Monday, November 30, 2009
Inside Crochet
Sorry, I forgot the link. Inside Crochet Magazine is based in the UK, can be subscribed for hardcopy or digital download here. Also, I hear that individual hardcopies can be found sporadically at Barnes and Nobles booksellers about 3 weeks after publication. HTH
GIVEAWAY winner and Thanksgiving
Congratulations GHOST from Michigan! You are the winner of the Lorna's Laces Shepherd Bulky! Please email me at Ellen @ GoCrochet dot com with your shipping address and I will ship this off to you!
It's going to be a good week. There will be 2 sneak peeks!
Every year we go to our old neighborhood for the Thanksgiving Day parade. You may remember this fun photo from last year of Grandpa Joe with the chicken on his head... well...

It was all chief could talk about...getting the chicken on HIS head this year! He just had a blast with it.
Here's me petting a gorgeous little black and white bunny. He was so soft! You can see the sleeves from my red Weekend Pullover sweater peeking out. Also, I'm wearing a green Driftwood Cap and the scarf is a skinny version of the Patina Tunisian Scarf from Inside Crochet issue 5 out now. Oh! and I'm carrying a Spa Bag! All these designs (except the Tunisian Scarf) can be seen on my Gallery page, (link at right sidebar or here)
Here's Chickee petting a lovely little goat. She is wearing a skinny red scarf in Gianna by SWTC. And just because I liked the photo:
It's going to be a good week. There will be 2 sneak peeks!
Every year we go to our old neighborhood for the Thanksgiving Day parade. You may remember this fun photo from last year of Grandpa Joe with the chicken on his head... well...
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Winner tomorrow!
I'm so excited! Tomorrow I will announce the winner of the GiveAway! whoo hoo! See you tomorrow.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Designer Tammy Hildebrand and Raffle!
Get great crochet stuff, patterns, finished items, and other crochet treasure from many well-known crochet designers. Here's how:
Tammy Hildebrand is one of our designer friends, matter of fact she was my mentor and is still my good friend. Tammy and her daughter have both been diagnosed with Lyme disease. Tammy's is chronic. Both require expensive care that is not covered by insurance. Our mutual friend, designer, Kim Guzman, has designed a website to take donations to help Tammy and her family AND enter YOU into a drawing for many great crochet prizes. Go to the website for a link to learn more about chronic Lyme Disease. Also, go to the website to see many of great designs by Tammy (you'll recognize her work! It's everywhere). Also, go to the website to see the list of prizes for the drawing on
DECEMBER 20, 2009.
I am personally donating:
A 3-6 mos size Summer Blues Baby Dress exactly like the model shown in Interweave Crochet, Summer 2008.
Did I mention that you should GO TO THE WEBSITE? I would consider it a personal favor if you would please stop by.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Let's Go Crochet Cardigan & Hat
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
On the hooks...
This is one of the horses who lives in our side field. "Little Dude" got out of the field and wandered into our backyard to munch on the lush grass. I called the owners who couldn't come get him for a little while, so I go out there with a small bucket of apples hoping to cajole him back into his yard. He totally ignored me. I put an apple under his nose and he ate it, but when I showed him the bucket and tried to get him to follow me...he totally ignored me! I went and petted him and I even nudged him a bit but no, he wasn't having it. Oh well. I had to get the kids ready to leave for some reason and as I left, we passed the owners arriving. I was concerned that he would wander off, but really, why would he when he was feasting on a fresh yard of grass? Horse whisperer, I am not.
Monday, November 23, 2009
I have 3 lovely hanks of Lorna's Laces Shepherd Bulky as seen on my blog here and here and here and you can win them! I know this photo shows several hanks, but I have just 3 of these blue/purple/green multi-color hanks available. Just leave a comment on THIS post by Friday night, November 27th at Midnight Eastern time. Please leave something in your post that identifies you, your first name and last initial, a city perhaps. I know that I have a few followers with the same first name, so just a little more info is helpful. The winner's name will be announced on Monday, November 30th. The winner should contact me at Ellen @ GoCrochet . com (take out the spaces) with the mailing address.
Please also, stay tuned for another great way to acquire books, PDFs, and finished projects from familiar name crochet designers! More info hopefully this week.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Strong opinion quote
- Today I am continuing to work on the big project, no, not that big project, the other one... The book is being pushed aside this week. It's just so hard to say 'no' to projects with shorter deadlines that actually bring in revenue. The good news is that sometime before December, there will be 2 sneak peeks! I just have finished 4 other projects that will not have sneak peeks. Some buyers approve sneak peeks and some do not.
- Frankly, I’m suspicious of anyone who has a strong opinion on a complicated issue.
- Scott Adams, The Dilbert Blog
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Chief weaving
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
My Crochet Library
Thank you for the nice compliment. That's a hard question! I like different books for different reasons. For design, I like Maggie Righetti Sweater Design book. (Even though it's about knit, it still helps with crochet). The Stitch n' Bitch Nation has the best explanation of how to calculate gauge. Everyday Crochet is the best set of wearable Crochet Patterns with fantastic explanations about how to adjust the basic shapes to personal taste. Blueprint Crochet is so innovative in it's use of symbol crochet, (and the garments are gorgeous). I have gone back to the Encyclopedia of Crochet several times in learning new techniques. The Stitch Bible probably gets the most use in my house. It's a good starting point, then I customize the stitch pattern for what I want or it inspires me and is a good at getting my creative brain "unstuck".
Of course, I think the best value are magazines... for the price of one book, you get a year full (usually 6 issues) of patterns (15-20) each plus great variety, articles, etc. Yes, it's hit or miss if you are going to "love" what's in a particular issue, but when you find a magazine that fits your style, it's a good bet you'll like something.
That blur is Chickee with the ball. She scored a goal that game and played very well. yay Chickee!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Brief Diversion
You'd never know from this photo, but I actually got quite a bit done, a whole accessory, in fact in between playing "put-the-stitch-marker-on-the-pet". Don't worry, he got me back by batting the stitch markers onto the floor. Oh the look on his face! "Really? Really Mom?".
Today is going to be another busy day. I need to make as much progress on a big project today before a rush overnight shipment of yarn for another big project arrives tomorrow (or maybe today by 3? ack!) It's getting pretty hectic. Good thing I only have to bring cookies to Thanksgiving next week.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Sweets' outside Menagerie
Above, Captain took an old baby swimming pool, cut out the bottom and placed it on the grass. Chickee and Chief put logs and rocks and hay and a PVC pipe for entertainment in there. You can barely see Sweets' nose peeking out from the pipe. It was a warm sunny day. Sweets won't get to go outside too much more this fall.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Patina Scarf Revealed
Thursday, November 12, 2009
From the beginning
The other day a call for submissions came out. (yay!) So, immediately, I gauge whether or not I'm interested in the theme/buyer. I don't really consider whether or not I have time for the project because by the time it gets either accepted or rejected, it could be a few months from now and who knows how busy I'll be then. If it gets accepted, I'll find time.
Out comes my book of items that either I've already designed but just looking for a match or my sketchbook. In this case, out comes the sketchbook and my "Ideas" folder. My ideas folder is various sketches and snippets of colors, notes on shapes and textures to see if any of these ideas still capture my interest.
The sketchbook... I need a very sharp pencil. I mark the page with the date and my name. I list goals: thinking about skill level, shape, texture, the density and weight of the yarn, note about colors, types of yarn that might be interesting. A little brainstorm.
I start sketching. If I get a sketch that's worth keeping, I take a photo of it because I don't have a scanner. I get out the hooks and start swatching. Today I need to get to the swatching phase.
Sherill, and any of you who would like to contact me directly, may at Ellen @ GoCrochet . com (take out the spaces).
Out comes my book of items that either I've already designed but just looking for a match or my sketchbook. In this case, out comes the sketchbook and my "Ideas" folder. My ideas folder is various sketches and snippets of colors, notes on shapes and textures to see if any of these ideas still capture my interest.
The sketchbook... I need a very sharp pencil. I mark the page with the date and my name. I list goals: thinking about skill level, shape, texture, the density and weight of the yarn, note about colors, types of yarn that might be interesting. A little brainstorm.
I start sketching. If I get a sketch that's worth keeping, I take a photo of it because I don't have a scanner. I get out the hooks and start swatching. Today I need to get to the swatching phase.
Sherill, and any of you who would like to contact me directly, may at Ellen @ GoCrochet . com (take out the spaces).
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Brocade Afghan
There has been some buzz recently on Crochet Partners about my Brocade Afghan. It appears a few brave souls are going to give it a try. Want to join them? Here's the link to the free pattern.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Weekend Cardigan
Monday, November 9, 2009
It's all a blur...
Friday, November 6, 2009
Sweets new home
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Crochet Treasure
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Striped Shoulder Bag Revealed!
Find this free pattern HERE on Coats & Clark's website! I hope you like it. I love this bag and have one for myself.
By the way, I have 3 hanks of the blue/purple Lorna's Laces Shepherd Bulky, as seen yesterday that needs a good home. Look for a giveaway soon!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
knit fasten off
Monday, November 2, 2009
Halloween 2009
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