[epydoc] #modules: django-apps-src/django-gstudio/gstudio #modules: django-apps-src/django-gstudio/objectapp # The type of output that should be generated. Should be one # of: html, text, latex, dvi, ps, pdf. output: html # The path to the output directory. May be relative or absolute. target: docs/api/ # An integer indicating how verbose epydoc should be. The default # value is 0; negative values will supress warnings and errors; # positive values will give more verbose output. verbosity: 0 # A boolean value indicating that Epydoc should show a tracaback # in case of unexpected error. By default don't show tracebacks debug: 0 # If True, don't try to use colors or cursor control when doing # textual output. The default False assumes a rich text prompt simple-term: 0 ### Generation options # The default markup language for docstrings, for modules that do # not define __docformat__. Defaults to epytext. #docformat: restructuredtext # Whether or not parsing should be used to examine objects. parse: yes # Whether or not introspection should be used to examine objects. introspect: yes # Don't examine in any way the modules whose dotted name match this # regular expression pattern. exclude: (tests|plugins|migrations) # Don't perform introspection on the modules whose dotted name match this # regular expression pattern. #exclude-introspect # Don't perform parsing on the modules whose dotted name match this # regular expression pattern. #exclude-parse # The format for showing inheritance objects. # It should be one of: 'grouped', 'listed', 'included'. inheritance: listed # Whether or not to inclue private variables. (Even if included, # private variables will be hidden by default.) private: yes # Whether or not to list each module's imports. imports: no # Whether or not to include syntax highlighted source code in # the output (HTML only). sourcecode: yes # Whether or not to includea a page with Epydoc log, containing # effective option at the time of generation and the reported logs. include-log: no ### Output options # The documented project's name. name: Django Gstudio # The CSS stylesheet for HTML output. Can be the name of a builtin # stylesheet, or the name of a file. #css: docs/epydoc-gstudio.css # The documented project's URL. url: http://github.com/gnowgi/django-gstudio # HTML code for the project link in the navigation bar. If left # unspecified, the project link will be generated based on the # project's name and URL. #link: My Cool Project # The "top" page for the documentation. Can be a URL, the name # of a module or class, or one of the special names "trees.html", # "indices.html", or "help.html" #top: os.path # An alternative help file. The named file should contain the # body of an HTML file; navigation bars will be added to it. #help: my_helpfile.html # Whether or not to include a frames-based table of contents. frames: no # Whether each class should be listed in its own section when # generating LaTeX or PDF output. separate-classes: no ### API linking options # Define a new API document. A new interpreted text role # will be created #external-api: epydoc # Use the records in this file to resolve objects in the API named NAME. #external-api-file: epydoc:api-objects.txt # Use this URL prefix to configure the string returned for external API. #external-api-root: epydoc:http://epydoc.sourceforge.net/api ### Graph options # The list of graph types that should be automatically included # in the output. Graphs are generated using the Graphviz "dot" # executable. Graph types include: "classtree", "callgraph", # "umlclass". Use "all" to include all graph types graph: all # The path to the Graphviz "dot" executable, used to generate # graphs. #dotpath: /usr/local/bin/dot # The name of one or more pstat files (generated by the profile # or hotshot module). These are used to generate call graphs. #pstat: profile.out # Specify the font used to generate Graphviz graphs. # (e.g., helvetica or times). graph-font: Helvetica # Specify the font size used to generate Graphviz graphs. graph-font-size: 10 ### Return value options # The condition upon which Epydoc should exit with a non-zero # exit status. Possible values are error, warning, docstring_warning #fail-on: error