Showing posts with label French style. Show all posts
Showing posts with label French style. Show all posts

Monday, August 6, 2012

A French dream

Do you ever have dreams that are so vivid that when you wake up it feels real and takes time to get your bearings?

Well this is what happened to me Sunday morning with a dream of Paris and in that dream just before I woke up I actually thought I better do a blog post to show everyone the views of the Eiffel Tower from my new apartment (I wish).

 Collage of French posters ($5 wrapping paper)

So unfortunately I can't show you these pictures from my dream but thought instead I would post ones of the French elements in my home. And who knows maybe one day I will actually be able to post about being in Paris. My six year old daughter particularly can't wait to see the Eiffel tower and I can't wait to show her!

An old Paris map ($5 wrapping paper) 

As you can see I love French elements in my home and Paris is one of my favourite Cities.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

French for atmosphere and inspiration

French food, wine and family - it was my Mum's 60th this week and to celebrate we went to a French restaurant for dinner.

Dinner in a place like this with family not only makes me smile but inspires me. I love the French style and flair. It helped that all the waiters in this restaurant are French, so got to here that lovely accent and enjoy the atmosphere.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Decoration distraction

'Mummy when are the builders coming' - this is a question my daughter has been asking a lot lately. I feel like responding, with 'good question, now that the contract is finally signed it depends on when the permits come through'.

But for my four year old we count the sleeps (hopefully only about 30 more at most). And depending on her mood she is either really excited about having new rooms built and can't wait to show her friends, or on other days she gets really upset about the idea - 'I love our house the way it is, I don't want it to change'.

So I am trying to get her excited explaining how she is going to get a new room that she can help decorate. She loves to draw, paint and strangely enough move furniture around. Maybe a designer in the making?

And so we have started with some art work for her new room. Luckily for me, her favourite colours are red and blue, though I might have had a bit of influence on that. Decorating with red or blue candles, cushions and pictures against our white walls is fitting in with the French theme I love.


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