For those of you that REALLY know me, you know how hard today is on my husband and me. While we didn't lose a loved one on this tragic day 13 years ago, my husband and I were both actively serving in the military, He was in the Air Force Honor Guard and I was in the Navy Ceremonial Guard. We were both stationed in Washington, D.C. when the attack happened on the Twin Towers in New York, and even closer to home for us when the Pentagon was hit. The post were were stationed on, Bolling Air Force Base/ Annacostia Annex, was just on the other side of the Potomac river and subsequently a stones throw from the Pentagon. The smoke was so intense that day, the base was locked down and I was heading home on a plane to get my kids. I will never forget the feeling of not being with the man I loved and not being able to call him because the cell towers were so bogged down you couldn't get a call to connect. I can't imagine what those people were thinking not being able to get a hold of their loved ones and not knowing what was going on in the towers and the Pentagon. Furthermore, I can't image being on an airplane that I knew was going down and making that final call home to say you love someone and in the same breath saying good bye. My heart breaks today for the families affected by this tragedy.. I WILL NEVER FORGET!!!!!
Now for my card...
I chose to use the Sanded Pencil Technique and it was so much fun. I stamped my firefighter on very vanilla and left him colorless... I used red, white and blue for my background in honor of the USA. I tore the background symbolizes our nation being torn up and I layered the image on top of two equal strips of red cardstock symbolizing the Twin Towers... This was an emotional card to put together today but I am happy with how it turned out... Thank you so much for taking the time to stop by. I would love to know what you think so please leave me a comment...
Inky Hugs!!!