Showing posts with label 1photo20words. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 1photo20words. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Three Photos and Twenty Words

I have always been enchanted by water lilies. 
I understand Monet's fascination.
 Can't wait to sketch these. Photographed at Filoli
A slight variation on Abi's One Photo and Twenty Words monthly meme. You can see more offerings here at Abi's blog.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

One Photo &Twenty Words: Still Life?

Photo taken during my volunteer shift at Guide Dogs. I'm wondering - is this a still life?
What do you think?
Each month, Abi over at Creating Paper Dreams hosts a link up where people share one photo described in twenty words. I'm sharing this photo and and questions about the nature of photography. Come back tomorrow for more musings on the nature of still life photography and some answers that I found in nature.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

1 photo, 20 words: Language of Flowers

A surprise gift and lovely book tie-in at book group.
In the Victorian language of flowers, freesias symbolize everlasting friendship. 
Linking up with Abi at Creating Paper Dreams who challenges bloggers to tell the story of one photograph in just 20 words.

Monday, February 9, 2015

One Photo, 20 Words: They had no idea what lay in their future

Stumbled upon this photograph from 2011. Mere acquaintances then, a few years later they became college roommates and fast friends.
Linking up with Abi's meme where you describe a photograph in 20 words or less.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

One Photo, Twenty Words: A Quiet Morning

Winter Photo Scavenger Hunt Item #4: Breakfast
Enjoying my morning cup of coffee; gathering eggs from the hen house. This cracked one will become my breakfast. 
Joining in with Abi and her monthly photo meme encouraging people to share one photo and tell its story in just 20 words.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

One Photo and Twenty Words: Illuminated

We hiked to the top of the quarry on New Year's Day. She turned. Illuminated by the sunset, I captured her. 
Abi is hosting a meme this year, featuring posts containing one photo and twenty words. You can find this month's selection at this link.