Showing posts with label Banner. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Banner. Show all posts

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Halloween Spooktacular Banner Hop for Special Needs Children

Welcome to the annual Halloween Spooktacular Banner Hop for Special Needs Children!

I am delighted to join with more than 3 dozen other women who have each made at least one Halloween-themed banner that will be donated to hang in the room of a medically-fragile child at Pediatric Specialty Care in Pennsylvania.

Our Hop Hostess (Ellen CardMonkey Jarvis) works at PSC’s Bucks County site as Admissions Coordinator. The Banner Hop starts there, so please be sure to circle back to the beginning to see all of the terrific banners have been made for these very special children.

Ellen shared this information with us about Pediatric Specialty Care: “PSC is a very special place where children stay either long- or short-term, typically after hospitalization.  Most are dependent on ventilators and other technology to survive. Some have been born too early or with genetic diseases or birth injuries.  Other children suffer injuries later in life that require constant care later, including brain injuries from trauma or loss of oxygen (from choking, suffocation or drowning) and spinal cord injuries.

These children and their families -- and PSC’s staff -- will be thrilled to receive the Halloween banners, to help brighten the season when their friends and siblings will be out trick-or-treating.”

Here is the banner I am sending to a child at PSC

I created this BOO banner using coasters.
 Close Ups
 I used dimensionals.
Materials Used
Cartridge: Hello Kitty Font (letters cut at 2 3/4 inches)
Paper: Halloween by We R Memory Keepers
Ink: Tim Holtz Dusty Concord Distress Ink by Ranger

To make the rosette, I first cut a 12x12 sheet into 2 inch strips.
I then cut 1 of them in half and taped them together to make a longer strip.
I then used a punch and I only punched out 1 side.
I used my score board to score the strip.
I scored the strip on every inch.
I then cut out 3 squares measuring 3X3 because that's the size of the coasters I used.
 I glued them to the coasters and cut out the edges.
I then used distress ink on the edges and glued the rosettes and letters on them.

This Hop is two days (Saturday, September 1 and Sunday, September 2), and on each day you will see different banners. Be sure to visit on both days to see the truly inspirational work of these generous bloggers, and leave some love (comments) on as many sites as you can – because if you do, you can up your chances to win some Spooktacular blog candy.

Thanks for hopping by and your next stop is Jamie.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Happy Birthday Mom!

I created some birthday decorations for my mom's birthday. She purchased her own tablecloth for her birthday dinner and it had a lot of martinis on it. The colors on the tablecloth were also neon, so my ideas came from that.
Materials Used 
Cartridges: Art Philosophy (labels cut at 4 and 4 1/2 inches)
                 From My Kitchen (martini cut at 3 3/4 inches)
                 Sophisticated (font cut at 3 inches)

Materials Used
Cartridges: Art Philosophy (label cut at 4 1/2 inches)
                 From My Kitchen (martini cut at 4 1/2 inches)
                 Sophisticated (font cut at 3 inches)

Her birthday card.
Materials Used
Cartridges: Art Philosophy (label cut at 4 1/2 inches)
                 From My Kitchen (martini cut at 4 1/2 inches)

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Under The Sea Blog Hop

Welcome to the Under The Sea Blog Hop! 

I just love the sea, so I was excited to create something for the hop. You should have arrived from Gill, if not feel free to start from the beginning.

I  created a Welcome banner for my classroom for the first day of school. I am going to be teaching PreK, so I wanted the students to walk in the classroom and feel welcomed. I decided to have an ocean theme in my classroom, so I am excited that I got to create the banner. I still have a lot more things to create. Who said teachers don't work in the summer? :D

I am hoping to hang my banner in front of the dry erase board in the classroom, so since I made a huge banner, I couldn't find a place to hang it in my house. I had to take two pictures to show the whole banner. Sorry!
Close Ups

Mini Tutorial
Before I start a banner I always like to cut out the letters first and then I decide which cartridge to use for the rest of the cuts.
Materials Used
Cartridges: Hannah Montana (letters cut at 6 inches)

Create a Critter(Crab, Jellyfish, Octopus, and Whale cut at 4 inches, Fish cut at 3 inches, Sea Horse cut at  4 ½ inches, Starfish cut at 3 ¾ inches, Sea Shells cut at 2 inches)

Paper: Spring and Super Paper Pad by American Girl
           Forever Fruity by me & my Big ideas
           Uptown Flair by the Paper Studio

Thanks for stopping by!!! 
Your next stop is Lisa.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

April's 100 Cartridge Blog Hop

Welcome to April's 100 Cricut Cartridge Blog Hop!!!

You should have arrived from Doris's blog.

Happy Easter!!! I hope that everyone has a wonderful day today! I created this banner for my future classroom.
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 Mini Tutorial
 I cut a 12X12 sheet of paper into 3X12 strips.
I then used my scoring board.
I then taped together 2 strips of scored paper.
I cut out a circle out of chipboard.
I then glued the scored paper on the chipboard.

Materials Used
Cartridge: Doodlecharms (bunny cut at 4 1/4 inches and circle cut at 6 inches)

Thanks for hopping by! Your next stop is Pattie.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Bunnies and Blossoms Banner Hop

Welcome to the Bunnies and Blossoms Banner Hop for Special Needs Children.
You have reached the last stop for the hop :)

30+fantastic papercrafters have come together to create Spring-themed banners.They will then donate these banners to Ellen (CardMonkey), who works asAdmissions Coordinator at Pediatric Specialty Care (PSC),

PSC is a long-term care facility for specialneeds children who are medically-fragile and/or technologically-dependent. Thebabies, children and youths at PSC range in age from birth to 21, and areadmitted from all over the country.
Some are infants, born prematurely and beforetheir lungs have had a chance to mature. Others have serious birth defects,illnesses or injuries from accidents that cause them to need tender loving carein a home-like environment -- many for their lifetimes.

Our banners are meant to cheer the youngpatients, their families, and the staff at PSC. Here is the banner that I made and will be sending to Ellen to decorate a child's room:
 Close Ups
Materials Used
Cartridges: Hannah Montana (butterfly cut at 5 1/2 inches and bird cut at 4 3/4 inches)
                  Sophie (egg cut at 4 3/4 inches and flower cut at 4 inches)
                  Simply Charmed (bunny cut at 4 3/4 inches and chick cut at 3 3/4 inches)
                  Storybook (pennant cut at 6 3/4 inches)

Paper: Citrus Bliss by K & Company
           Peep by We R Memory Keepers

We DO have a tasty bit of blog candyto thank you for visiting us today! What's the prize??!

How about a beautiful handmade (courtesy of our Blog Hop Hostess, CardMonkey!) Cricut Cozy Covers?! Each one is individually styled in your pick of colors and embroidered words! These are RARE because CardMonkey does not make them for sale and she usually sticks to paper, not sewing!!

To qualify, there are two steps:
1. Comment on as many Bunny & Blossoms Blog Hop blogs as you wish -- the more blogs on which you comment, the more chances you have to win. There will only be one winner, picked at random by Random.Org.

2. Follow and comment on the CardMonkey blog ... Leave a comment on our Hop Hostess's site ( and let her know if your name is picked, what 2 accent colors you'd like on your Cricut Cozy Cover, andw hat text you'd like embroidered (up to 3 lines). You MUST be a follower of the CardMonkey blog to win and you MUST leave a way for her to contact you if your name is picked.

Blog Hop Line Up
Ellen ♥ CardMonkey -
Ashley -
Pam -
Rachelle -
Jessica Esch-
Susan E Bermudez -
Beckie -
Jamie M.-
Vicki Wilson-
Robin -
Jennifer -
Debbie T. -
Lisa T. -
Cindy Potentier. -
Yvette- (You are HERE)

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


I am starting to create decorations for my future classroom, so I decided to make a banner.
Close Ups

 I used patterned paper and chipboard to create the banner.
 I love how the banner looks on my pink wall :)
Materials Used
Cartridges: Mini Monograms (squares cut at 5 inches)
                  Old West (font cut at 3 inches)
                  Simply Charmed (leprechaun cut at 2 1/2 inches and pot of gold cut at 2 inches)
                  Designer's Calendar (clover cut at 2 inches)

Paper: Uptown Flair by the Paper Studio
           Summer Song by My Mind's Eye