I made this little block quite a while ago. In March as a matter of fact. I had to go search my blog and found the
post. I wasn't even sure if it was THIS YEAR that I finished it but I'm glad to say it was, even though it was seven months, 6 days ago! (Do I need to admit again that I have finishing issues.)

Basically, I've been moving this poor little block from table to bin to counter top in my sewing room. When I was cleaning up my sewing room the other day, I remembered that I had bought a couple of 8" square picture frames from Tall Mouse (our CA equivelant to Hobby Lobby stores). I went and searched for where I stashed the frame and look at how perfectly my little stitchery fits inside! I told my sister last night, "Now all I have to do is to find an empty table to display it." Eeegads, it's hard to have so many flaws!!
Wednesday I received block #3 of the BOM I'm doing. I messed up cutting my pink border (flaw, flaw) on block #1 so they were sending me another strip with this month's kit. I still had to piece my border but I didn't care. I figure when it's quilted, no one will notice and if they do, I'll kick them out of my house. LOL So I finished block #1 and sewed it to block #2. This is going to be such a pretty quilt!! I don't what came over me with this one. I don't drink tea, I don't have pink anywhere in my house and I'm don't usually like sparkly. I folded under pressure from Robin, Peggy and Michelle!!!!

This is a peek of my project I'm finishing up for Joyce, my Brown Bag Buddy. I got the binding on last night but I think it might need a little bit of embellishment. I used my Juki to quilt it and it's been a while since I've quilted anything. I marked some parts first so I might do it a little more even.

Since it's a smaller project, I just signed the back. I need to get a new marker. This one was a little bit dry.
My girls are having a yard sale at our house tomorrow. I hope to get some sewing done and put out some Fall decorations. Hope you have a nice weekend.
that is the perfect frame. All your projects came out cute. Job well done!
The framed quilt block is sooooo sweet!! And my birthday is next month!! He-he!! Your BOM is coming along, too!
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