" -r"+ revright) data = ''.join(f.readlines()) self._closepipe(f) # Refer following code for proper O/P ''' line = "" for ch in data: if ch == "\n": print(" " + line) line = "" else: line += ch ''' return data # ==== Methods that change files ==== def checkout(self, name_rev, withlock=1, otherflags=""): """Check-out NAME_REV to its work file. If optional WITHLOCK is set, check out locked, else unlocked. The optional OTHERFLAGS is passed to co without interpretation. Any output from co goes to directly to stdout. """ name, rev = self.checkfile(name_rev) if withlock: lockflag = "-l" else: lockflag = "-u" cmd = 'co %s%s %s %s' % \ (lockflag, rev, otherflags, name) return self._system(cmd) def checkin(self, name_rev, delworkfile=1, message=None, otherflags=""): """Check-in NAME_REV from its work file. The optional MESSAGE argument becomes the checkin message (default "" if None); or the file description if this is a new file. The optional OTHERFLAGS argument is passed to ci without interpretation. Any output from ci goes to directly to stdout. """ name, rev = self._unmangle(name_rev) new = not self.isvalid(name) if delworkfile: lockflag = "" else: lockflag = "-u" if not message: message = "" if message and message[-1] != '\n': message = message + '\n' temp_message_file = None if new: temp_message_file = NamedTemporaryFile('w+t') temp_message_file.write(message) temp_message_file.seek(0) cmd = 'ci %s%s -t%s %s %s' % \ (lockflag, rev, temp_message_file.name, otherflags, name) else: message = re.sub('\([\\"$`]\)', '\\\\\\1', message) cmd = 'ci %s%s -m"%s" %s %s' % \ (lockflag, rev, message, otherflags, name) result = self._system(cmd) if new: temp_message_file.close() return result def isvalid(self, name): """Test whether NAME has a version file associated.""" namev = self.rcsname(name) return (os.path.isfile(namev)) def rcsname(self, name): """Return the path of the version file for NAME. The argument can be a work file name or a version file name. If the version file does not exist, the name of the version file that would be created by "ci" is returned. Return: A string representing file-path """ if self._isrcs(name): namev = name else: namev = name + ',v' return namev def checkfile(self, name_rev): """Normalize NAME_REV into a (NAME, REV) tuple. Raise an exception if there is no corresponding version file. """ name, rev = self._unmangle(name_rev) if not self.isvalid(name): raise os.error, '\n Error: Not an rcs file %s!!!\n' % `name` return name, rev def checkrev(self, rev): for c in rev: if c not in self.okchars: raise ValueError, "Error: Bad character in revision number!!!" # ==== Internal methods ===== def _unmangle(self, name_rev): """INTERNAL: Normalize NAME_REV argument to (NAME, REV) tuple. Raises an exception if NAME contains invalid characters. A NAME_REV argument is either NAME string (implying REV='') or a tuple of the form (NAME, REV). ---- EXAMPLE ---- (a) string: _unmangle('5252648f5a40920c160bc774.json') (b) tuple : _unmangle(('5252648f5a40920c160bc774.json', '1.3')) """ if type(name_rev) == type(''): name_rev = name, rev = name_rev, '' else: name, rev = name_rev self.checkrev(rev) return name_rev def _open(self, name_rev, cmd = 'co -p', rflag = '-r'): """INTERNAL: open a read pipe to NAME_REV using optional COMMAND. Optional FLAG is used to indicate the revision (default -r). Default COMMAND is "co -p". Return a file object connected by a pipe to the command's output. """ name, rev = self.checkfile(name_rev) namev = self.rcsname(name) if rev: cmd = cmd + ' ' + rflag + rev return os.popen("%s %s" % (cmd, namev)) def _closepipe(self, f): """INTERNAL: Close PIPE and print its exit status if nonzero.""" sts = f.close() if not sts: return None detail, reason = divmod(sts, 256) if reason == 0: return 'exit', detail # Exit status signal = reason&0x7F if signal == 0x7F: code = 'stopped' signal = detail else: code = 'killed' if reason&0x80: code = code + '(coredump)' return code, signal def _system(self, cmd): """INTERNAL: Run COMMAND in a subshell. Standard input for the command is taken from /dev/null. Return whatever the calling method should return; normally None. A derived class may override this method and redefine it to capture stdout/stderr of the command and return it. """ cmd = cmd + " >stderr, "\n Child was terminated by signal", -retcode except IOError as ise: print >>stderr, "\n Execution failed(ise):", ise except OSError as ose: print >>stderr, "\n Execution failed(ose):", ose except Exception as e: print >>stderr, "\n Execution failed(e):", e def _isrcs(self, name): """INTERNAL: Test whether NAME ends in ',v'.""" return name[-2:] == ',v'