Here is my shoe collection; majority of my shoes are from Barratts since I used to work there approximately 2 years ago, I took advantage of the discount especially during sales time.
I’m a 5 n a half it’s such a great pain finding half sizes at London retailers.M&S do half sizes YAY! Shoes by them fit me just PERFECT! If any UK bloggers out there know shoe stores that do half sizes do let me know , usually when I cant find 5 half size I pick up a size 6 with insoles. I’ve taken the insoles out for picture taking!
Hope you enjoy and let me know what you think! I love the colour on them sooo gorgeous!!
the feel of it is so silky too :)
I love to wear this is if I'm doing a lot of walking,
usually when I'm out shopping

My work shoes (excluding the pink and blue)

Primark I grabbed these 2 from Primark! my fave shoes. I love the the bronze heel so pretty

M&S These fit me perfect yay to 5 n halfs