path: root/gstudio/static/gstudio/js/Gnowmacs/src/js/.svn/text-base/gnowmacs.js.svn-base
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gstudio/static/gstudio/js/Gnowmacs/src/js/.svn/text-base/gnowmacs.js.svn-base')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 345 deletions
diff --git a/gstudio/static/gstudio/js/Gnowmacs/src/js/.svn/text-base/gnowmacs.js.svn-base b/gstudio/static/gstudio/js/Gnowmacs/src/js/.svn/text-base/gnowmacs.js.svn-base
deleted file mode 100644
index 86945ddc..00000000
--- a/gstudio/static/gstudio/js/Gnowmacs/src/js/.svn/text-base/gnowmacs.js.svn-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,345 +0,0 @@
-// This file is part of Gnowmacs for GNOWSYS: Gnowledge Networking
-// and Organizing System.
-// Gnowmacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
-// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of
-// the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-// Gnowmacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
-// License along with Gnowmacs (agpl.txt); if not, write to the
-// Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
-// Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA59 Temple Place, Suite 330,
-// Author: Divya <>
-// @require ymacs-tokenizer.js
-var arr4;
-Ymacs_Tokenizer.define("org", function(stream, tok){
- var PARSER = {
- next : next,
- copy : copy,
- indentation : indentation
- };
- var $parens = [];
- var $passedParens = [];
- var $cont = [];
- var $inString = null;
- var $inComment = null;
- var $inHeading = null;
- function copy() {
- var c = resume.context = {
- parens : $parens.slice(0),
- passedParens : $passedParens.slice(0),
- cont : $cont.slice(0),
- inString : $inString,
- inComment : $inComment,
- inHeading : $inHeading
- };
- function resume() {
- $parens = c.parens.slice(0);
- $passedParens = c.passedParens.slice(0);
- $cont = c.cont.slice(0);
- $inString = c.inString;
- $inComment = c.inComment;
- $inHeading = c.inHeading;
- return PARSER;
- };
- return resume;
- };
- function INDENT_LEVEL() {
- return tok.buffer.getq("indent_level");
- };
- var OPEN_PAREN = {
- "(" : ")",
- "{" : "}",
- "[" : "]"
- };
- var CLOSE_PAREN = {
- ")" : "(",
- "}" : "{",
- "]" : "["
- };
- function isOpenParen(ch) {
- return OPEN_PAREN[ch];
- };
- function isCloseParen(ch) {
- return CLOSE_PAREN[ch];
- };
- function foundToken(c1, c2, type) {
- tok.onToken(stream.line, c1, c2, type);
- };
- function readComment() {
- var line = stream.lineText(), pos = line.indexOf("*/", stream.col);
- var m = /^\s*\*+/.exec(line.substr(stream.col));
- if (m) {
- foundToken(stream.col, stream.col += m[0].length, "mcomment-starter");
- }
- if (pos >= 0) {
- $cont.pop();
- $inComment = null;
- foundToken(stream.col, pos, "mcomment");
- foundToken(pos, pos += 2, "mcomment-stopper");
- stream.col = pos;
- } else {
- foundToken(stream.col, line.length, "mcomment");
- stream.col = line.length;
- }
- };
- function readString(end, type) {
- var ch, esc = false, start = stream.col;
- while (!stream.eol()) {
- ch = stream.peek();
- if (ch === end && !esc) {
- $cont.pop();
- $inString = null;
- foundToken(start, stream.col, type);
- foundToken(stream.col, ++stream.col, type + "-stopper");
- return true;
- }
- esc = !esc && ch === "\\";
- stream.nextCol();
- }
- foundToken(start, stream.col, type);
- };
- function readHeading(type) {
- var start = stream.col;
- while (!stream.eol()) {
- stream.nextCol();
- }
- foundToken(start, stream.col, type);
- };
- function next() {
- stream.checkStop();
- if ($cont.length > 0)
- return $cont.peek()();
- var ch = stream.peek(), tmp;
- if (stream.lookingAt("/*")) {
- $inComment = { line: stream.line, c1: stream.col };
- foundToken(stream.col, stream.col += 2, "mcomment-starter");
- $cont.push(readComment);
- }
- else if (ch === '"' || ch === "'") {
- $inString = { line: stream.line, c1: stream.col };
- foundToken(stream.col, ++stream.col, "string-starter");
- $cont.push(readString.$C(ch, "string"));
- }
- //to start with org
- else if ((tmp = stream.lookingAt(/^(\[\[)(.+?)(\]\[)(.+?)(\]\])/))) {
- foundToken(stream.col, stream.col += tmp[2].length+4, "org-link-url");
- var url = tmp[2];
- foundToken(stream.col, stream.col += (tmp[4].length+1), "org-link-text");
- foundToken(stream.col, stream.col += 1, "org-link-close");
- }
- else if ((tmp = stream.lookingAt(/^(\*.+?\*)/))) {
- if (tmp[1].substring(1,2) === " " || tmp[1].substring(tmp[1].length-2, tmp[1].length-1) === " ")
- {foundToken(stream.col, stream.col += tmp[1].length, null);}
- else{
- foundToken(stream.col, stream.col += tmp[1].length, "org-bold");
- }
- }
- else if ((tmp = stream.lookingAt(/^(\/.+?\/)/))) {
- if (tmp[1].substring(1,2) === " " || tmp[1].substring(tmp[1].length-2, tmp[1].length-1) === " ")
- {foundToken(stream.col, stream.col += tmp[1].length, null);}
- else{
- foundToken(stream.col, stream.col += tmp[1].length, "org-italic");
- }
- }
- else if ((tmp = stream.lookingAt(/^(_.+?_)/))) {
- if (tmp[1].substring(1,2) === " " || tmp[1].substring(tmp[1].length-2, tmp[1].length-1) === " ")
- {foundToken(stream.col, stream.col += tmp[1].length, null);}
- else{
- foundToken(stream.col, stream.col += tmp[1].length, "org-underline");
- }
- }
- else if ((tmp = stream.lookingAt(/^(\+.+?\+)/))) {
- if (tmp[1].substring(1,2) === " " || tmp[1].substring(tmp[1].length-2, tmp[1].length-1) === " ")
- {foundToken(stream.col, stream.col += tmp[1].length, null);}
- else{
- foundToken(stream.col, stream.col += tmp[1].length, "org-strike");
- }
- }
- else if ((tmp = stream.lookingAt(/^(\*+\s+)/))) {
- if (stream.col == 0){
- var headtype = "org-heading" + (tmp[1].length -1);
- foundToken(stream.col, stream.col += tmp[1].length, headtype);
- readHeading(headtype);
- }
- }
- //to end with org
- else {
- foundToken(stream.col, ++stream.col, null);
- }
- };
- function indentation() {
- // no indentation for continued strings
- if ($inString)
- return 0;
- var row = stream.line;
- var currentLine = stream.lineText();
- var indent = 0;
- if ($inComment) {
- var commentStartLine = stream.lineText($inComment.line);
- indent = $inComment.c1 + 1;
- if (!/^\s*\*/.test(currentLine)) {
- // align with the first non-whitespace and non-asterisk character in the comment
- var re = /[^\s*]/g;
- re.lastIndex = $inComment.c1 + 1;
- var m = re.exec(commentStartLine);
- if (m)
- indent = m.index;
- }
- return indent;
- }
- var p = $parens.peek();
- if (p) {
- // check if the current line closes the paren
- var re = new RegExp("^\\s*\\" + OPEN_PAREN[p.type]);
- var thisLineCloses = re.test(currentLine);
- // Check if there is text after the opening paren. If so, indent to that column.
- var line = stream.lineText(p.line);
- re = /\S/g;
- re.lastIndex = p.col + 1;
- var m = re.exec(line);
- if (m) {
- // but if this line closes the paren, better use the column of the open paren
- indent = thisLineCloses ? p.col : m.index;
- }
- else {
- // Otherwise we should indent to one level more than the indentation of the line
- // containing the opening paren.
- indent = stream.lineIndentation(p.line) + INDENT_LEVEL();
- // but if this line closes the paren, then back one level
- if (thisLineCloses)
- indent -= INDENT_LEVEL();
- }
- }
- return indent;
- };
- return PARSER;
-DEFINE_SINGLETON("Ymacs_Keymap_Org", Ymacs_Keymap);
- "ENTER" : "newline_and_indent",
- ": && } && )" : "c_insert_and_indent"
-Ymacs_Buffer.newMode("org_mode", function(){
- var tok = this.tokenizer;
- this.setTokenizer(new Ymacs_Tokenizer({ buffer: this, type: "org" }));
- var was_paren_match = this.cmd("paren_match_mode", true);
- this.pushKeymap(Ymacs_Keymap_Org());
- return function() {
- this.setTokenizer(tok);
- if (!was_paren_match)
- this.cmd("paren_match_mode", false);
- this.popKeymap(Ymacs_Keymap_Org());
- };
- org_insert_heading: Ymacs_Interactive(function() {
- this.cmd("beginning_of_line");
- this.cmd("insert", "* ");
- }),
- org_bold: Ymacs_Interactive("r", function(begin, end) {
- if (end < begin) { var tmp = begin; begin = end; end = tmp; }
- this.cmd("goto_char", begin);
- this.cmd("insert", "*");
- this.cmd("goto_char", end+1);
- this.cmd("insert", "*");
- }),
- org_italic: Ymacs_Interactive("r", function(begin, end) {
- if (end < begin) { var tmp = begin; begin = end; end = tmp; }
- this.cmd("goto_char", begin);
- this.cmd("insert", "/");
- this.cmd("goto_char", end+1);
- this.cmd("insert", "/");
- }),
- org_underline: Ymacs_Interactive("r", function(begin, end) {
- if (end < begin) { var tmp = begin; begin = end; end = tmp; }
- this.cmd("goto_char", begin);
- this.cmd("insert", "_");
- this.cmd("goto_char", end+1);
- this.cmd("insert", "_");
- }),
- org_strike: Ymacs_Interactive("r", function(begin, end) {
- if (end < begin) { var tmp = begin; begin = end; end = tmp; }
- this.cmd("goto_char", begin);
- this.cmd("insert", "+");
- this.cmd("goto_char", end+1);
- this.cmd("insert", "+");
- }),
- org_file: Ymacs_Interactive("f", function() {
- if (end < begin) { var tmp = begin; begin = end; end = tmp; }
- this.cmd("goto_char", begin);
- this.cmd("insert", "+");
- this.cmd("goto_char", end+1);
- this.cmd("insert", "+");
- }),
- org_link: Ymacs_Interactive("r", function(begin, end) {
- if (end < begin) { var tmp = begin; begin = end; end = tmp; }
- this.cmd("goto_char", begin);
- this.cmd("insert", "[[");
- this.cmd("goto_char", end+2);
- this.cmd("insert", "]]");
- }),
- org_table_create: Ymacs_Interactive("r", function(begin, end) {
- if (end < begin) { var tmp = begin; begin = end; end = tmp; }
- this.cmd("goto_char", begin);
- this.cmd("insert", "|");
- this.cmd("insert"," ");
- //this.cmd("goto_char", end+1);
- //this.cmd("insert", "|");
- })