Metadata-Version: 1.0 Name: django-gstudio Version: Summary: A collaborative blogspace for constructing and publishing semantic knowledge networks and ontologies Home-page: Author: gnowgi Author-email: License: BSD License Description: ================== gstudio: Gnowledge Studio ================== A collaborative workspace for constructing and publishing semantic knowledge networks and ontologies as blogs. Features taking shape ===================== As and when a feature is tested and working it will be listed below. Nodes implemented ================= Gstudio Components ------------------ * Metatypes * Object types * Relation types * Attribute types * System types * Process types * Attributes * Relations * Node Specification * Relation Specification * Attribute Specification * Union * Complement * Intersection Objectapp Components ------------------ * Objects * Systems * Processes Online Collaborative Platform ============================= The application is built as a collaborative on line platform. Version Control --------------- All the nodes above are also registered with django-reversion for version control using django-reversion. User Registration ----------------- Basic registration using django-registration Features you will see soon: =========================== * neighbourhood graphs and concept graphs * dynamic forms for adding attributes and relations following the definition Other Semantic Web features to come =================================== * data in RDF format * rdf feed to a triple store * sparql endpoint * export and import of standard knowledge representation languages: CL, OWL, XTM etc. Features adopted from Django-Blog-Zinnia ======================================== The following features are adopted from django-blog-zinnia code base with a lot of gratitude. Thanks to an excellent codebase of django-blog-zinnia, which taught us best software development practices as well! After reviewing each feature for the purpose of semantic blogging, we will retain or extend the following features. * Comments * `Sitemaps`_ * Archives views * Related entries * Private entries * RSS or Atom Feeds * Tags and categories views * `Advanced search engine`_ * Prepublication and expiration * Edition in `MarkDown`_, `Textile`_ or `reStructuredText`_ * Widgets (Popular entries, Similar entries, ...) * Spam protection with `Akismet`_ or `TypePad`_ * Admin dashboard * `MetaWeblog API`_ * Ping Directories * Ping External links * ``_ support * `Twitter`_ support * `Gravatar`_ support * `Django-CMS`_ plugins * Collaborative work * Tags autocompletion * `Entry model extendable`_ * Pingback/Trackback support * `Blogger conversion utility`_ * `WordPress conversion utility`_ * `WYMeditor`_, `TinyMCE`_ and `MarkItUp`_ support * Ready to use and extendables templates * `Windows Live Writer`_ compatibility Examples ======== We will soon create a sandbox site for users to play and test the features. Project Page ============ ============ Installation ============ .. module:: gstudio .. _dependencies: Dependencies ============ Make sure to install these packages prior to installation : * `Python 2.x`_ >= 2.5 * `Django`_ >= 1.3 * `django-mptt`_ >= 0.4.2 * `django-tagging`_ >= 0.3.1 * `BeautifulSoup`_ >= 3.2.0 The packages below are optionnal but needed for run the full test suite. * `pyparsing`_ >= 1.5.5 * `django-xmlrpc`_ >= 0.1.3 Note that all the dependencies will be resolved if you install Gstudio with :program:`pip` or :program:`easy_install`, excepting Django. .. _getting-the-code: Getting the code ================ .. highlight:: console For the latest stable version of Gstudio use :program:`easy_install`: :: $ easy_install django-gstudio or use :program:`pip`: :: $ pip install django-gstudio You could also retrieve the last sources from Clone the repository using :program:`git` and run the installation script: :: $ git clone git:// $ cd django-gstudio $ python install or more easily via :program:`pip`: :: $ pip install -e git:// .. _applications: Applications ============ .. highlight:: python Then register :mod:`gstudio`, and these following applications in the :setting:`INSTALLED_APPS` section of your project's settings. :: INSTALLED_APPS = ( # Your favorite apps 'django.contrib.contenttypes', 'django.contrib.comments', 'django.contrib.sessions', 'django.contrib.sites', 'django.contrib.admin', 'tagging', 'mptt', 'gstudio',) .. _template-context-processors: Template Context Processors =========================== Add these following :setting:`template context processors` if not already present. :: TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS = ( 'django.core.context_processors.auth', 'django.core.context_processors.i18n', 'django.core.context_processors.request', '', 'django.core.context_processors.static', 'gstudio.context_processors.version',) # Optional .. _urls: URLs ==== Add the following lines to your project's in order to display the blog. :: url(r'^gstudio/', include('gstudio.urls')), url(r'^comments/', include('django.contrib.comments.urls')), Note that the default gstudio URLset is provided for convenient usage, but you can customize your URLs if you want. Here's how: :: url(r'^', include('gstudio.urls.capabilities')), url(r'^search/', include('')), url(r'^sitemap/', include('gstudio.urls.sitemap')), url(r'^trackback/', include('gstudio.urls.trackback')), url(r'^gstudio/tags/', include('gstudio.urls.tags')), url(r'^gstudio/feeds/', include('gstudio.urls.feeds')), url(r'^gstudio/authors/', include('gstudio.urls.authors')), url(r'^gstudio/categories/', include('gstudio.urls.categories')), url(r'^gstudio/discussions/', include('gstudio.urls.discussions')), url(r'^gstudio/', include('gstudio.urls.quick_entry')), url(r'^gstudio/', include('gstudio.urls.entries')), url(r'^comments/', include('django.contrib.comments.urls')), .. _static-files: Static Files ============ Since the version 1.3 of Django, Gstudio uses the :mod:`django.contrib.staticfiles` application to serve the static files needed. Please refer to for more informations about serving static files. .. _`Python 2.x`: .. _`Django`: .. _`django-mptt`: .. _`django-tagging`: .. _`BeautifulSoup`: .. _`pyparsing`: .. _`django-xmlrpc`: CHANGELOG ========= 0.10 ---- Keywords: django,blog,weblog,zinnia,post,news,gnowsys,gnowledge,semantic,networks,ontolgies Platform: UNKNOWN Classifier: Framework :: Django Classifier: Development Status :: 3 - Development/Alpha Classifier: Environment :: Web Environment Classifier: Programming Language :: Python Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers Classifier: Operating System :: OS Independent Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License Classifier: Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules