This is not a tree from my life...
but it was taken in 1947. It makes
me think about trees then and now.
Daddy would go cut a tree. He would
take an ax and I guess some of us would
tag along. Sometimes he took the wagon
and mule. Anyway, he would always cut a
big tree. He always dreamed big and when
it arrived at the house, I know Momma always
thought, "Oh, dear, that tree is just too
big". The living room was 12 by 12 I think..
so imagine his huge cedar tree. Daddy always dreamed
big. It seems they put the tree in a bucket
with dirt and rocks to hold it...or just rocks.
We decorated the tree with stuff we made but we
always had those aluminum foil icicles to put on
it. I know Fleta has some pictures of our master
pieces and she should post them.
We tried to talk Momma into getting spray snow and
we sprayed it on all the windows. What a job this
is going to be to clean up...was what Momma was
thinking. Daddy always said he liked it but he did
not have to help scrap it off the windows.
Christmas morning there might be gifts...well, there
would be gifts if Daddy and Mommy had a dollar at all.
There would be a big meal. There would be laughter and
joy. There was always a big dream in our hearts because
Daddy gave that to us...we all dream big. Patsy is dreaming
of chickens in the spring today! I am dreaming of retiement
on Galla Creek.