================ Upgrading Zinnia ================ .. highlightlang:: console If you want to upgrade your installation of Zinnia from a previous release, it's easy, but you need to be cautious. The whole process takes less than 15 minutes. .. _dumping-datas: Dumping ======= The first thing to do is a to dump your data for safety reasons. :: $ python manage.py dumpdata --indent=2 zinnia > dump_zinnia_before_migration.json .. _preparing-database: Preparing the database ====================== The main problem with the upgrade process is the database. The Zinnia's models can have changed with new or missing fields. That's why Zinnia use `South`_'s migrations to facilitate this step. So we need to install the South package. :: $ easy_install south South needs to be registered in your project's settings as an :setting:`INSTALLED_APPS`. Once it is done, use syncdb to finish the installation of South in your project. :: $ python manage.py syncdb Now we will install the previous migrations of Zinnia to synchronize the current database schema with South. :: $ python manage.py migrate gstudio --fake .. _update-gstudio-code: Update Gstudio's code ==================== We are now ready to upgrade Gstudio. If you want to use the latest stable version use :program:`easy_install` with this command: :: $ easy_install -U django-blog-gstudio or if you prefer to upgrade from the development release, use :program:`pip` like that: :: $ pip install -U -e git://github.com/Fantomas42/django-blog-gstudio.git#egg=django-blog-gstudio .. _update-database: Update the database =================== The database should probably be updated to the latest database schema of Gstudio, South will be useful. :: $ python manage.py migrate gstudio The database is now up to date, and ready to use. .. _check-list: Check list ========== In order to finish the upgrade process, we must check if everything works fine by browsing the Web site. By experience, problems mainly come from customized templates, because of changes in the URL reverse functions. .. _`South`: http://south.aeracode.org/