TNNA is not a cash and carry show... You can't buy something and bring it home. It's a show for retailers to order from the manufacturers. So it's rare that I get goodies to bring home. Every year though, some yarn companies manage to squeeze the time together to make mini-hanks like these or sample cards. The folks from
Textured yarn company win my vote for best yarn sample this year. It's the purple mini-skein in the
Florafil. I don't know how many yards are in it, but it looks like it is enough to get the feel of the yarn. If they didn't have these hanks, I may have not stopped and given it a try.
Anzula yarns (the raspberry sample) in Oasis, they get a shout out because they had these little samples in a variety of styles and colors. Their "squishy" variety was very intriguing but I think the samples of those were gone before I got there.
Bijou Basin Ranch gets a shout out. Not only did they offer a sample of their Gobi
yarn, but it came with an envelope so that it wouldn't get snagged in your bag! Very clever! I think the Gobi is available only in LYSs. So ask yours!

The fine people from SOAK were there! I love these little samples. Check out on their website they have "how to use Soak". If you have never washed your finer fiber things, here's information on how to do it!

The Ultimate in Goodie give-aways, though goes to the
Boye group. I need to find a better link for you. Really though, you should be able to find all their great products at your LYS or Michaels, JoAnn's etc. Look at these lovely Rosewood hooks and needles! Susan and Michele even graciously let me choose my favorite "I" sized hook. I'm telling you folks their new stuff is fun. They got rid of those awful hard to use stitch markers and got these GREAT new ones! WooHoo! I ripped open that package right after taking the photo. Look at the great new 3 in 1 reference tool. The flat dial helps you match up your hooks and needle sizes with the right yarn. Very clever! The peach tags at the bottom are tags you can write on and hook into your scrap yarn ball so that you know what it is! The red clips there, that I have photographed with the wrong side facing are little tags you can hang all over your crocheted garments while they are under construction so that you don't get confused (I really could have used these recently when I put the back of a toddler sweater on to the body...sideways...) The tags all say something like, "top, bottom, private (side), public (side), sleeve, front, back, etc) LOVE IT.
Send me a comment on this post and I'll put your name in the drawing for the 3 in 1 tool. I'll announce the winner tomorrow, so check back tomorrow. In the post, just make sure you leave some sort of identifying information like first name and city. (Don't leave any private information or links...links get you disqualified!)