Showing posts with label PHC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PHC. Show all posts

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Gifts from the Garden: May PHC

Kat, over at Kat Eye Studio, hosts a photography practice encouraging people to review their photographs for the month and choose the one that gives the "strongest connection to your heart and soul." This month for me was pretty easy. I took this instagram photo with hydrangea flowers I cut from our side yard and eggs gathered in my egg basket. I call it "Gifts from the garden." It represents the connection I feel right now to my home. . . . to my garden and hens, to my kitchen and family and antique sideboard. The photograph also reflects the gratitude practice I engaged in with Bernice this past month. I am feeling very much at peace with my life right now, especially the simpler aspects of it. By meditating, through art, on gratitude, I realize that flowers and eggs and family are all I really need to be happy. 
To see other people participating in this month's Photo Heart Connection, click on this link.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Photo Heart Connection: Taking Flight and A Private Moment

Every month, Kat Sloma hosts a link-up she calls "Photo Heart Connection," where she encourages photographers and artists to review their monthly work and pick the one which most touches their heart. It's funny, but in April, she couldn't find a photo for this month (read about it and see other PHC entries here). I had a bit of a hard time finding an April photograph, and I skipped the practice entirely in March (more on that later). I did have a couple of April photos of my kids which touched my heart:
Henry looking all grown up on the day of his interview with the Giants
Clara and her team mates at the Arcadia Invitational
But they weren't really doing it for me, in a PHC kind of way. So I looked back through my track photos from April and chose the photograph up top. A photograph I took of Abby (one of Clara's team mates) doing the high jump. The photograph touches my photographic heart because of its technical beauty. I love being a sports photographer. I enjoy taking portraits, still lifes, street photography, nature shots and other types of photography, as well.
But I take immense joy in becoming the best sports photographer I can be. I have been on a journey this track season learning how to photograph track. And, at a recent meet, I spent about an hour by the high jump pit. Figuring out the angles; watching the light. Talking with another women who was photographing the jumpers. And, even though none of my children do the high jump (or maybe because of it), I felt really inspired. I felt that photo-heart connection as I captured Abby taking flight. And sailing over the bar.
Photo Heart Connection: March
 At the end of March, I was on a bit of a blog break. I thought about doing PHC, but I actually felt overwhelmed by the number of PHC contenders. I finally settled on this one:
"After a long day of work" - a photograph which perfectly captures a moment. Late at night, after having taught an evening class. I come home, I take off my shoes and socks, but I'm still in my dress slacks. I'm tired. But still a bit too wired to sleep. I'll probably go upstairs and watch a bit of TV. Have a light snack. And unwind. When I look at this photo, I'm immediately drawn back into the moment. A private moment. Unknown to others, but one which defines the edges of my work life.
And here are a few of the other contenders:
My bedside table at night
A still life "Unlocking the Past"
Clara with a puppy at the Humane Society
Before the boys 3200 meter race
Each of these touches my heart for a different reason, but I'm happy with my March choice. And happy that I took the time to not just review my photographs, but write about the connection. For it is in the writing that I learn more about myself. As a photographer. As an artist. And as a person. Thank you Kat. And I'm looking forward to where your current journey takes you.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

PHC: February Treasures

Each month, Kat Sloma encourages photographers to review their recent photographs and pick the one which has the strongest heart connection. It turns out I took very few photographs with my big camera this month, but I took this one which was an easy winner. I love the shine in the heart, the fresh lavender from my garden, and the table cloth which recalls many happy memories. I love the looseness of composition, the texture of the elements and the play of the light. It brings me joy every time I look at it.
My iphone provided a few other contenders.  This one of Clara surveying the track at the University of Oregon.
I love the way she is bathed in light and the way she seems to be contemplating her future.
And then a few from the train ride:
These three were all instagrammed and I love the way the processed colors give them a surreal tintype feel. They definitely call to my heart as well.
To see other PHC's for February, check out this link.
And I'd love it if you left me a comment letting me know if you have a favorite today.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

PHC: Enjoying Life; Finding Peace

January was a good month for photography. I took out my camera and played.  A lot. Partly due to the Frugal Still Life Photography class I'm taking; partly due to the arrival of the chickens. So, I had a good selection of images to review to find my PHC: the one photograph which gives me the strongest connection to my heart and soul. And this is the one which called to me. A still life with feathers and alstroemeria buds and a rustic blue honey pot which makes me smile and think of Winnie the Pooh. And that's why I chose this photograph - it makes me smile. It makes me feel happy and at peace. It's a reflection of having time to play and enjoy life; of not being stressed and tightly scheduled. There's a looseness of composition; a looseness of purpose. In some ways it's the opposite of this photograph (my PHC from July) chosen when I was searching for order and stability and control:
Because right now I am enjoying some freedom to breathe, to enjoy life, and to be at peace.
There were two other contenders for PHC this month. The first captured Clara and beautiful lighting. You can read the journaling in this post.
And the second, a still life of Lladros inherited from my mother:
The more I looked at this photograph during this month, the more I liked it. To me, it has a fairy tale feel. I imagine the story: a beautiful princess and her loyal polar bear servant, emerging from the court to go on adventures near and far. 
Photo-Heart Connection is a monthly photography practice hosted by Kat Sloma. To see the other entries from February or to join in, click on this link.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Photo Heart Connection December and 2013 Selections

Kat Sloma masterminded a photography practice she calls "Photo Heart Connection," where she encourages photographers to review their photos once a month and choose the one which most touches and connects to their heart. For December, I have chosen this sunset photo (filtered in instagram) at the local light house. We have had a spectacular month for winter sunsets, and Clara and I have enjoyed chasing and capturing them together. Happy memories flood my heart when I look this photograph. But there's more. A lighthouse is a beacon, a signal of hope, a marker of reaching landfall. And as 2013 draws to a close, I am filled with hope. Happy to be through with the turbulent seas life threw our way in the past year. Ready to follow the beacon to a safe harbor and a wonderful 2014.
This month, there were two other contenders I wanted to note. The first from our trip to the tree farm:
Once more, a girl and her dog. I never tire of looking at the connection between these two. And there's more. It represents Clara's intended future - she plans to become a dog behaviorist and have a business boarding and grooming dogs as well. And it's one more piece of photographic evidence of a happy, healthy, directed Clara.
The second is from our trip to Southern California:
This is Henry and Clara, with their cousin Maddie, visiting the cemetery on Christmas morning to honor and reminisce about my parents. I was so touched that they all wanted to go. But, again, there is more. They all took time while we were there to tidy up some of the other grave sites where Christmas decorations had fallen over or come apart. Their sweetness and caring revealed their good hearts and touched mine.
I have done PHC every month this year, and I'm really glad I did. I reviewed my PHC posts this morning (you can see them all at this link) and they are definitely some of my favorite from the year because of the photography and the writing. It's hard to pick a favorite, but I think this is my favorite photograph of the year:
My favorite photo-heart journaling can be found in this post.
Thanks Kat for hosting Photo-Heart Connection. You can link up with Kat's December PHC and see other photographer's selections at this link

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Photo Heart Connection: The Blessings of Cross Country

The end of the month brings the opportunity to participate in Kat's Photo Heart Connection by going through my photographs and choosing the one which strikes the deepest chord in my heart. This month, I have two contenders, both from Clara's cross country season.
"Coaching Clara"
I have to admit that one reason this photograph is on my short list is because I really like the composition and lighting. But there's more than the technical here. I love how it captures a real moment. Clara with her Coach; the other girls practicing their run-outs. It's unposed. It's real. And then there's the emotional connection. Coach Farnz trying to reach into Clara's soul to calm her down, to reassure her that she can do this, to run fast, run for fun. Their relationship has been a bit fraught, but in this moment, there's an undeniable connection. Caught on camera and frozen in time.
"My All-League Girl"
And then there's this photograph. It's a perfectly serviceable, posed shot of the seven runners from our team who earned all-league honors by finishing in the top 15 at the league championship meet. But every time I look at it, my heart sings. I am so happy to see Clara with this group of shiny, happy, high-achieving kids. And not just with them - she's part of them. When I look at this photograph, I see her realizing her potential. I see a bright, shiny future for my all-league girl, and I marvel at the power of a photograph to make me smile so broadly.
These photographs are offered as my contribution to Photo-Heart Connection.
To see the other offerings this month, go to this link.
And, let me know, which photo do you think should be my final choice?

Thursday, October 31, 2013

PHC: Cross Country in the Bigger Picture

Every month, Kat Sloma hosts a photography practice she calls "photo-heart connection," which encourages photographers to review their month's work and choose the one photo which most touches their heart and speaks to their soul. This month was hard for me because my October SLR memory cards are pretty much full of photographs from cross country meets and my iphone camera roll contained nothing very inspiring.
So, I looked at my running photos again, and I remembered this photo and why I love it so much. It's Clara, looking strong as she enters the chute on her way to the finish line. I remember that she passed two girls in the chute because she was coming in with a hot, fast kick. There's her coach Stephanie on the right (in the orange shirt and sunglasses) yelling that yes, she can catch those girls. And there's her friend Ashley (with the orange shirt and pom poms) cheering her on, excited by just how fast Clara runs. 
And when you look closer, there's more. Ashley is wearing an orange cast because she broke her leg at the very first meet of the season and has not been able to run this year. Yet she shows up at every meet to cheer her teammates on. And next to her is her mother! Also there to cheer the team on, even though her kid isn't even competing. Because the bigger picture of cross country is the team and community and family connections we've made. There's new friends and a strong team who really support each other. 
But for me, there's even more. Last weekend, Clara traveled about 350 miles with her team to southern California to run in a huge invitational meet. I emailed my brothers and sisters who live down there and asked if they wanted to drop by and watch her run (even though I wouldn't be there). And they showed up in force! There were seven of them, with signs saying "Go Clara!" and "HMB XC!" Paul flew down, and his parents went to the meet as well. My one brother who couldn't make it called after the race to see how she did. You see, the bigger picture of cross country for me also includes the fact that all three of my brothers ran cross country in high school (and two in college). They love the sport and were thrilled to go see Clara run in the same invitational they remember competing in when they were (much) younger.
When I look at this photograph of Clara, I see more than a really strong fast competitive runner (although I do see that, too). I see where she fits in the bigger picture, in the web of life which surrounds us all. And that makes my heart happy.
Thank you Kat for sponsoring this wonderful photography practice.
To check out the other photo-heart connections from this month, click on this link.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

PHC: Where are you now? Where are you going?

September 2013 . The start of a new routine, the start of a new phase in my life. . . . 
Where am I now?
I am standing in a covered bridge outside Cottage Grove, Oregon. The smell of wet wood and damp earth comforts me; gentle light streams in from the side; soft, organic colors and strong sturdy lines surround me.
I am standing as a 50-something woman who has seen her oldest child off to college . . . no longer a boy, not quite a man; a professor with a pile of articles to write this academic year; a wife with a husband who is a cancer survivor still undergoing maintenance chemo; an artist armed with her camera and a paintbrush.
Where am I going?
I see a bright light at the end of the tunnel, softened a bit by greenery and mist.  I see a new routine beginning at home. More time to focus on raising our girl; more time to focus on getting back into shape. Time to recognize and appreciate the changes offered in the cycle of life.  Time to embrace the new season. 
Kat Sloma's Photo Heart Connection encourages photographers to review their images each month; to choose the one which makes the strongest connection to their heart and soul; and then to write about the image. I'm sharing mine today (please click on the image to see it larger and in more detail). You can see other photographer's images at this link.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

PHC: Finding Peace in the Viewfinder

As I wandered deeper into the back yard of the shop, I found myself enveloped by the calming sounds of burbling water. Surrounded by fountains of every shape and size, I stopped, closed my eyes and soaked in the soothing sound. The air was cool; the sky, a sparkling blue.  I had come to shoot dinosaurs for the Scavenger Hunt and decided to take a quick walk through the statuary in the hopes of finding a sun dial. Now, I slowed my pace, enjoying the peaceful environment. I trained my lens on fountain after fountain, finding peace in the falling water captured in my viewfinder. I wondered at the ability of photography to ground me and bring me peace, even in the midst of a hectic month. Later, looking at my images, this photograph brought me back to that place of peace. When I look at it, I hear the water and feel myself relaxing once again.
Each month, Kat Sloma hosts Photo Heart Connection which encourages photographers to review their images from the month and choose the one which "gives you the strongest connection to your heart and soul." This peaceful photo is it for me. Interestingly, when I reviewed my images from this month, there were other contenders, all of which also touched me because of the peace I found in the viewfinder.
A solitary chair on the beach.
Looking up into eucalyptus trees in Stern Grove.
Empty bleachers at the soccer stadium.
As always, you can get a larger, better view of the photographs by clicking on them. You can visit this link to see other PHC connections or to link up your own. Do you find these photos peaceful? Do you crave peace at this time of year? I guess I do.

Friday, August 2, 2013

PHC: Bringing Order to My Life

A few weeks ago, I went for a walk down in the harbor with my camera.  I found myself drawn more to the little details of the harbor and was particularly fascinated by this coil of rope. I love the knot used to attach it to the cleat (is it a hitch? or a bowline?). I love the texture of the rope and the wooden dock. But mostly I love how orderly the rope looks as it spirals into place - how it curves and nestles into itself.  I love how it manages to look both organic and orderly at the same time.  And, right now, that's what I'm craving in my life. Looking towards the fall and the start of a new school year, I'm craving a routine for our life that works organically - one that falls into place naturally, without being overworked. One that will moor us securely to the dock as we move into the next phase of our lives.
And that's why I've chosen this photograph as my Photo-Heart Connection for July.  PHC is a photography practice created by Kat Sloma, reviewing your images to find the one image that best connects to your heart. You can read more about it here. 
As always, there were a few other contenders this month:
I'm crazy about the color palette at work here and the sharpness of focus, of the rope hanging in mid-air and the mystery that suggests.
Oh, the explosive fun of the 4th of July!
I love the idea of a secret hide away in an old abandoned windmill.
And I love this hint of long summer nights.
Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. I love reading your feedback on my photography!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

PHC: This Girl!

There is a poem which I love and which features these lines:
"When love comes to ask, 
what do you know?
I will say
this girl, this boy."
Certainly the love I have for my children is among the deepest and most intense of all the emotions which reside in my heart. But like most mothers, if they are honest, I will admit that there are times when I find my children less than lovable. 
But then, I look at this photo.
Oh - this photograph
It captures so much about why I love this girl intensely.  She is up early to run a half-marathon with me (it's 5:00 a.m., Balboa Park, San Diego). She is part of of the iphone generation who is always ready to mug before a camera. She is raising money to fight cancer. She loves her dad, and you can read that on her race bib. She has come through a firestorm and is emerging as a person that she likes. And one that I love.
This photograph is my Photo-Heart Connection for June (a monthly self-reflection photography practice sponsored by Kat Sloma). You can read more about it here.
I actually took a lot of photographs this month which were contenders for my PHC. Here are a few of them:
My in-laws, Bill and Helen, married over 50 years, and he still holds her hand.
A display of TNT memorabilia, honoring our late team honoree Greg.
Oh Michael, how you capture the joy of our TNT season!
This one is all about the boy, and I'll tell the story this weekend during Sian's Storytelling Sunday.
This is Henry's girlfriend, Vanessa. I love how her inner-light shines as brightly as the sun behind her. A close contender for PHC, but she is not my girl.
And finally, Henry on graduation day, entering the high school library for the last time. He needed to stop in there to pick up his actual diploma. I love his reflection in the window, all the shadows on the wall and how his mortarboard decoration declares the next step on his journey (the University of Oregon).  But, he was my photo-heart connection last month.  And there is room in my heart for both my children.
Thank you Kat for sponsoring this practice! And thanks to everyone else for stopping by and leaving a comment. I love hearing your feedback on my photography.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

PHC May: Satisfaction

This is a happy boy.
This is a boy whose life is good.
He just got a hit and is standing on first base.
He is about to graduate from high school and head off to college.
He just turned 18, and he has his whole life in front of him.
He is the picture of satisfaction, and he is my photo-heart connection for May.  
To learn more about the photo-heart connection practice, check out Kat's post here.
p.s. The 2013 Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt is on! Check out the details at this post.