* INSTALLATION Procedure for for gstudio If you are on a debian or Ubuntu PC install the following packages. Use corresponding package names if you are using an RPM based distro (fedora or centos). 1. Installing required packages and its dependencies (1) sudo apt-get install python-setuptools git build-essential python-dev rcs mongodb emacs24 python-virtualenv libjpeg-dev libfreetype6-dev zlib1g-dev ffmpeg ffmpeg2theora 2. Get latest version of gstudio-mongokit - Try one of the following commands: (1) git clone git@github.com:gnowledge/gstudio.git (2) git clone https://github.com/gnowledge/gstudio.git 3. Set up virtual environment for gstudio-mongokit (1) cd gstudio (2) virtualenv --system-site-packages . # NOTE: Here '.' indicates current directory (3) source bin/activate # Activates virtual environment [To deactivate, please use given command - "deactivate"] (4) ./bin/pip install -r requirements.txt # NOTE: Here '.' indicates current directory 3. In case your distribution of GNU/Linux is not latest, you may not find emacs24 in your repositories. In that case, satisfy the requirement by following these instructions: (1) sudo add-apt-repository ppa:cassou/emacs (2) sudo apt-get update (3) sudo apt-get install emacs24 emacs24-el emacs24-common-non-dfsg 4. Setting up Emacs working environment: Create an init file for emacs's default settings at given path "~/.emacs" with following code in it: NOTE: How to get org-version? (1) Open emacs editor (2) Press Alt + "X" (3) Enter following command: org-version [Then Press Enter] (a) For org-version < 8.0: Copy following lines of code in above specified file and save it (custom-set-variables '(inhibit-startup-screen t) '(org-export-html-preamble nil) '(org-export-html-postamble nil) ) (b) For org-version >= 8.0: : Copy following lines of code in above specified file and save it (custom-set-variables '(inhibit-startup-screen t) '(org-html-preamble nil) '(org-html-postamble nil) ) 5. SMTP configuration for notifications (1) To make SMTP server ready for sending mail (development purpose only) - There are two options: 1. After running project, run following command: python -m smtpd -n -c DebuggingServer localhost:1025 (This will ready to listen smtp messages and will print in terminal) 2. To use gmail smtp server: (If you have another smarthost to deliver use that instead) (a) Go to settings.py file and search for "#SMTP setting for sending mail" and uncomment gmail smtp setting and comment default python smtp settings. (b) Edit following with your gmail credentials and save settings.py file - EMAIL_HOST_USER = 'yourcompleteemailid' EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD = 'yourpassword' 6. Install JS/CSS dependencies with Bower: (1) Activate your virtual environment: source bin/activate (2) A tool to create isolated node.js environment which is integrated with environment built by python virtualenv: sudo apt-get install curl pip install nodeenv (3) Appending nodeenv settings to virtualenv: (This takes time .. wait till it complete) nodeenv --python-virtualenv If above step gives an error, install NodeJS at root level with following commands: (a) sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chris-lea/node.js (b) sudo apt-get update (c) sudo apt-get install python-software-properties python g++ make nodejs (4) Installing Bower: sudo npm install -g bower (5) To install JS/CSS dependencies: (Navigate to project root - cd gstudio/gnowsys-ndf ) bower install 7. Install Search Dependencies Follow instructions in search_dependencies.txt 8. To run "gstudio" project, perform following steps: (1) Make sure you are in the virtualenv-folder and it's activated (source bin/activate). (2) Move to folder where your "manage.py" file resides: cd gstudio/gnowsys-ndf (3) Start mongodb server: sudo service mongodb start (4) Run the following commands: (a) python manage.py syncdb (b) python manage.py filldb (c) python manage.py sync_existing_documents (d) python manage.py runserver * After running (c) point your browser to http://localhost:8000 to see gstudio on your browser. Enjoy. * Since gstudio is frequently updated, please obtain the latest code from git repo. After each update run (a) & (b) commands before running (c). git pull origin mongokit 8. To edit SCSS/SAAS stylesheets: Installing Ruby and compass: (1) sudo apt-get install ruby (2) sudo gem install compass Running compass: (1) Navigate to project root manage.py file. (2) Run following command (to start compass) and then edit scss stylesheets: compass watch * Any issues with this procedure or you need any further help, or to file bugs etc. visit ask us in the mailing list: - http://gnowledge.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/gnowsys-dev