Showing posts with label Eiffel Tower. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Eiffel Tower. Show all posts

Monday, August 6, 2012

A French dream

Do you ever have dreams that are so vivid that when you wake up it feels real and takes time to get your bearings?

Well this is what happened to me Sunday morning with a dream of Paris and in that dream just before I woke up I actually thought I better do a blog post to show everyone the views of the Eiffel Tower from my new apartment (I wish).

 Collage of French posters ($5 wrapping paper)

So unfortunately I can't show you these pictures from my dream but thought instead I would post ones of the French elements in my home. And who knows maybe one day I will actually be able to post about being in Paris. My six year old daughter particularly can't wait to see the Eiffel tower and I can't wait to show her!

An old Paris map ($5 wrapping paper) 

As you can see I love French elements in my home and Paris is one of my favourite Cities.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Eiffel Tower

(picture from old edition of Home Beautiful from what I can gather)

My five year old daughter announced recently that she would like to go to the Eiffel Tower and could we go within the week! - "Would love to sweetie but unfortunately it is not that easy (especially as it is a 24 hour flight away)."

Since this announcement she has become very interested in the Eiffel Tower and Paris, probably because we have pictures of it around the house and small model of it on our mantel and books on France. There is just something about it. It is amazing to think that when it was originally built it was only meant to be there for about 20 years and the French weren't happy about it. Now it is one of the most recognisable man made landmarks.


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