Showing posts with label Turkey. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Turkey. Show all posts

Friday, June 6, 2014

New Machine in Turkey

Well, Saturday, hubby and I went to Ulos, one of the many shopping areas here in Ankara.  We somehow communicated to a store clerk that we needed a new adapter (mostly by pointing to the broken adapter).  Luckily, the man spoke just enough English to tell us, "Light...signal...right...elektrik."  Okay, got it.  Off we went, got the adapter, walked around some, I got prices on some inexpensive machines should the adapter still not work and I found a fabric store that carried some cottons!  I bought a few gingham-type checks and got a few colors as fill ins for a few projects I had.  ;)  And then home.  I tried the new adapter with my Janome Jem and still nothing.  I get power and then an error display message so it must need some work or it's just not taking the 220v power. 

I've been cutting "kits" and pinning project pieces together so I was staying busy during the day.  I'm not sure but I must have had the most pitiful look ever on my face because on Sunday night, hubby told me I should go back to Ulos on Monday and get myself a new sewing machine.  Saturday they had a Singer for around $200 US dollars.  I really didn't want a Singer but hey, I didn't want to complain.  I'm unemployed now, you know.  lol

So, on Monday, I got out the English/Turkish dictionary and wrote down a few phrases like "left" and "right" for the taxi ride and "how much".  :)  Before I was ready to leave, I called one of the wives that I've become friends with, Debbie.  I told her my plan and she eagerly said she would go with me.  I almost climbed through the phone line to kiss her!!  lol  I would've gone alone but she's been here for three years and knows a little Turkish, how to get to Ulos and is just knowledgeable about things here.  Talk about relief!!

This photo is behind the main street.  The shops go for blocks but the "main street" is where the sewing machine stores are.  They have Pfaff, Juki, Singer, Janome....just about anything you would want.  A lot of friends and family have asked if I have to wear a scarf or keep my head covered.  There are many Muslims here, from the full black dress with just their eyes showing to ladies who wear the trench coat and scarf to just a head scarf.  I know there are names for all of those garments but I don't know them.  If I take time to look it up, I'll never get my post done!  lol

So, below is the machine I got.  It's not a Singer and it wasn't $200.  lol  I'm telling you, it's a wonder Richard even lets me come to visit him!  :oD  This week I blew up the iron!!!  lol  Anyway, this hobby machine was just over $400 US dollars so it's not horribly priced and I'm hoping when I come back in September, toward the end of that visit, I'll be able to sell it on the expat site since it's 220v and I won't be able to use it at home.  So far, she's been doing a great little job.  Since I had some of my "kits" ready to go, I was able to start sewing strips together for a Yellow Brick Road quilt.  She's nice and quiet and would've been a nice extra machine if she wasn't 220v.

None of the fabrics I brought with me looked good with the YBR monkey fabric so I sure was glad I picked up those ginghams on Saturday.  The brown seemed to work just fine. It looks kind of crazy in the photo but it's just a small check.

I also sewed my granddaughter Emily a little soft counting book.  It was an easy panel and it was all cut and pinned together.  I just had to sew it up.  I can't wait to see her and give it to her.  I'm sure it'll go right in her mouth!  :)

Well, it's raining heavy hear and it's after 10:00 a.m. and I'm still in my jammies!  Love, love, LOVE days like today!  TGIF!!

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Munich, Germany

I was only in Turkey for a few days before we went on a little vacation.  Hubby took a week off of work and we went to Germany.  I had no idea how close Austria, Italy and Switzerland were to Germany.  I believe I was gazing out the window during high school Geography!  I really need to study a map!
Anyway, hubby picked this fabulous hotel in Munich.  The people who own it are very nice.  The staff was all fluent in English which made asking "tourist" questions a lot easier.  We stayed here for two days.
We arrived at the hotel at about 5:30, or maybe later.  It's all a blur.  lol  The staff told us we were about 3 or 4 blocks away from this palace.  The grounds/garden was open but the palace was closed.  He let me use this book so I could read about it.  I'm glad we were so close to it because it was worth the walk!

The first thing we came to was an opening and we could see this beautiful garden.  We walked in and strolled at first and then picked up our pace as the sun was going down and we wanted to see as much as we could.

There were several buildings on the property which in the book said were "guest" cottages.  (Bigger than my house times 3!)  Then we came to an opening and saw the palace.  Oh my.  To think this is a working palace.  So beautiful.

I'm having a heck of a time loading pictures with this weak Internet in Turkey. I hope to share a few more pics soon...if it doesn't cause my blood pressure to rise too much.  :) 

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Darci's Dress Up, Part 1??

Look at me trying to be a good little blogger and post some updates!!  :o)

I haven't figured out the sewing machine situation yet so in the meantime, I'm plugging along on prep work.  Doing what I can to prepare for when I have a working machine here in Turkey. 

I've had this pattern and layer cake kit for...oh, about two years I guess.  That must be my "simmer time" because that seems to be my average of projects I brought with me.  I guess I had to bond with my fabrics and kits raising a family.  Hold 'em tight and then let them go.  hehe

Anyway, no sewing but there is quite a bit of prep work for this project, Darci's Dress Up.  The dresses need to be fused onto squares of background fabric.  I'm using Steam a Seam 2  I'm hoping it doesn't make them to stiff but I'm guessing this will be a wall hanging and hopefully, it will be fine.  (Sorry for the poor quality photos.  My camera's on the charger.)

The need to be fused, attached by blanket stitch, blind stitch or whatever your choice is.  I'm probably going to blind stitch them on.  There are collars, sleeves and pockets.  You can also add embellishments like lace, rickrack, buttons.  I brought a few things but not a lot.  We'll see how far this project goes.
I brought a charm pack of 30's but not big pieces.  I'm not thrilled with all of the fabrics I have to use but I'm going to go for it.  The background blocks and dresses are okay but once I pulled all that I liked, there wasn't much left for the little "pinwheel" border. 
I'm guessing it'll take me some time to get the dresses done so who knows, I might be home by then.  lol 
We'll be going to Munich in a few days and will be gone for a week.  Thus the Part 1, question marks.  Who knows what I'll get done while I'm here.  :o)

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Attempting to sew in Turkey...

I have my little sewing space all set up in the living room of my hubby's apartment.  We moved me out of the back bedroom so I could have access to the internet to use the wifi for music on my tablet or to watch tv while sewing if I wanted to.  Um....since I blew up the tv in the back room last time I was here.  lol

I brought a suitcase full of things to sew since I'll have quite a bit of time to myself while the hubby is at work.  When we're not traveling, I'll be playing with fabric.  Things I bought quite a while ago and didn't have time because of work or because of someone named Emily.  :)

The first thing I thought I would try is this little kit that I bought probably two years ago on a quilt run.  I bought it at a favorite little shop called Stars and Scraps in Corona.  I always find something cute in that store!
I got about almost to the last step of adding the bottom binding and my machine went kapooey.  The machine quit working, gave me a beep and message on the screen that I'm sure has something to do with the power difference between our 110 and Turkey's 220 power.  Grrrr.  And this is with the surge protector I'm using.  I was "very" persistent and turned the hand wheel to finish the binding.  This might be my only finish while I'm here.  :(
This caddy is a pretty generous size of almost 9" across and almost 6" tall.  I love the fabrics in the kit.  They were very generous with the amount of fabric that came in the kit too.  
Pockets on the inside although they're flimsy so my stuff wants to fall over.

Well, off to see what I can cut up and get things ready for sewing....whenever that happens.  When I thought I blew this machine up on my last visit, hubby took it to have it fixed.  Maybe he'll remember where he took it and we can take it back in.  Either that or maybe I can find a little used machine in one of the shops here.  There are about three machine stores we've seen in sopping area, Janome, Pfaff and Singer.  I ought to be able to find something, right?  lol

Friday, November 29, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving to you! I didn't have to host Thanksgiving this year so I got a little extra time to play instead of cleaning.  :o)
I found a picture of these little turkeys on Pinterest.  There were no instructions but I could tell they were made with the Stampin' Up! owl punch and scallop punch.  I have both (of course!).  hehe  I made little candy bags.  We didn't need anything more to eat during but they were too cute to pass up.

I also bought some cake pops to take to our 'feast'.  I bought these from my friend, Becca.  She does an amazing job.  I only took a picture of two of them because the little cellophane reflection was too much for a good photo.  Love the turkeys eyes.

Like many, I baked today.  I made two pumpkin pies and a pumpkin streusel bundt cake.  Yum!!

Tomorrow I hope to get my Christmas bins out and get started decorating.  I pulled stash fabric for Bonnie Hunter's Celtic Solstice and the clue is being released tomorrow.  I have so many UFO's so I was kind of on the fence on whether or not to do it.  I think I'm going to but I won't be able to start it until the week so I can get the house decorated. 
Have a great weekend!

Friday, August 30, 2013

Hello from Ankara, Turkey!

Hello there.  Just a quick check in from Turkey.  I got here late last Saturday to visit my hubby and to take a little vacation with him.  It's already a vacation for me but he gets an R&R trip every six months with this company he's working for.
Tomorrow I'll do some laundry and we'll pack our bags for Ireland.  I'm so excited and can't wait.  Turkey has been very warm the last few days so the cooler temps in Ireland will be wonderful.
This was the sunset a few days ago.  I haven't really taken too many pictures yet but I'll make up for that in a few days.  :o)

I got to do some sewing this week while Richard was at work.  Did some blocks for a UFO and made my daughter Ashley a nursing cover.  I'll share pics of those next week.
Have a great Labor Day!!