While standing in line at the check out at the market, I overheard two girls in front of me talking about what their plans were for Valentines night. Apparently they were going on a double date with their prospective love interests and left the details and plans up to them as to where and what time....
Cell phones rings and one of the girls is carrying on a conversation and hangs up. She then tells the other girl what restaurant and what time these guys will be over to pick them up......9:00pm.
9:00? Really? There is no way I could eat dinner at 9:00 due to indigestion and at that time of night the dinner dishes are washed , Eric has worked on the computer, I have folded the laundry and put it away, watched a little TV, taken a shower, put on my PJ's and sat on the couch either holding hands with Eric or if he's watching a program I don't like....then I'M on the computer engulfed in Pinterest. He will then kiss me goodnight and go upstairs and fall asleep while reading a book and I will be crafting or roaming the house till about midnight
Now that's love....I'm just sayin'