However, before I packed my bags I made something I'd like to share with you. May I present to you... My Field of Tulips Hangers! (The only thing I lacked was time to make decent pictures of them.)
I made these because I was so looking forward to spring. I hope you like them. The tutorial and pattern will follow soon. If you can't wait that long and you want to give your hangers a crochet coat like right away, may I suggest you buy a copy of the Big Comic Relief Crafternoon Magazine, to which I contributed other patterns to spruce up your hangers. ;-)
Before I end this post, I would like to ask your attention once again for the Smitten Blanket. I know some of you are already making it - which truly fills me with happiness! For everyone is making one and sharing photos of it: I would really appreciate it if you tag it #smittenblanket on social media, because in a while I'd love to make a compilation on this blog of all the Smitten Blankets around the globe. And also because I just love to see all your blankets. ;-) Thanks so much, I really appreciate your help!
These two lovely ladies are making the blanket:
♦ The amazing Smilena, who had already made four squares the day after I posted the pattern: *click*. Wow! And since then she has made even many more squares *click*.
♦ The talented Ellebel, you can find her progress on the Smitten Blanket here on Instagram *click*.
♦♦♦ Thanks for your kind visit. Happy weekend to you! ♦♦♦