Saturday, May 31, 2008
Doris Chan's new blog
Friday, May 30, 2008
Book Hooked on Murder
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Adding Beads
You can also use a "Big Eye Needle" but I couldn't find mine! I'll have to get some more and show it to you.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Crochet Audit
Yesterday was my "Audit" day. I didn't crochet at all, but spent the day going through my latest items that need to be done/shipped soon. Which one still needs to be tagged? Which one needs another revision on the instructions? Which one needs ends woven in? I started a chart to keep it all straight and so I can see at a glance what's left to do.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Red flower
I did get some crocheting done (I have no idea how) and I hope to get you some sneak peeks later this week.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
baby gift
Friday, May 23, 2008
Joan Avasconcelos
Thursday, May 22, 2008
remind me about this quote when I appear on What not to Crochet
A successful person is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks that others throw at him or her.
Now for a photo:
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
I crochet so SLOW!!!
It's an exciting crochet time my friends! There is much on the horizon though it feels like nothing is being revealed right now, it's coming. It seems like all the magazines come out at the same time. I just received my issue of Crochet! yesterday, and it makes me want to start submitting to it again. I haven't submitted in quite a while because I've just been busy with other directions. Also, every design I make, I really do try and think of which magazine/buyer would be most likely to fit with the design in style/complexity/yarn etc.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Sneak Peek
Monday, May 19, 2008
Sneak Peek
I have learned something about myself lately, I underestimate the amount of yarn I will need too often for fear of asking for "too much". To rectify this situation, I have begun to ask yarn companies to send just a little "more", then if I have extra, I would be willing to return the surplus or.... offer the "extra" as a prize on my blog. That way it still helps promote the yarn, I get what I need, and you have a chance to win! WooHoo! I'm stock-piling some yummy leftovers as we speak! Unfortunately it might even be a few months before I can be sure that the extras won't be needed, but there are several that I am 100% positive that they will be available to GIVE!
Saturday, May 17, 2008
A Day in the Life....
6:00 DH leaves and I go back to sleep. Thank you God for one more hour.
7:10 My clock radio wakes me up and it seems like the radio station is always playing Billy Idol's "Mony Mony" which I hate. I vow to change the station, and then I forget. I attempt to get up quietly, turning on as few lights as possible, not evening flushing the potty for fear it might wake the kids prematurely spoiling my cherished 20 minutes of quiet. I check my e-mail and attend to any e-mails that need immediate attention.
7:30 Wake the kids. Dear God, please let them get up easy today. Hustle, hustle, dress, breakfast, brush hair, brush teeth, did I remember Chickee's lunch and her 10:00 snack? Was it my turn to bring Chief's class a snack? Is today a payment day? Did I brush MY teeth?
8:30 Out to the driveway to wait for Chickee's bus. Say a few quick prayers since I have a captive audience. Wave goodbye to the bus even though I'm sure Chickee's not watching. Maybe somebody's child is watching me wave goodbye. Get Chief into the car and take him to pre-school.
9:00 Goodbyes and hugs at pre-school. Off to Jazzercise! Whew, everybody got everywhere on time. Dance, dance, joke, laugh...
10:30 An hour of free time to run to the bank, run to the grocery, grab a do-nut, check my e-mail at the library, make a few phone calls, or sit in the car and crochet while I wait for Chief to get out of school.
11:30 "MOM!" Chief runs out of preschool, we head home. If I need to go to the post office I need to do it now and quick before they close for lunch at 12:00. (There's no post office near Chief's preschool, otherwise I could do it during my free hour).
12:00 Lunch. Try to persuade Chief to eat ANYTHING other than pizza, or a "pizza sandwich" or "pizza chicken"... check e-mail.
12:30 Finally, I get a shower. Chief plays the computer.
1:00 I finally get to start crocheting. Stop crocheting to read Chief a Scooby-Doo book, get back to crocheting, but stop to get Chief his 2:00 snack. Get back to crocheting while we watch tv or Chief does puzzles. Stop to do laundry, answer the phone, do the dishes, clean up a spill...
Sometimes Chief has his cousin over and they are off playing.
4:30 Chickee gets home from school. We do homework, she gets a snack. The kids start to figure out if they are going outside to play. Chickee starts asking 'what's for dinner'? and then whining 'I hate (insert dinner item here)' and follows with 'why can't I have Spaghetti-O's?' The Grumpy Zombies invade my kids' bodies and they are inconsolable about.... a bumped knee, so-and-so's not sharing!, it's my turn, 'Mom, s/he called me a name' 'why can't we have Skyline for dinner?'
*("Mom?", "What?"), "Mom, I was talking first;" repeat from * 24 times; 48 "Mom?"
5:00-6:30 Crochet in between thinking about dinner, doing more laundry, "oh, my this house is a mess" straightening up, unload the dishwasher, check e-mail, check Ravelry...
6:30-7:30 Captain gets home, they play outside while I do...Dinner prep. Call 'em in to eat, dinner dishes, pack lunches for tomorrow...
8:00 Beg the kids to get ready for bed, take a bath, read a book, look at I can has cheeseburger on line while the kids roar with laughter.
9:00 Whew! The best part of the day! THANK You to GOD We are all home, safe, healthy, etc. Crochet, watch tv, read, until 11:00.
Now that I look at it, it's a wonder I am as productive as I am!
Friday, May 16, 2008
Nashua Cilantro
Thursday, May 15, 2008
A CLEAN iron!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Last Sneak Peek from 2006
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Lint Free Crochet
Monday, May 12, 2008
Rowan 4ply Cotton
Tomorrow, I'm going to try to post more about what I do to keep yarn and projects clean (and lint/hair) free.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Sneak Peek
Friday, May 9, 2008
No Cat Fur Allowed!
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Sneak Peek
Here's the Schedule of "A Day in the Life" posts. I lifted this directly from Robyn at Crochet by Faye, without her knowledge or permission, but since she started this whole thing and I'm giving her credit (and she stated it so well), here it is. Any errors are my fault;
Here's the schedule*:
Monday, May 12th --- Amie, owner of NexStitch, Art Teacher, and Crochet Designer
Tuesday, May 13th--- Mary Beth, Author of the Secret Language of Knitters, Host of Getting Loopy, Bunny Parent, Mom, and Crochet Designer
Wednesday, May 14th--- Margaret, Fiber Design Veteran, Author of scores of fiber books, Grandmother, and Crochet Designer
Thursday, May 15th--- Amy, Tech editor, Author of Knits for Bears to Wear, Mom, Moving to remote Alaska, and Crochet Designer
Friday, May 16th--- Vashti, CGOA board Member, Mom, and Crochet Designer
Saturday, May 17th--- Ellen, Mom, Afghan Maven, and Crochet Designer *** uh, that's me***
*And add, "and so much more" to the end of each of these great ladies' names. Exciting right? I know!
Can't wait for next week? Then mosey over to Kim Werker's Blog. Kim posted on 5/5/8 her day in the life.
What fun! Thanks Robyn for starting this whole adventure.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Chickee's Jeans
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Don't try to kill this yarn!
Monday, May 5, 2008
Setting the Stage
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Charlie finds wool
Given any number of crocheted projects around the house, guaranteed, Charlie will find the one made of wool. He loves it. I wish you could hear this cat Meow, he is loud and persistent, especially at dinnertime, and when he wants a T-R-E-A-T. Matter-of-fact, anything that rhymes with T-R-E-A-T cause much meowing. Eat, Street, Meet, Sweet.... all causes Charlie to go into a fit of meowing. Sometimes, he even figures it out when I spell it.
To get this back to crochet, I have made Charlie a crocheted dinner bowl mat. It is a big Hexagon that is under his dish. He also sleeps in a crocheted, felted, cat bed. He also has his own "blankie" for the car ride to the vet.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Great Friends
I had an interesting experience last night. I went to a business event for my DH and the company he works for. Clients and former employees were all invited 500? people. Anyway, It's that general 'cocktail' party atmosphere where everyone networks, and you chat for a few minutes then someone moves on. I'm fairly social, so it's ok, I can talk to just about anybody. But it's interesting the questions I get, "How are the kids" is usually the first, then maybe, "what's new with you?". And I always have to assess, are they asking because they are interested and want to KNOW, or are they asking because they are bored while their companion is busy talking with my husband? So then, I have to decide, do I want to mention crochet or not? Am I going to reveal my dirty little secret, risk ridicule, and risk being patronized with my little 'hobby'. Then, if I mention crochet, do I brag? How do I show people that for me crochet is a profession and it's business (and fun), without bragging. And will they think it is interesting or will they think it is amusing?
My usual line is, "I design crochet patterns for yarn companies and magazines". Of course, I had on a crocheted backpack (too convenient to wear a backpack to these things, leaves your hands free for shaking and sipping).
I don't really have a point, I just think it's interesting that I sometimes feel shy about sharing my love for crochet because of the fear of being found 'amusing'. Sometimes I get great responses, like, "I Crochet too!" (That makes me really happy), and of course, the typical, "my mother, aunt, grandmother crocheted". Still, I guess I'd rather speak up and risk it, than stand meekly and let them think that I don't have any interests beyond what project my DH is currently working on!