============= URL Shortener ============= .. module:: gstudio.url_shortener .. versionadded:: 0.9 The URL shortening has becoming a big deal of the Internet especially for transfering long URLs. And so many URL shortening services exist, each with his own features. Originally Gstudio provided a only way to generate short URLs for your entries, and you needed to install :ref:`django-bitly`. One way it's not bad, but it's not enough. First of all Gstudio now provides his own short URLs for the entries, exemple: http://mydomain.com/blog/1/ Of course the URL is short (and can be shorter) but if you have a long domain, the URL can be not so short, exemple: http://mysuperverylongdomain.com/blog/1/ (40 characters !) But now you can easily change this behavior and use your favorite URL shortener service by writing a backend shortening your URLs. .. _writing-url-shortener: Writing your own URL shortener backend ====================================== Writing a backend for using your custom URL shortener is simple as possible, you only needs to follows 4 rules. #. In a new Python file write a function named **backend** taking an :class:`~gstudio.models.Entry` instance in parameters. #. The **backend** function should returns an URL including the protocol and the domain. #. If the **backend** requires initial configuration you must raise a :exc:`~django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured` exception if the configuration is not valid. The error will be displayed in the console. #. Register your backend to be used in your project with this setting: :: GSTUDIO_URL_SHORTENER_BACKEND = 'path.to.your.url.shortener.module' Here the source code of the default backend. :: from django.contrib.sites.models import Site from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from gstudio.settings import PROTOCOL def backend(entry): return '%s://%s%s' % (PROTOCOL, Site.objects.get_current().domain, reverse('gstudio_entry_shortlink', args=[entry.pk])) For a more examples take a look in this folder: :file:`gstudio/url_shortener/backends/`.