# Makefile for gstudio # # Aim to simplify development and release process # Be sure you have run the buildout, before using this Makefile NO_COLOR = \033[0m COLOR = \033[32;01m SUCCESS_COLOR = \033[35;01m all: kwalitee test docs clean package package: @echo "$(COLOR)* Creating source package for Gstudio$(NO_COLOR)" @python setup.py sdist test: @echo "$(COLOR)* Launching the tests suite$(NO_COLOR)" @./bin/test coverage: @echo "$(COLOR)* Generating coverage report$(NO_COLOR)" @./bin/cover epydoc: @echo "$(COLOR)* Generating API documentation$(NO_COLOR)" @export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE='demo.settings' && ./bin/api sphinx: @echo "$(COLOR)* Generating Sphinx documentation$(NO_COLOR)" @./bin/docs @cp -r ./docs/build/html ./docs/ docs: coverage epydoc sphinx kwalitee: @echo "$(COLOR)* Running pyflakes$(NO_COLOR)" @./bin/pyflakes gstudio @echo "$(COLOR)* Running pep8$(NO_COLOR)" @./bin/pep8 --count --exclude=migrations gstudio @echo "$(SUCCESS_COLOR)* No kwalitee errors, Congratulations ! :)$(NO_COLOR)" translations: @echo "$(COLOR)* Generating english translation$(NO_COLOR)" @cd gstudio && ../bin/django makemessages --extension=.html,.txt -l en @echo "$(COLOR)* Pushing translation to Transifex$(NO_COLOR)" @rm -rf .tox @tx push -s @echo "$(COLOR)* Remove english translation$(NO_COLOR)" @rm -rf gstudio/locale/en/ clean: @echo "$(COLOR)* Removing useless files$(NO_COLOR)" @find demo gstudio docs -type f \( -name "*.pyc" -o -name "\#*" -o -name "*~" \) -exec rm -f {} \; @rm -f \#* *~ @rm -rf uploads @rm -rf .tox mrproper: clean @rm -rf docs/build/doctrees @rm -rf docs/build/html @rm -rf docs/html @rm -rf docs/coverage @rm -rf docs/api