Showing posts with label pride. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pride. Show all posts

Sunday, July 27, 2008

6 Things I'm Proud of MeMe.....

Janet tagged me for a meme to list 6 things that I’m proud of. This is a lot harder than it seems at first thought. This is all from my heart though so please don’t take it as bragging.

1. I am proud of the fact that I was raised to believe in God and to believe that if you lead your life as a good person, good things will come to you.

2. I am proud that I was given the parents that I had. They were good, hard-working people who raised me to live by high morals. I worked hard and never did an impetuous or thoughtless act. They taught me your name was only as good as your integrity.

3. I am proud of myself because I was able to basically raise my family alone. I lived on a strict budget and planned my life with cunning strategy so I would not be a financial burden in my old age.

4. I am proud to be an American. Being female and the main breadwinner, I’m glad I was given the opportunities to better my life. We take so many things for granted and reading as much as I do, I have been given glimpses into how some others in other countries are forced to live.

5. I am proud of my children because they both are caring and compassionate human beings who also believe in God and try to live their lives as decently as possible.

6. I am proud that I try to do things to make people feel better or to make things a little nicer in our world. They are just small things, but they are consistently done. I care about others and I don’t judge for it’s not my place.

I’m not used to patting my own back. In my previous post I mentioned how I felt like a failure…but I meant that in terms of being perfect. Nothing I do is absolutely perfect, but it did get positive results. So, my mom’s old saying of “If something is worth doing, its worth doing right”….could be replaced with mine…. “be as good as you can be, so you know you’ve given your all”. If its not perfect….well, who is judging? Its taken me a lot of years to be able to say that and feel OK with it.

I’m not going to tag anyone because I found this a very hard meme to do and I don’t want anyone to feel obligated. If you’d like to do it though….please do so and let me know if you’re going to. At least, if you don’t share it, write it out and sit and think about it for a while. It makes you do some deep thinking. Love you all.