1. Installing required packages and its dependencies For installing pip: -Use the command easy_install pip 1)To install mongodb:- I. Type the command brew install mongodb. II.Create a path : mkdir /data/db. III. Use the command chown –R /data/db. IV. To start the mongodb server use the command mongod. 2) To install virtualenv: - I. Use the command sudo pip install virtualenv 3) To install git: - I. Use the command brew install git II. To give the root permission to brew use:- Sudo chown root/user/local/bin/brew 4) To install rcs: - I. Use the command sudo brew install rcs. 5) To install setuptools: - I. Use the command pip install setuptools 6) To install ffmpeg: - I. Use the command sudo brew install ffmpeg 7) To install ffmpeg2theora: - I. Use the command sudo brew install ffmpeg2theora 8) To install libjpeg: - I. Use the command sudo brew install libjpeg 9) To install libmagic: - I. Use the command sudo brew install libmagic 2. Get latest version of gstudio-mongokit - Try one of the following commands: (1) git clone git@github.com:gnowledge/gstudio.git (2) git clone https://github.com/gnowledge/gstudio.git 3. Set up virtual environment for gstudio-mongokit (1) cd gstudio (2) virtualenv --system-site-packages . (3) source bin/activate (4) ./bin/pip install -r requirements.txt 3.You may not find emacs24 in your repositories. In that case, satisfy the requirement by following these instructions: (1) sudo add-apt-repository ppa:cassou/emacs (2) sudo apt-get update (3) sudo apt-get install emacs24 emacs24-el emacs24-common-non-dfsg 4. Installation of MathJax (required for rendering MathML symbols) (1) To install MathJax on your own server, download the distribution from the following link: "http://www.mathjax.org/download/" (2) Simply unzip the downloaded archive, rename it to 'mathjax' (all in smallcaps) and put it under django-application's "static" directory. 5. To run "gstudio-mongokit" project, perform following steps: (1) Make sure you are in the virtualenv-folder and it's activated (source bin/activate). (2) Move to folder where your "manage.py" file resides: cd gstudio/gnowsys-ndf (3) Start mongodb server: sudo service mongodb start (4) Run the following commands: (a) python manage.py initrcsrepo (b) python manage.py syncdb (c) python manage.py filldb (d) python manage.py runserver