path: root/gstudio/static/gstudio/js/Gnowmacs/src/js/jquery.ui.gnowmacs.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gstudio/static/gstudio/js/Gnowmacs/src/js/jquery.ui.gnowmacs.js')
1 files changed, 929 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gstudio/static/gstudio/js/Gnowmacs/src/js/jquery.ui.gnowmacs.js b/gstudio/static/gstudio/js/Gnowmacs/src/js/jquery.ui.gnowmacs.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..88caa1f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gstudio/static/gstudio/js/Gnowmacs/src/js/jquery.ui.gnowmacs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,929 @@
+(function ($) {
+ $.widget("ui.gnowmacs", {
+ _init: function () {
+ // This file is part of Gnowmacs for GNOWSYS: Gnowledge Networking
+ // and Organizing System.
+ // Gnowmacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
+ // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of
+ // the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ // Gnowmacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ // WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ // GNU General Public License for more details.
+ // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
+ // License along with Gnowmacs (agpl.txt); if not, write to the
+ // Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ // Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA59 Temple Place, Suite 330,
+ // Author Divya <>
+ var desktop = new DlDesktop({});
+ var tableg = 0;
+ var row, col;
+ var str_sym;
+ var options1, position, char_at_pos, index1, pt, pt1, pt2;
+ var formats;
+ formats = ["HTML", "PDF", "LaTeX", "DocBook", "XOXO"];
+ var al;
+ var str1;
+ var al1, al2;
+ var gImage;
+ var gOptions;
+ function print(obj) {
+ var a = [],
+ i;
+ for (i in obj) {
+ var val = obj[i];
+ if (val instanceof Function) val = val.toString();
+ else val = DlJSON.encode(val);
+ a.push(DlJSON.encode(i) + " : " + val);
+ }
+ return (line) {
+ return line.replace(/^/mg, function (s) {
+ return " ";
+ });
+ }).join("\n");
+ };
+ var info = ("Existing keybindings:\n\n" + print(Ymacs_Keymap_Emacs().constructor.KEYS) + "\n\nHave fun!\n");
+ // var id = node_id
+ var id = document.getElementById("objectid").value;
+ // var orgcontent= document.getElementById("bufferdata").value;
+ var title = document.getElementById("title").value;
+ var orgcontent = document.getElementById("orgcontent").value;
+ var extension = ".org"
+ try {
+ var org = new Ymacs_Buffer({
+ name: title+ extension
+ });
+ org.setCode(orgcontent);
+ //var qqq = org.data2
+ org.cmd("org_mode");
+ var keys = new Ymacs_Buffer({
+ name: "keybindings.txt"
+ });
+ keys.setCode(info);
+ var layout = new DlLayout({
+ parent: desktop
+ });
+ var empty = new Ymacs_Buffer({
+ name: "empty"
+ });
+ var ymacs = window.ymacs = new Ymacs({
+ buffers: [org, keys]
+ });
+ ymacs.setColorTheme(["dark", "y"]);
+ try {
+ ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("eval_file", ".ymacs");
+ } catch (ex) {}
+ var menu = new DlHMenu({});
+ menu.setStyle({
+ marginLeft: 0,
+ marginRight: 0
+ });
+ var item = new DlMenuItem({
+ parent: menu,
+ label: "Export".makeLabel()
+ });
+ /* -------------- Org Export --------------*/
+ //formats = ["HTML", "PDF", "LaTeX", "DocBook", "XOXO"];
+ var submenu = new DlVMenu({});
+ item.setMenu(submenu);
+ formats.foreach(function (format) {
+ var item = new DlMenuItem({
+ label: format,
+ parent: submenu
+ });
+ item.addEventListener("onSelect", function () {
+ try {
+ var is_Firefox = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('firefox') > -1;
+ if (is_Firefox)"UniversalXPConnect");
+ var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
+ var url = "";
+"POST", url, true);
+ xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {
+ if (xhr.readyState == 4) {
+ alert(xhr.status);
+ }
+ }
+ xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "text/plain");
+ if (format == "HTML" && gImage == 1) // checking if insertImage() is called
+ {
+ //ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("delete_region_or_line",str1);
+ al = "#+ATTR_HTML: align=" + "\"left\"" + "\n";
+ al1 = al;
+ ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("insert", al1);
+ //if(al2!=null)
+ //ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("delete_region_or_line",al2);
+ } else if (format == "PDF" && gImage == 1) {
+ //ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("delete_region_or_line",str1);
+ al = "#+ATTR_LaTeX:placement = {r}" + "\n";
+ al2 = al;
+ ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("insert", al2);
+ //if(al1!=null)
+ //ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("delete_region_or_line",al1);
+ }
+ xhr.send("gnow-select: " + format + "\n" + ymacs.getActiveBuffer().getCode());
+ //alert("gnow-select: "+format+"\n"+ymacs.getActiveBuffer().getCode());
+ //alert(format+"\n"+ymacs.getActiveBuffer().getCode());
+ } catch (e) {
+ alert("Some Error");
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ menu.addFiller();
+ var item = new DlMenuItem({
+ parent: menu,
+ label: "Save".makeLabel()
+ });
+ item.addEventListener("onSelect", function () {
+ var org_data = org.getCode();
+ document.getElementById("orgcontent").value = org_data;
+ var encode_data = encodeURIComponent(org_data);
+ url = "/nodetypes/ajax/contentorgadd/?id=" + id + "&contentorg=" +encode_data;
+ $.get(url,
+ function(data){
+ })
+ url = "/nodetypes/ajax/contentorgadd/?id=" + id + "&contentorg=" +encode_data;
+ $.get(url,
+ function(data){
+ })
+ url = "/nodetypes/ajax/ajaxcreatefile/?id=" +id+ "&content_org=" +encode_data;
+ $.get(url,
+ function(data){
+ })
+ url = "/nodetypes/ajax/ajaxcreatehtml/";
+ $.get(url,
+ function(data){
+ })
+ url = "/nodetypes/ajax/contentadd/?id=" + id;
+ $.get(url,
+ function(data){
+ })
+ url = "/nodetypes/ajax/contentadd/?id=" + id;
+ $.get(url,
+ function(data){
+ })
+ url = "/nodetypes/ajax/contentadd/?id=" + id;
+ $.get(url,
+ function(data){
+ })
+ alert("Data Saved");
+ window.location.reload();
+ });
+ var item = new DlMenuItem({
+ parent: menu,
+ label: "Toggle line numbers".makeLabel()
+ });
+ item.addEventListener("onSelect", function () {
+ ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("toggle_line_numbers");
+ });
+ /*------[ Wrap ]--------
+ flag is a variable to store the current status of wrap.wrap itself switches On n Off depending on previous status.
+ so it is necessary to keep record of previous status*/
+ // var item = new DlMenuItem({
+ // parent: menu,
+ // label: "Wrap".makeLabel()
+ // });
+ // var flag = "False";
+ // item.addEventListener("onSelect", function () {
+ // if (flag == "False") {
+ // flag = "True";
+ // alert("Wrapping is ON");
+ // ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("wrap_text");
+ // } else {
+ // flag = "False";
+ // alert("Wrapping is OFF");
+ // ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("wrap_text");
+ // }
+ // });
+ /* -----[ insert - just a try] ----- */
+ var item = new DlMenuItem({
+ parent: menu,
+ label: "Insert".makeLabel()
+ });
+ var item1 = new DlMenuItem({
+ parent: submenu,
+ label: "TOC"
+ });
+ var submenu = new DlVMenu({});
+ item.setMenu(submenu);
+ var subToc = new DlVMenu({});
+ item = new DlMenuItem({
+ parent: submenu,
+ label: "Default from ymacs.css"
+ });
+ item.addEventListener("onSelect", function () {
+ ymacs.getActiveFrame().setStyle({
+ fontFamily: ""
+ });
+ });
+ submenu.addSeparator();
+ item1 = new DlMenuItem({
+ parent: submenu,
+ label: "Table Of Content"
+ });
+ item1.addEventListener("onSelect", function () {
+ options1 = "#+OPTIONS:" + " " + "H:3 num:t toc:t \\n:nil @:t ::t |:t ^:t -:t f:t *:t <:t" + "\n";
+ insertOPTIONS();
+ });
+ var files = [
+ "Table",
+ "Insert Column",
+ "Insert Row",
+ "Insert hline",
+ "Images",
+ ]
+ item1.setMenu(subToc);
+ files.foreach(function (i) {
+ item = new DlMenuItem({
+ parent: submenu,
+ label: "<span style='font-size:" + i + "'>" + i + "</span>"
+ });
+ item.addEventListener("onSelect", function () {
+ // alert("You selected " +i);
+ switch (i) {
+ case "Table":
+ insertTable();
+ break;
+ case "Insert Column":
+ if (tableg == 1) // if insertTable() is called previously then call insertColumn()
+ {
+ insertColumn();
+ } else {
+ alert("First create a table");
+ }
+ break;
+ case "Insert Row":
+ if (tableg == 1) // if insertTable() is called previously then call insertRow()
+ {
+ insertRow();
+ } else {
+ alert("First create a table");
+ }
+ break;
+ case "Insert hline":
+ if (tableg == 1) // if insertTable() is called previously then call insertHline()
+ {
+ insertHline();
+ } else {
+ alert("First create a table");
+ }
+ break;
+ case "Images":
+ insertImage1();
+ break;
+ default:
+ alert("code to be executed if n is different from case 1 and 2");
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ var files2 = [
+ ].foreach(function (font) {
+ item = new DlMenuItem({
+ parent: subToc,
+ label: "<span style='font-family:" + font + "'>" + font + "</span>"
+ });
+ var test_flag = "False";
+ item.addEventListener("onSelect", function () {
+ // var pt2 = ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("point");
+ // alert(pt2);
+ if (test_flag == "False" && gOptions == 1) {
+ test_flag = "True";
+ alert("OPTIONS is ON");
+ ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("goto_char", pt1);
+ alert(pt1);
+ ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("end_of_line");
+ ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("insert", "\n");
+ pt2 = ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("point");
+ alert(pt2);
+ options1 = "#+OPTIONS:" + " " + "H:3 num:t toc:t \\n:nil @:t ::t |:t ^:t -:t f:t *:t <:t" + "\n";
+ ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("insert", options1);
+ //ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("insert","\n");
+ } else if (gOptions != 1) {
+ alert("Insert TOC first");
+ } else {
+ // ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("beginning_of_buffer");
+ test_flag = "False";
+ alert("OPTIONS is OFF");
+ // if(gOptions == 1)
+ ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("goto_char", pt2);
+ alert(pt2);
+ // ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("forward_line");
+ // var pt1 = ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("point");
+ // alert("pt1",pt1);
+ // ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("goto_char",pt1);
+ ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("delete_line");
+ options1 = "#+OPTIONS:" + " " + "H:3 num:nil toc:nil \\n:nil @:t ::t |:t ^:t -:t f:t *:t <:t" + "\n";
+ ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("insert", options1);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ function insertOPTIONS() {
+ gOptions = 1;
+ var a1 = "#+AUTHOR:" + " " + "\n";
+ var t1 = "#+TITLE:" + " " + "\n";
+ var currentDate = new Date();
+ var month = currentDate.getMonth() + 1;
+ var day = currentDate.getDate();
+ var year = currentDate.getFullYear();
+ var weekday = new Array(7);
+ weekday[0] = "Sunday";
+ weekday[1] = "Monday";
+ weekday[2] = "Tuesday";
+ weekday[3] = "Wednesday";
+ weekday[4] = "Thursday";
+ weekday[5] = "Friday";
+ weekday[6] = "Saturday";
+ var d1 = weekday[currentDate.getDay()];
+ var fullDate = "#+DATE:" + " " + year + " " + month + " " + day + " " + d1 + "\n";
+ var language1 = "#+LANGUAGE:" + " " + "en" + "\n";
+ var emailId = "#+EMAIL:" + " " + "\n";
+ var desc = "#+DESCRIPTION:" + " " + "\n";
+ var keywords = "#+KEYWORDS:" + " " + "\n";
+ var options2 = "#+OPTIONS:" + " " + "TeX:t LaTeX:nil skip:nil d:nil todo:t pri:nil tags:not-in-toc" + "\n";
+ var info = "#+INFOJS_OPT:" + " " + "view:nil toc:nil ltoc:t mouse:underline buttons:0 path:" + "\n";
+ var export_select_tag = "#+EXPORT_" + " SELECT_" + "TAGS:" + " " + "export " + "\n";
+ var export_exclude_tag = "#+EXPORT_" + " EXCLUDE_" + "TAGS:" + " " + "noexport" + "\n";
+ var link_up = "#+LINK_UP:" + " " + "\n";
+ var link_home = "#+LINK_HOME:" + " " + "\n";
+ ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("insert", t1);
+ ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("insert", a1);
+ ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("insert", emailId);
+ ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("insert", fullDate);
+ ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("insert", keywords);
+ ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("insert", language1);
+ //pt = ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("point");
+ //alert(pt);
+ //ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("insert",options1);
+ // ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("insert","\n");
+ ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("insert", options2);
+ ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("insert", "\n");
+ pt1 = ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("point");
+ // alert(pt1);
+ ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("insert", info);
+ ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("insert", export_select_tag);
+ ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("insert", export_exclude_tag);
+ ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("insert", link_up);
+ ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("insert", link_home);
+ //ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("goto_char",pt);
+ }
+ // This function creates a table with the user specified no. of rows & columns.
+ function insertTable() {
+ row = prompt("Enter no. of rows", 1);
+ col = prompt("Enter no. of cols", 1);
+ tableg = 1;
+ for (k = 0; k <= col; k++) {
+ ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("org_table_create");
+ }
+ ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("insert", "\n");
+ ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("insert", "|");
+ ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("insert", "---");
+ for (k = 0; k < (col - 1); k++) {
+ ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("insert", "@");
+ ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("insert", "---");
+ }
+ ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("insert", "|");
+ ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("insert", "\n");
+ for (m = 1; m < row; m++) {
+ for (j = 0; j <= col; j++) {
+ ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("org_table_create");
+ }
+ //alert(row);
+ ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("insert", "\n");
+ }
+ }
+ // This function creates a column for the table.
+ function insertColumn()
+ {
+ ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("backward_paragraph");
+ ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("forward_line");
+ ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("end_of_line");
+ ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("insert", "|");
+ ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("forward_line");
+ ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("backward_char");
+ ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("insert", "@");
+ ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("delete_char");
+ ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("insert", "---");
+ ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("insert", "|");
+ ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("forward_line");
+ for (k = 1; k < row; k++) {
+ ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("insert", "|");
+ ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("forward_line");
+ }
+ col = parseInt(col) + 1;
+ }
+ // This function creates a row for the table.
+ function insertRow()
+ {
+ for (j = 0; j <= col; j++) {
+ ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("org_table_create");
+ }
+ ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("insert", "");
+ ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("newline");
+ row = parseInt(row) + 1;
+ }
+ // This function creates a Horizontal Line for the table.
+ function insertHline() {
+ ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("end_of_line");
+ ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("insert", "\n");
+ ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("insert", "|");
+ ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("insert", "---");
+ for (k = 0; k < (col - 1); k++) {
+ ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("insert", "@");
+ ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("insert", "---");
+ }
+ ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("insert", "|");
+ }
+ function insertImage() {
+ //gImage = 1;
+ //ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("end_of_buffer");
+ //var img1 = prompt("Enter url for image","/home/sndt/Music/img2.jpeg");
+ //mywindow ="fileupload2.html", "", "location=0,status=0,scrollbars=0, width=300,height=150");
+ mywindow ="one.html", "", "location=0,status=0,scrollbars=0, width=300,height=150");
+ mywindow.moveTo(400, 400);
+ //document.write("<INPUT TYPE=file + >");
+ //document.write("hi");
+ //;
+ //var al;
+ //var str1;
+ //var img2 = img1;
+ //var str3 = img1.indexOf(".");
+ //var str4 = img1.lastIndexOf("/");
+ //var str2 = img1.slice(str4+1,str3);
+ //var str1 = "[[" + img1 + "]" + "["+ str2 +"]]";
+ //var al = "#+ATTR_HTML: align="+"\"left\""+"\n";
+ //str1 = "[[" + img1 + "]]";
+ //var str = img1.lastIndexOf("]");
+ //var a = str-1;
+ //var c = img1.length;
+ //var b = img1.slice(str4+1,c);
+ //var d = "/home/sndt/imgtry/" + b;
+ //var newPath = "[[" + d + "]]";
+ //ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("insert",newPath);
+ //ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("insert",str1);
+ }
+ function insertImage1() {
+ // alert(img0);
+ gImage = 1;
+ ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("end_of_buffer");
+ var img1 = prompt("Enter url for image", "/home/sndt/Music/img2.jpeg");
+ //mywindow ="fileupload1.html", "", "location=0,status=0,scrollbars=0, width=300,height=150");
+ // mywindow.moveTo(400, 400);
+ //document.write("<INPUT TYPE=file + >");
+ //document.write("hi");
+ //;
+ //var al;
+ //var str1;
+ // var img1 = img0;
+ var img2 = img1;
+ var str3 = img1.indexOf(".");
+ var str4 = img1.lastIndexOf("/");
+ var str2 = img1.slice(str4 + 1, str3);
+ //var str1 = "[[" + img1 + "]" + "["+ str2 +"]]";
+ //var al = "#+ATTR_HTML: align="+"\"left\""+"\n";
+ str1 = "[[" + img1 + "]]";
+ var str = img1.lastIndexOf("]");
+ var a = str - 1;
+ var c = img1.length;
+ var b = img1.slice(str4 + 1, c);
+ var d = "/home/sndt/imgtry/" + b;
+ var newPath = "[[" + d + "]]";
+ //ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("insert",newPath);
+ ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("insert", str1);
+ ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("backward_line");
+ }
+ /* -----[ color theme ]----- */
+ var item = new DlMenuItem({
+ parent: menu,
+ label: "Color theme".makeLabel()
+ });
+ var submenu = new DlVMenu({});
+ item.setMenu(submenu);
+ [
+ "dark|y|Dark background (default)",
+ "dark|billw|>Billw",
+ "dark|charcoal-black|>Charcoal black",
+ "dark|clarity-and-beauty|>Clarity and beauty",
+ "dark|classic|>Classic",
+ "dark|gnome2|>Gnome 2",
+ "dark|calm-forest|>Calm forest",
+ "dark|linh-dang-dark|>Linh Dang Dark",
+ "dark|blue-mood|>Blue mood",
+ "dark|zenburn|>Zenburn",
+ "dark|standard-dark|>Emacs standard (dark)",
+ null,
+ "light|y|Light background (default)",
+ "light|andreas|>Andreas",
+ "light|bharadwaj|>Bharadwaj",
+ "light|gtk-ide|>GTK IDE",
+ "light|high-contrast|>High contrast",
+ "light|scintilla|>Scintilla",
+ "light|standard-xemacs|>Standard XEmacs",
+ "light|vim-colors|>Vim colors",
+ "light|standard|>Emacs standard (light)"
+ ].foreach(function (theme) {
+ if (theme == null) {
+ submenu.addSeparator();
+ } else {
+ theme = theme.split(/\s*\|\s*/);
+ var label = theme.pop();
+ label = label.replace(/^>\s*/, "&nbsp;".x(4));
+ var item = new DlMenuItem({
+ parent: submenu,
+ label: label
+ });
+ item.addEventListener("onSelect", ymacs.setColorTheme.$(ymacs, theme));
+ }
+ });
+ /*-------Insert-------
+ var item = new DlMenuItem({ parent: menu, label: "Insert".makeLabel() });
+ var item1 = new DlMenuItem({ parent: submenu, label: "TOC" });
+ var submenu = new DlVMenu({});
+ var subToc = new DlVMenu({});
+ item.setMenu(submenu);
+ item = new DlMenuItem({ parent: submenu, label: "Default file" });
+ submenu.addSeparator();
+ item1 = new DlMenuItem({ parent: submenu, label: "Table Of Content" });
+ item.addEventListener("onSelect", function(){
+ });
+ var files1 = [
+ "Image",
+ "Text",
+ "Table"
+ ]
+ item1.setMenu(subToc);
+ files1.foreach(function(font){
+ item = new DlMenuItem({ parent: submenu, label: "<span style='font-family:" + font + "'>" + font + "</span>" });
+ item.addEventListener("onSelect", function(){
+ if(font == "Image")
+ {
+ var imgPath = prompt("Enter the location:", "/home/snehal1/pics/ ");
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ var files2 = [
+ "Title",
+ "Author",
+ "Email",
+ "Description",
+ "Language"
+ ].foreach(function(font){
+ item = new DlMenuItem({ parent: subToc, label: "<span style='font-family:" + font + "'>" + font + "</span>" });
+ item.addEventListener("onSelect", function(){
+ var name1 = prompt("Enter data","");
+ });
+ });
+ */
+ /* -----[ Symbol Insert ]----- */
+ /* var item = new DlMenuItem({ parent: menu, label: "Symbol Insert".makeLabel() });
+ var submenu = new DlVMenu({});
+ item.setMenu(submenu);
+ submenu.addSeparator();
+ [
+ "&alpha;",
+ "&beta;",
+ "&#947;",
+ "&#948;",
+ "&#949;",
+ "&#952;",
+ "&#955;",
+ "&#956;",
+ "&#960;",
+ "&#961;",
+ "&#963;",
+ "&#934;",
+ "&#931;"
+ ].foreach(function(i){
+ item = new DlMenuItem({ parent: submenu, label: "<span style='font-family:" + i + "'>" + i + "</span>" });
+ item.addEventListener("onSelect", function(){
+ // ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("insert",i);
+ alert(i);
+ var greek_sym1 = [945,946,947,948,949,952,955,956,960,961,963,934,931];
+ var greek_sym2 = ["&alpha;","&beta;","&#947;","&#948;","&#949;","&#952;","&#955;","&#956;","&#960;","&#961;","&#963;","&#934;","&#931;"];
+ //var str_sym;
+ for(j=0;j<=13;j++)
+ {
+ for(k=0;k<=13;k++)
+ {
+ if(greek_sym2[j]==i && j==k)
+ {
+ str_sym = String.fromCharCode(greek_sym1[k]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("insert",str_sym);
+ });
+ });
+ /* -----[ font ]----- */
+ var item = new DlMenuItem({
+ parent: menu,
+ label: "Font family".makeLabel()
+ });
+ var submenu = new DlVMenu({});
+ item.setMenu(submenu);
+ item = new DlMenuItem({
+ parent: submenu,
+ label: "Default from ymacs.css"
+ });
+ item.addEventListener("onSelect", function () {
+ ymacs.getActiveFrame().setStyle({
+ fontFamily: ""
+ });
+ });
+ submenu.addSeparator();
+ [
+ "Lucida Sans Typewriter",
+ "Andale Mono",
+ "Courier New",
+ "Arial",
+ "Verdana",
+ "Tahoma",
+ "Georgia",
+ "Times New Roman"
+ ].foreach(function (font) {
+ item = new DlMenuItem({
+ parent: submenu,
+ label: "<span style='font-family:" + font + "'>" + font + "</span>"
+ });
+ item.addEventListener("onSelect", function () {
+ ymacs.getActiveFrame().setStyle({
+ fontFamily: font
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ // ymacs.getActiveFrame().setStyle({ fontFamily: "Arial", fontSize: "18px" });
+ /* -----[ gnowsys-mode ]----- */
+ /* var item = new DlMenuItem({ parent: menu, label: "gnowsys-mode".makeLabel() });
+ item.addEventListener("onSelect", function(){
+ //"/home/sndt/Downloads/jknair-MozGnowser-42c5530/");
+ var org1 = new Ymacs_Buffer({ name: "" });
+ org1.setCode("hi");
+ ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("switch_to_buffer",org1);
+ // org1.cmd("org_mode");
+ ymacs.getActiveBuffer().cmd("load_file");
+ //"");
+ //"/home/sndt/Downloads/jknair-MozGnowser-42c5530/");
+ //"two.html","_blank","width=650,height=650");
+ }); */
+ /* -----[ font size ]----- */
+ var item = new DlMenuItem({
+ parent: menu,
+ label: "Font size".makeLabel()
+ });
+ var submenu = new DlVMenu({});
+ item.setMenu(submenu);
+ item = new DlMenuItem({
+ parent: submenu,
+ label: "Default from ymacs.css"
+ });
+ item.addEventListener("onSelect", function () {
+ ymacs.getActiveFrame().setStyle({
+ fontSize: ""
+ });
+ });
+ submenu.addSeparator();
+ [
+ "11px",
+ "12px",
+ "14px",
+ "16px",
+ "18px",
+ "20px",
+ "22px",
+ "24px"
+ ].foreach(function (font) {
+ item = new DlMenuItem({
+ parent: submenu,
+ label: "<span style='font-size:" + font + "'>" + font + "</span>"
+ });
+ item.addEventListener("onSelect", function () {
+ ymacs.getActiveFrame().setStyle({
+ fontSize: font
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ layout.packWidget(menu, {
+ pos: "top"
+ });
+ layout.packWidget(ymacs, {
+ pos: "bottom",
+ fill: "*"
+ });
+ layout.setSize({
+ x: 500,
+ y: 400
+ });
+ } catch (ex) {
+ console.log(ex);
+ }
+ DynarchDomUtils.trash($("x-loading"));
+ if (!is_gecko && !is_khtml)(function () {
+ var dlg = new DlDialog({
+ title: "Information",
+ modal: true,
+ quitBtn: "destroy"
+ });
+ var vbox = new DlVbox({
+ parent: dlg,
+ borderSpacing: 5
+ });
+ var tmp = new DlWidget({
+ parent: vbox
+ });
+ tmp.getElement().appendChild($("browser-warning"));
+ var ok = new DlButton({
+ parent: vbox,
+ focusable: true,
+ label: "OK, let's see it"
+ });
+ ok.addEventListener("onClick", dlg.destroy.$(dlg));
+ dlg._focusedWidget = ok;
+ })();
+ },
+ });