Showing posts with label autumn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label autumn. Show all posts

Monday, April 29, 2013

Autumn colour inside and out

I love this time of year, watching the trees around the neighbourhood changing colour. I particularly enjoy looking out at the centrepiece of our garden, a beautiful Canadian Maple.

As we head into the cooler months I have also added more of the warming colour red to my interior and the view of the Maple really sets this off.

Unfortunately in the last day the tree has lost a lot of leaves and anticipating this, last week I brought some small branches inside for decoration.

It is hard to believe that just a week ago our Maple still had some green. It has changed quickly.

I have also brought in some Manchurian Pear branches. Our trees haven't changed colour yet even though many down the street have.

Just an aside I have taken all this photos using Instagram, so if you are on Instagram look out for me @georgygdesign.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Autumn in the Garden

Happy Mother's Day to my Mum, my Mummy friends and all the Mother's out there.

In Melbourne it is a beautiful Autumn day, the kind of day that I love to spend in the garden. The perfect temperature to get out there and enjoy it.

Looking at it today and watching the kids running around it really hit home for me that this time next year a chunk of the garden will be gone and in it's place our extension. This will mean a garden re-design and the removal or cutting back of a couple of trees, but I am happy to say the Maple will still be our centre piece and I am determined to keep a herb and vege garden. It also provides an opportunity to look at some sustainable gardening practices such as permaculture as part of the design.


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