Showing posts with label Little Man. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Little Man. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

PR + P week two: spring break

tale of the cod
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CAPE COD, MASS was where i travelled for inspiration this week. and this challenge was almost the one that broke the camel’s back.

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i didn’t set out to make two complete looks. but when i was in the planning stages, i got hit by good old mommy guilt: i rarely sew for my one and only boy, harrison. so let’s include him this week! shirt and pants for each…and maybe a jacket for harrison….well, and wouldn’t a jacket for ava be cool? and there you have it.
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next thing you know i'm sewing night and day and losing things and crying (yup) and ready to quit the whole contest.
little did i realize that harrison was perfectly content not being a part of this whole experience. so take a good look—this is the last time you’ll be seeing him on the blog, sewing-wise. and it took quite a bit of cajoling and bargaining to get him here.

so if last week’s challenge was about the fluff and the fun, this week was all about stretching myself. i took on some pretty major pieces, and went well outside my comfort zone. but to say i’m happy with the end results would be quite an understatement. i’m in love with these looks.

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now if only my two goofballs would cooperate. ;) these two…either the best of friends or the worst of enemies. there’s nothing in between with them.

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how about some more details on the clothes? ladies first…

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her pants are a flowy linen-esqe navy material. i drafted the pattern and tweaked and tweaked and tweaked to get the fit JUST. RIGHT. and it was so worth it. they look awesome on her athletically thin frame.

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they’re paired with this white blouse, which isn’t just a tone-on-tone stripe. those stripes are alternating woven fabric and what i can only describe as elastic strips. i gave it a wide boatneck and less than 3/4 sleeves…2/3 sleeves, perhaps? the anchor was sewn with my free motion quilting foot, and i hand sewed the “chain” down. for drama i left the back open and finished it with 4 coral buttons.

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that tiny, tiny trim was a bear—keeping it perfectly straight and not running over it with my stitches? not easy. this entire project had more hand sewing than i think i’ve ever done in my life. the other thing it had in spades?

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buttons and button holes. eek! ava’s entire look had 26 buttons, each and every one hand sewn on (after an unfortunate machine-sewing experiment). now her jacket—this was my piece de resistance. it’s got a nautical/military feel, with some feminine features to keep it pretty.

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and lots and lots of buttons. did i mention that? the buttons on both the jacket and pants are actually compasses, a nod to the nautical theme without being the typical anchor button. LOVE.


now for harrison. i bought the bulk of what i used for his look in one thrift shopping trip: one pair men’s size 42x32 pants, one men’s large t-shirt, one men’s 2XL rain jacket, one XL fleece. i pulled a maternity shirt and some raw yardage from my stash. i added in green and white striped trim and some leather and wood toggles.
his jacket…ah the jacket. i worked so, sooo hard on this thing. i broke that original rain jacket up into parts and repurposed everything.
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the zipper went down the back to add a detail, the original pockets got reset--one horizontally, one vertically. i added a grey and navy trim to the outside, and finished the inside edges with the same green and white trim from the pants. the finishing touch was the leather and wood toggles on the front.

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i played a delicate balance with this look: in general, i hate making things that i feel like you can buy easily in any store. that’s why i typically lean towards dresses and outfits with a twist for my girls. but there’s only so much “different” you can force on a boy who’s 2 weeks from being 12. so i kept the jacket fun, and added in lots of little details, but kept the design on the tamer side.

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same goes for his shirt—i cobbled together a baseball style tee by chopping up the men’s shirt (the striped part), the maternity shirt (the sleeves) and some yardage (the shoulder patch). then i hand cut the freezer paper stencil for the word on the front. and it makes me laugh every time i look at it.

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his pants. does anyone remember that scene in peewee’s big adventure (the second movie) where he’s saving all the animals from the fire in the pet shop and keeps seeing the snakes and doesn’t want to have to save them? and finally he can’t put it off any longer so he grabs them all because it’s literally do-or-die time? anyone? okay fine…just me then. the rest of you clearly need to brush up on your 80’s cult classics.

Animated Gifs

well, these pants were my snakes. and i finally had to just jump in and do it. again i cut these down to their bare bones. i cut out the front pockets, cut new front and back legs, cut a new waistband, removed and resewed belt loops, reinstalled the pockets and added trim down the sides, and rehemmed.

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the only thing i left was the original back pockets—i cut the new back legs in such a way that they could work. and so again—i added some little details to make them original, but kept them tame enough that he wore them to school right after this photo shoot--win!

in the end i’ve created two looks that i love, and that my kids love, and that i think perfectly represent the cape cod style. i can’t wait for them to wear these outfits this year when we hit the cape!

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thanks for taking the time to read through all my wordy explanations, and if you haven’t yet why not head over to project run and play and vote for your favorite in this week’s challenge???

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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

kcwc, day 1

okay i’m in.

Kid’s Clothes Week Challenge, hosted by elsie marley, comes around twice a year, and i don’t/can’t/won’t commit to it for some reason.

so what better time than this week? when we’re leaving for vacation soon? and i haven’t even begun packing yet?

let’s do this thing.

i’m posting yesterday’s accomplishments today. because i’m still going to do this my way—that is: late.

i have one project slated for KCWC—harrison’s vintage suit. i figure an hour a day, give or take, should get me a good jump on it.

except for yesterday, when i spent probably a solid 2 hours just cutting it out.

about 40 pattern pieces, 6 yards of fabric. and there’s actually more pieces than that—most of the jacket has lining pieces too.

now i’m off to sew.

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Monday, September 3, 2012

suited up

sewing for boys.


it’s a struggle. i’ve tried sewing/crafting for my little man (like this, and this, and this, and this). but for every one thing i do for him i probably do ten other things for my girls.

the suit i made him a couple of years ago—one of the very first projects i shared on this blog—was one of my favorite sewing projects. it was a challenge, but the end result was totally worth it.


he’s long since grown out of the suit :( and it was passed on to a friend—and fellow sewist—who’s son loves it and wears it constantly. it feels good knowing that it’s appreciated not just as a nice hand-me-down but as a handmade item.

but my boy is growing again. and he’s growing fast now. we’re entering that stage of childhood where it seems he’s grown out of the items i buy him before we even get home from the store.
suits are a big issue. there is no dress pants/shirt & tie combo for him. since he was old enough to notice he has not agreed to anything less than A SUIT LIKE DADDY for any and all dress up occasions. he wears a suit at least 3 times a week. and the $50 polyester things from burlington coat factory are just not this momma’s speed. we’ve made do with them, but yesterday i made a very exciting ebay purchase:


a vintage 1948 boy’s suit pattern. it should be here this week. how awesome is that plaid suit? not sure i’m going to get my 10 year old into the shorts set…ha! but i’m really, really excited to get crackin’ on this.

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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

a cheater post

normally when i blog about something i've sewn i post pics of the final product and the instructions all in one big post. generally made even bigger than truly necessary because of my inherent wordiness. oops.

but i just don’t have it in me today to edit all the photos and type all the instructions for these dresses…even though they’re really easy.
how easy?

easy enough that i made all 4 start to finish in one day while sick with the flu and running a fever. that easy.
and when you score this cool venice-print fabric for $2/yard (!) and the navy and white trim for 10 cents a yard (!) and so you can dress all four of your girls and your son gets a matching bowtie and the whole shebang cost you about $15, well, i’d say that pretty much deserves a post of it’s own.

i know! it’s amazing! $15!

of course, as i mentioned before, trying to photograph my five children wearing their outfits is basically like trying to line up five angry squirrels and get them to all stand still, smile and look at the camera at the same time.

try #1: size order

which is to say: virtually impossible.


although, come to think of it, squirrels might be a little easier. i mean—no one would question if you had them on tiny leashes. and if i had some peanuts to get their attention…
regroup for try #2: monkey in the middle.

and fail.

so it’s settled then. my next sewn garments will be photographed on squirrels.

in the meantime, here is what i made for my human models.


simple empire waist sundresses. i used the trim across the top and as straps. guinevere’s had a regular bodice…


and the three little girls had gathered or ruched bodices.


i added two navy blue buttons on the front just for a little sompin’ sompin’, and because i liked the additional nautical touch.

my little man got a coordinating bowtie, and happened to have this blue and white striped dress shirt i got him at the thrift store. in the words of tim gunn—it’s a lot of look. but it goes, right?

and here’s a little secret…shhh…come closer…when the hubs was ironing this shirt for harrison to put on she said, shannon—is this a woman’s shirt? and lo and behold, it was (the buttons, if you’re into this sort of thing, button in the opposite direction on a woman’s shirt) i solemnly swear it was in the boy’s section at the thrift shop. what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him. and yes, he did notice the buttons weren’t right. and yes, i did act quite innocent. you think i’m telling him he’s wearing a ladies shirt? bah!

so tutorial on the dress forthcoming. and on a related note, does anyone know where i can buy a couple of cheap squirrel traps?


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Wednesday, August 8, 2012

wordless(ish) wednesday: cooking up trouble

my middle two—harrison and ava—have developed quite the love of cooking lately.


if you follow me on instagram you’ve seen some pics of my breakfast in bed, and last nights adventures in chocolate.


opa—always one to encourage a love of both cooking and reading (two subjects about which he’s passionate)—gifted my little chefs with this…


the source of many of our…err…delightful culinary adventures, shall we say?

thanks for that, opa.

and so i fight my worst type-A traits, allowing them to mash and beat and mix and stir and cook…


and i swallow my annoyance at a broken smoothie maker. it’s just a smoothie maker, after all.

and i choke down enjoy nutmeg eggs (???!??!) and lemon apples and watery “iced” coffee. IMG_2452_edited-1

(this morning’s breakfast—two plates of eggs, pancakes, apples, oranges, french toast and a frozen waffle. all for me.)

memories, folks.

it’s all about the memories.

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